61 Replies to “Pollspotting!”

  1. I would like all doctors in Ottawa to be fully trained on social justice, especially any surgeons who operate on politicians.

    Alternatively they could just be First Nations certified in herbal medicine.

    1. A sad commentary on the absence of any spinal fortitude by what was once a self regulating profession. If they had the courage of their supposed convictions there would be no necessity for a poll, a sniffing the wind exercise to reinforce their flaccid profile. Sensing the rising dissatisfaction against Government interference they resort to a Poll.

    2. There aren’t enough doctors in Ontario, let alone in Ottawa. When my family physician retired in 2021, I had to wait at least 6 months before I found another doctor, and then, because of Covid restrictions, I didn’t actually meet the new doctor face-to-face until about a year later.

      So yes… Train what few doctors they have left in DIE. If those stupid and brainwashed people still living in Ottawa want to virtue-signal by keeping their heads buried in the sand, and living in their bubble where they see, hear, or speak no evil, then they deserve to get what’s coming to them

      1. Your lucky. I haven’t had a doctor since I left the army almost 30 years ago. Luckily I’m healthy, and have used walk in clinics a few times over the years. Unless you’re actually dying in a car crash doctors are pretty much useless anyway.

  2. Given the current state of the health care system, that they are even asking the question shows how far down the rabbit hole the country has fallen. Filling out the survey would be an utter waste of time. You can’t reason with unreasonable people. All truth is not relative.

    1. You see, if you don’t tell them, they don’t know.
      And say what you think, not what they want to hear.

      1. They probably already know what the public thinks of their insane plan, but like everyone else living in Ottawa’s bubble, they’ve become dependent on the feds’ funding, so they got bought off just like everyone else in Ottawa who is on the take.
        But tell them anyway, and let their conscience speak to them about what their doing… OTOH, they’re Godless, so they have now souls, and therefore no conscience to speak of. They really don’t care what the public thinks…

        …but tell them anyway. Sooner or later, they’re going to start seeing people building swing sets, and they’ll know it will be just for them.

  3. Sad trombone…

    My replies, there are only 2 freeform questions:
    1) Superb technical competence
    A friendly but neutral bedside manner
    Extreme diligence in pursuing test results and treatment participation
    Complete disconnection from any social justice or DEI narratives
    Strength of character to ignore propaganda from public health and medical associations towards providing the best treatments, not the “approved” treatments

    2) No. You are not on the right track when you concern yourself with social justice initiatives and narratives such as racism, inclusivity and climate nonsense. You should have a laser focus on actual medicine and patient outcomes and there should be zero resources wasted on teaching woke garbage to doctors.


    1. Yup, RN, my messages too, but you said them more clearly in point 2.

      Most professional colleges, including my own, need new unwoke life on boards.

      1. Thanks to everyone above. I plagiarized your comments and edited for my responses because they were FAR better than my initial ideas.

    2. I wish I would have seen your comments before I responded to the survey. I didn’t hold anything back, but your responses clearly covered more ground, and in a much more civilized manner than I could ever muster.

      Can anyone tell how angry this makes me feel? I lost dear family members due to medical incompetence, and these jack-wipes want to bring more meritless, and incompetent doctors into the field.

      1. I focused in on general health and interactions as opposed to be pill pushers, but made sure to mention “knows the difference between boys and girls because the insides are not the same. Which should not be news to anyone associated with a true medical field.”

        Yeah, I partly dropped the ball.

  4. My comment.
    It’s been reported you are pursuing values such as anti-oppression, anti-racism, and social justice, rather than medical expertise.
    If true, you’re not even on a track at all.

  5. I’d love them to let doctors and nurses freely share their opinions and thoughts on the vaccines and vaccine injuries.

    But the rcpsc probably don’t want to be hunted through the streets and watch their bloodlines be erased…

    1. David Jacobs was very outspoken throughout the entire pandemic about the vaccines. And he was in a perfect situation to know — radiologists diagnosed and treated some of the most severe COVID cases, as lung infections are one of their specialities.

      He found that there were far more unvaccinated patients in critical care than should have occurrred at random. Big fan of vaccination. He got awfully tired of arguing with the anti-vaxxers.

      1. Too bad they didn’t autopsy those in nursing homes who died shortly after being “vaccinated”.

      2. Why only the jab? Why not consider ivermectin, HCQ, etc?
        Why force the jab on healthy youth?

        1. +1, and part of my answer. “A good, patient focused medical professional should be willing to consider past medications not for whether they are currently under patent protection, but only on the basis of whether they have a history of working and has known and manageable side effects.”

        2. Because the scientific evidence that Ivermectin works on COVID is poor. Those studies that were of high quality — large scale, double blind and randomized controls, and so on — generally did not find benefit.

          1. “Patients who had had symptoms of Covid-19 for up to 7 days”
            That’s a long time to wait with taking ivermectin.

          2. Impfen Über Alles:

            It’s fascinating to speculate on why there’s so much support for Ivermectin, when the scientific evidence for its benefits for treating COVID is — at best — doubtful. What are people going on? Is it the instinct to run with the herd? Are people so eager to downplay vaccines that they’ll accept the efficacy of any alternative? It seems to have far more to do with culture than logic.

          3. The patients were between the ages of 30 and 85 years, and all had either overweight or obesity.

            The median age of the patients was 46 years; 56% were female (6% of whom were pregnant), and 52% had been vaccinated.

            Get back to me when your studies don’t have confounding factors I can drive a Freedom Convoy through.

            After everything we’ve learned about how utterly corrupted mainstream sciene has become, you’re still banging on about “BUT BUT BUT STUDIES”? Some people never learn.

          4. Even when Ivermectin works poorly on COVID it’s a very safe medication.

            So is baking soda, but it’s no damn good for COVID. Doctors are professionally obliged to use the best evidence-based treatments, and Ivermectin has not been proven effective.

            Furthermore, Ivermectin is safe when prescribed or administered by a doctor. It is NOT safe for do-it-yourselfers:


          5. Yeti:

            The VAERS dataset can NOT be used to directly draw conclusions from, as the sponsors of the site state outright. There are too many deficiencies in how the data is collected. As an example, anybody at anytime can just log in and report an “adverse effect”. It’s completely unverified. Nor is there any to determine whether an adverse effect is caused by the vaccine in question. All we know is that it occurred (assuming the reporter is honest) afterwords.

            The proper purpose of the dataset is to discover where future research may be warranted — that is all.

            That Senator Johnson should misuse and misrepresent the dataset in this way is pretty appalling.

          6. As if millions decided to file a vaers report just for the fun of it unorganized. Isn’t it much more likely that your experts received millions to structure a double blind not so blind study treating subjects much too late with too low a dose for only 3 days? Much like the experts after receiving millions insisting that covid didn’t come from a lab. Remember Fauzi was the science he was the one handing out all the government research funding to those that could find the desired conclusion.

          7. Yeti:

            So your defense of Ivermectin is based on (1) ignoring the specific warnings made in the VAERS database not to use it to draw conclusions from it and (2) accuse scientists who draw conclusions that you don’t like of lying.

            It’s clear that your gonna defend your belief in using Ivermectin for COVID to the very end, despite the paucity if evidence for it.

            Go for it. Ignore the evidence and wallow in your hunches.

          8. Why wouldn’t they lie? Can you name one expert who lost his job and had to return the funding they received? Accountability as we know it doesn’t exist in academia, on the contrary often academies get reworded cause they brought funding and prestige to the institution. That their work was based on sound science or just their imagination doesn’t matter. Look at Kristian Andersen Feb 28 2020 he said the virus looks unnatural, 6 million from Anthony and a few days later it was a natural spillover him and a few others insisted in a paper. The same paper Anthony later promoted insisting that the virus is natural. Neil Ferguson whose predictions during his professional career, the last 25 some years, all failed dramatically by many orders of magnitude including his covid prediction. He predicted 326,000 Canadians would die in 2020 and 5,169 actually did and with the with or from covid question at the time the 5,169 is a high number. Did he return the funding he got and has apologized?


    2. In BC it’s now illegal (like jail illegal) for a doctor to disagree with the government. This country is a sick joke and I hate it more and more everyday. No fixing this. Any country that can elect Trudeau twice is absolutely done.

      1. disagree.
        aaaaaand agree.
        in politics anything can happen. we know that.
        if the turdeau even winds up leading the opposition, and stays on,
        we are toast.

  6. I would have filled it out except they made it useless by wanting me to read a ton of crap before being able to respond. I guess this is their way of weeding out those who would give them a negative opinion of their proposals.

  7. Nancy Fowler, MD, CCFP, FCFP ​
    Anna Karwowska, MDCM, FRCPC ​
    Thomas Maniatis, MDCM, MSc, FRCPC ​
    Kannin Osei-Tutu, MD, MSc, CCFP ​
    Saleem Razack, MD, FRCPC ​
    Lisa Richardson, MD, MA, FRCP ​
    J. Damon Dagnone, MD, FRCPC, MSc, MMEd
    Linda Snell, MD, MHPE, FRCPC, MACP, FRCP (London), FCAHS
    Glen Bandiera, MD, FRCPC, BASc (Engin.), MEd

    I wonder how many patients these people see each year, and who is paying for this drive into lysenkoism

    1. I was tempted to track them all down on X to document the pronouns, but alas, I found Guinness in the fridge.

  8. Mine: Medical expertise is paramount. If I’m sick/injured, help expedite my recovery – ‘Wokeism’, (to utilize an annoying term currently in use), is neither desired nor appreciated

  9. 1) I mentioned critical thinking skill, like medical expertise without prejudice.
    2) I pointed out the mortality during the last 3 years and that I expect an explanation.
    I send them a screenshot so they can’t avoid it and play dumb. I hope they are only playing dumb. Wait a second they mentioned social justice in medical training, they are dumb.


  10. I brought up D.I.E and then mentioned manslaughter.
    Too strong?
    I’m drinking Beau’s Lug Tread, not Guinness.

  11. Survey is a joke. Too bad the medical profession didn’t stick to science in stead of political science (fiction).

  12. My closing statement. It was the best i could do:
    Bacteria, viruses, cancers and the like know no political, social, ethnic or cultural boundaries. They act as they have since the beginning of biological evolution, and will continue to act in the same way until biological life ceases to exist. Modifying universal truths to fit current cultural conditions is doing a disservice to the patient.

  13. in the comments box l pondered why the question was even being posed.
    ‘who picks feeling over the at times raw brutishness of medical necessities?’

    who indeed other than liberals.

  14. Told them to first do no harm. If that’s all they do its a win. Second, stop being shills for pharmaceutical companies and select treatments for effectiveness not to boost the commissions of pharmaceutical sales reps.

  15. I let them have it, both barrels. Unfortunately, they have not even widely published this survey within their members. I suspect they know what response they’ll get if they do.

  16. IMO the wokesters will not listen and instead just focus on D.I.E. Then when Canadians do start dying from the gross incomptence that they fueled, this group will accept NO RESPONSIBILITY. But I still did submit a response.

  17. Here’s what I wrote to them:

    You are barking mad. A physician has NO business spreading left-wing propaganda about “Anti-racism, Equity/Diversity/Inclusion, Humanism,
    Planetary health (climate/ecological crisis)”.

    He or she is NOT a doctor to the climate. They know bugger-all about the climate.

    This is just a really creepy attempt to push your sick fantasies on Canadians.

    You don’t seem to get it. There are only a certain number of hours available in a doctor’s training. And there is an immense amount for them to learn.


    This left-wing nonsense will kill people, and I’m not speaking figuratively. Doctors will not learn what they need to learn because you want to fill their heads with some kind of woo-woo nonsense, and PEOPLE WILL DIE.

    And their blood will be on YOUR hands.

    Look, I know this is harsh, but what you are planning is lethally misguided, stupid, and arrogant. What’s next? You want the engineers who build your bridges to not study statics and stresses, but instead study “Diversity”? OUR BRIDGES AND BUILDINGS WILL COLLAPSE.

    Give it up. Throw all this garbage in the rubbish bin, and focus on not killing people.

    Your hands will be the ones red with the blood of innocents if you go down this path, your peers will despise you, and history will not be kind to you.

    Don’t. Do. It.

    In all seriousness,


    Hope it fries their synapses.


  18. I’ve perused the CANMEDS document. It has nothing that surprises me but it still evokes a deep sense of disgust and grief to see in detail how completely the former profession of medicine has been hijacked by the advocates of leftist ideology.

    I say former because independence of thought, conscience, opinion speech and action are core elements of a profession. A profession has a moral foundation grounded in freedom of individual members. Once lost you no longer have a profession but merely an organization subject to the authority and whims of its political masters. Such an organization has no moral foundation.

    There is a significant proportion of the medical profession who disagree profoundly with the leftist ideology embodied by the CANMEDS project. How large this proportion is you should want to know but do not.

    The health authority communicates as though these people do not exist. They are considered a fringe minority of deplorables. They have been threatened and censored such that they are silenced for fear of loss of their careers.

    Those who hold Christian values are under threat if they follow their conscience in accordance with the teachings of their faith. In effect this is religious persecution. It is in fact the imposition of state sponsored godless Marxist ideology.

    A similar imposition of medical tyranny was utilized in Nazi Germany, with a similar shift from defending life to embracing death.

    It is very apparent that the poll under such conditions will not produce honest results but will become another means of furthering the existing agenda. The power is concentrated such that I hold little hope for restoration of this once honorable profession.

  19. CANMEDS is really just a fleshing out of the broader Marxist agenda. It does not specifically advocate for abortion, LGBTQ, and euthanasia because those agendas are already firmly entrenched. “Social justice” is just a euphemism for the next expansion of the Marxist tear down of society.

    I believe the health authorities have been emboldened by their great success in overcoming the principles of first do no harm and informed consent during the pandemic.

    It should be noted that while abortion and euthanasia clearly tear down the sanctity of life, it is critical to understand how the LGBTQ lifestyle dramatically reduces life expectancy and quality of life. The surgical and hormonal alterations of children is particularly catastrophic.

    The great founders of the profession like Sir William Osler who embraced Christian values in defending sanctity and quality of life would be horrified.
