Y2Kyoto: Follow The Science

Into the void;

A new study by a team of mostly San Francisco Bay Area scientists that found human-caused climate warming has increased the frequency of extremely fast-spreading California wildfires has come into question from the unlikeliest of critics—its own lead author.

Patrick T. Brown, climate team co-director at the nonprofit Breakthrough Institute in Berkeley and a visiting research professor at San Jose State University, said his Aug. 30 paper in the prestigious British journal Nature is scientifically sound and “advances our understanding of climate change’s role in day-to-day wildfire behavior.”

But Brown this week dropped a bomb on the journal—as well as his study’s co-authors who are staunchly defending the team’s work. In an online article, blog post and social media posts, Brown said he “left out the full truth to get my climate change paper published,” causing almost as much of a stir as the alarming findings themselves.

Brown wrote that the study didn’t look at poor forest management and other factors that are just as, if not more, important to fire behavior because “I knew that it would detract from the clean narrative centered on the negative impact of climate change and thus decrease the odds that the paper would pass muster with Nature’s editors and reviewers.” He added such bias in climate science “misinforms the public” and “makes practical solutions more difficult to achieve.”

32 Replies to “Y2Kyoto: Follow The Science”

    1. Sorry, Brown … no morals, no backbone. A late apology does not fix what you did. Join Biden and Gore in North Dakota with your reputation ruined.

  1. Well, stop being green nutcases would be a good start.. Who doesn’t like clean?.. Who doesn’t dislike pollution?..
    The politics of zero carbon has overrun our ABILITY to see it as a UPGRADE.. This is a problem..

    1. I know I lied it, but it was a really big government subsidy check.
      Trying to make money in San Francisco as a scientist is hard.

  2. I’m actually shocked that he had the integrity to come right out and admit this. Good for him. He’s not saying anything that the more well-informed of us didn’t already know, but the fact that this will generate discussion over the amount of overt corruption (which they hardly even bother trying to hide anymore) in the peer review process is a definite bonus.

    (I expect KM will be upset by this, though…)

  3. I have sometimes thought of doing something similar on the CBC call-in: Cross Country Check-up. Tell the moderator gate keeper what they want to hear in order to get on the air, and then blast away with my real feelings about the hoax and especially the “most get back more than they pay” ruse. It’s tempting but then I come to my senses and realize it’s a complete waste of time for the typical CBC listener.

    1. Brian, there’s a very good chance that no one other than the DJ will hear what you said if you call CBC.

  4. Government loves green.. That what used to be maintained now gets fenced off and given a little plaque.. Natural habitat for road kill.. Grasslands :).. or how about some mosquito breeding swamp?.. Big savings.. Raises and promotions all around..

    Why cities need this idiotic green micromanagement is beyond my understanding.. Pick a spot and give it to the beavers but can I have a maintained walking trail?.. Must I get nothing all the time?..

    Don’t even get me started on trees.. The only people who like them don’t own them.. They grow like weeds because they are weeds.. Little more than green peppers..

    1. And they got paid for it. Climate-Industrial Complex for the win. An entire generation of ‘climate scientists’ supporting their families with lies approved by their paymasters.

  5. Oh please, just stop! Here’s the “preferred narrative”. It’s us, not them.
    It took some time…but this is what it’s all about. Who knew? I did. And I’d bet more than a few on this board.
    If you’ ve ever wondered why on Earth they chose a gas that is the breath of life on this planet…wonder no more.
    Cows today…humans tomorrow. Wake up!!!

    1. “We are saving lives from the existential threat. and you must die so that others may live.”

      “Who will live and when?”

      “People who haven’t been born yet, 100 years in the future; if we don’t abort them.”

      “But I’m alive now.”

      “We must kill the existential threat.”

  6. I have been informing, talking with and showing relative material to anyone who will listen ( that doesn’t amount to many). That includes my MP Garnett Genius (Sherwood Park) , Danielle Smith and many Wild Rosers.
    It simple, Agenda21 laid out the plans for control of the population through regulation, taxes, laws. Starting with the small municipal governments first then up through the larger entities of government.
    Choosing CO2 was no accident, but purposeful. Hard to measure, easy to fleece the normies ( green house theory)
    There is no waking up the 90% of sheep. They will dutifully obey, without question.

  7. and I’m pretty sure that California will use this paper to claim there is nothing wrong with their forest maintenance policies that don’t clear undergrowth and fallen fuel

  8. Boy, it’s a good thing that pharmaceutical companies and government “scientists” never leave critical results out when pushing their products and policies just because billions of dollars are on the line.

    1. “I’ll “Follow the Science” when, and only when, science follows scientific methods.”

      Well said. My thoughts exactly…it’s the one thing that they categorically *refuse* to do.

      (and we all know why)

      I miss the days when scientists told the truth, rather than just parroting propaganda that will keep them employed.

  9. Human caused ?
    Another scientist says that humans breathe too much oxygen and give off climate changeable gases. They then tell us it’s OK to bring in fifty-five million aliens into Canada and America. No wonder we’re having such bad forest fires.
    Getting rid of illegals will stop fires and noxious gases.

    1. They have not learned to even take good shoes or food into forests. This should be part of immigrant training 101:

      1) how to never use your matches or lighter at home or outdoors;
      2) never EVER go into the woods without a licensed field guide coach (good green jobs for normally-raised Canadians who had good parents)
      3) guess what: wilderness trails have no signs nor pavement

      North Shore Rescue in metro-Van busier than ever …


    2. works for me .. Environmental Loving Terrorist. Illegals and immigrants playing outdoors is terrifying. Less would be a lot more.

      I knew not to play with fire at age 3 to 4. And to dress for weather. Mountain tops are cold in July.

  10. Greeny forest management practices add to the mix of very naive new North American humans, for sure. Enviro/climate degrees are no longer STEM, as it is a new religion, not real science anymore;
    ergo, the new/recent grads give terrible advice. Even the first nations figured this out, even though they did not have other cool stuff.

    Climate grads need to chat with and be an intern for a year with a real, live retiring park ranger before writing anything or giving advice to ANYONE.

    Preserves with greeny policies that do not burn off excessive underbrush or refuse to chop a few older trees created the 27% of California fires not caused by excessively stupid people (73%) who never slept a tent (urban homeless excluded) nor learned at age 5 to not leave trash for actual carnivore creatures like bears or wolves nor omnivore rats.

    Ditto for Australia with their own animals and Canada.

    The media just LOVES forest fires to scare people. Reporting on minus 30 below weather just does NOT fit the greenie narrative and they get paid for the narrative in Canada by Trudeau II.

    Al Gore: I challenge you to spend your fading years in North Dakota, re-working your book. Take Biden too, and all other spouting-off greenies that you can find who live in sunbelts.

  11. Why do so many people have this delusion that “scientists” are not the same flawed humans as the rest of the population?

  12. In my experience, most working university “scientists” would make good livings as used car salesmen.
