Thursday On Turtle Island

Dementia Joe’s America:  This time it’s not Russia, Russia, Russia. It’s Hitler, Hitler, Hitler.  Hate is now inclusive.

Blackie’s Canada:  Christmas in Canada.  More on the Hamas Eaton Centre rally.  Hamas thanks Trudeau.  The Guilbeault claims were false.  And Justin rewards his friends.

Global Warming Scam News:  China wants North America to go Green.  Third World nations must suffer to save the planet.

Your morning meme.  Bonus meme.  A cartoon.

17 Replies to “Thursday On Turtle Island”

  1. “China is behind some of the radical green initiatives being pushed in the United States.”
    And you could also write:
    The US is behind some of the radical green initiatives being pushed in Canada.
    Joe I-just-shit-myself Biden cancelled Keystone on what, his 2nd day behind the desk? Not to mention all the Watermelon groups that have been at it for decades. Or Californian morons complaining about dirty Albertan oil when some of their oil is just as “bad”.
    So tough shit.
    Canada has everybody attacking it from the US to the Chicoms to all its traitorous homegrown scum.

    People in the US are calling Trump a Nazi.
    People in Canada are calling Poilievre Trump.
    Lots of name-calling but it all comes down to who is the least traitorous because Follow The Money.
    Or just look at Obummer’s net worth – Barack’s Life Matters.

  2. Funny how JT says a ceasefire is required in Gaza but not in Ukraine. Is it that some civilian lives matter more than others? Or, in more Canadian terms, that some voter blocks matter more than others?

    1. That’s easy to understand, Justin and his merry band of idiots is calling for Hudna, so that Hamas has the opportunity to rest and rearm.

  3. Bloody sh$t lib retards that participate in these so-called “demonstrations” at malls, etc. You are seriously going to align yourselves with cowardly pieces of human garbage like that tough guy Pali with his face fully covered. Talk like that to a prairie boy with your face uncovered you piece of (fill in the blank)…

  4. Say Hello to your new Masters – FERAL KORANDERTHALS
    Marxism is awesome. Muslims can be the Oppresser or the victim.

    These scum offer nothing but misery and death to anyone. They(HAMAS Citizens) voted to pay Jihadis to kill joos.

    Plow these FILTHY DEPRAVED Feral Rat Humans into the sea. Exile Every Muslim from the West.

    At least we know where all their Jihadi Training Centres are….which will come in handy….just follow the Stench of Diversity and Child Rape

  5. Well, at least we know none of those children can ever be islamophobic. Their fear will be quite justified.

  6. Re: Biden framing Trump as “Hitler” … see my comment on the VDH article above. Once you claim someone is “Hitler” … you justify ANY actions against them … to STOP them … ANY … action. In the Leftist brain.

  7. The same mall would have you arrested for no face diaper. Yet, it allows this crap. Someone needs to become a tree decoration over this.

  8. Today Blackie burned jet fuel to Toronto, where he explained how he solved the housing crisis and trashed the Conservatives.

  9. How do I know Trump is not a Nazi or Hitler? Because if he was an authoritatrian socialist facist, the left would vote for him.

  10. The suffering of third world nations either by limiting their economic growth or by ensuring poor environmental conditions is a major pathway towards third world population reduction or the carbon reduction that watermelons are seeking. Green scammers are inherently racist.
