10 Replies to “Tuesday On Turtle Island”

  1. Lots of thoughts go through my head when I read, “Juthtin’s Tampon Plan”.

    Only plan that half-wit had was written on a napkin by a coked-out Telford & Butts to defraud the generally stupid and the patently naive voter: kill Canada in a bloodless coup.
    And they have succeeded.

    1. Obama has these wing nuts spinning like tops all the frickin time…
      To even put down your own bigotry as being a privileged white.
      Never saw that one coming through our government politicians… you’d think they’d have some pride or morals…but no all in these assholes of going over together in support.
      Can’t eat fish as it’s illegal… beavering a tree can’t be done without a government qualified beaver master..

    2. I like that John. He was one of my favorite authors of everyone I have read and I have read thousands.
      Can’t travel without a towel eh.

  2. “Justin Trudeau announces plans to install taxpayer-funded free tampon dispensers…”

    At least they admit that there is a cost to the “free” tampon dispensers… that’s better than most of the breathless reporting how “progressive” he is

  3. At 3:15 local in the hills of Spain, the sky has a haze of woodfired heating. Its special wood, almond, grape, fig, olive. Healthy too. Plus 2stroke chainsaw exhaust. Hmm.
    Gracias por la noticias del dia.
    Feliz Navidad

  4. Justin’s tampon plan
    What the point of being a trans brownshirt if you can’t kick somebody’s head in?.. Who doesn’t want campaign signs and slogans in every bathroom.. Sort your garbage for no reason at all..
