92 Replies to “The Lawfare Archipelago: Canada’s Longest Mischief Trial Continues…”

      1. Don’t worry.
        Our descendants will certainly remember the generation, that just when Freedom for Man was in sight, let it all slip away.
        With nary a whimper and on bended knee.
        History’s Least of Men.
        Oh yes, our cowardice will be noted, reviled and remembered throughout eternity.

  1. Meanwhile future PM Poilievre -selected by the Elites- ain’t doing shit about anything. He’s all in for the menstrual stuff in weak men’s rooms too.
    Vote out Trudeau, vote in more of same

    Canada has a national IQ of 98.

    1. Still waiting for Pierre to say something about the things that were done to us during the pandemic.

      1. Still waiting for Pierre to explain why he waited for favorable polling about truckers before he supported them…

        1. Remember his slander against Christine Anderson?

          PP is a band aid against Spendy McBlackface Hairdo’s Successful Cultural Marxist Gangrene
          We don’t need someone to do what is right, we need one that will do what is necessary.

          Stop the entry of Muslims for a start. We have enough already. Start sending them back.

          1. Muslims should not be allowed anywhere outside of their own countries.
            They simply cannot live along side of anyone who isn’t one of them.
            However, when they run out of infidels and Jews to kill, they kill each other.

            Sunni vs Shea
            Iraq vs Iran
            You get the picture. .. They are all addicted to killing.

        2. Still wondering why you think PP could have done anything about the truckers or Covid put the blame where it belongs on the Liberals

          1. He could have spoken out. Silence is complicit. He could ask, for example, about the excess deaths in Canada. Why are so many people dying? What is Dr. Tam’s explanation for that? He has not done anything but go on and on about “common sense” while Canadians are dying by the thousands more than usual.

          2. The next comment by Justin Burch, says something about ” so many people dying.” I hate to rain on anyone’s parade, but the excess deaths were a gov’t. creation based on computer models. If one looks at the actual all cause mortality per 100k population in 2020, this number was actually lower than in 2019. This is because healthy people had a good year and mostly those ill in long term care were “taken care of.” Why? Maybe to unburden the budget for LTC homes and free up some room. Don’t buy into the story of the pandemic in anyway.

        1. That’s what Maxime Bernier of the PPC says. Surely you don’t expect PP to agree with him.

        1. I wrote to PP about his treatment of Anderson but no one responded. They do, now, however, send me lots of e-mail asking for money.


      2. Still wondering if the CPC under Pierre is going to just go into a “holding” pattern and maintain all of the BS policies and “advances” foisted upon canadians by our betters under Trudeau as has been the pattern of past con leaders rather than back away from the crap like the gun ban, and the other mistakes for our collective benefits.

    2. The sum of all of the points enumerated above illustrate why we can’t ‘settle’ for PP and the CPC. The country is on the brink, the precipice, staring into the abyss, whatever you want to call it. A pause of the Turd’s abjectly destructive policies, or slow incrementalism of center-left progressive conservatism ain’t gonna cut it now. The country, and all it ever stood for, needs unapologetic, brass-balls, fearless leadership; harsh truths about many Canadian shibboleths need to be spoken and remedied ie health care, immigration, role of and size of government. Not holding hands with woke Marxists, accepting on face value their baseless accusations – they’ll never like you or vote for you.

      With PP, we’ll arrive at the same destination Justin is taking us, just in more roundabout fashion. Sadly, I don’t think it will matter who gets in. The electorate is primarily socialist, the bureaucracy is corrupt and leftist, the judiciary and law enforcement is politicized and/or incompetent. The country’s fate is pretty much sealed.

      1. Canada has long perfected the fake opposition tactic, which has now infected most of the Western world. Opposition is allowed as long as it follows the same policies; Deep State, Perpetual State, Uniparty State, call it what you want. If you do not follow the Party Line, you are out.

        1. There is a political industrial complex of pollsters, PR consultants, and strategists, that work for both sides, that will prevent the CPC and PP from changing anything.

          I want out of COP/IPCC, UNDRIP; end of “foreign aid”, curtailment of environmental “charities” and other forms of external political manipulation; revocation of the Indian Act; development of our raw resources; reduction in mass immigration; change of the “equalisation” system. I could go on, but I don’t see the CPC doing these things. PPC for me.

    3. Ummmm…. He is the opposition leader not the PM. He cannot do anything until and unless he becomes PM. Explain to us what you think they are supposed to do when they are not in power.

      1. They could act like opposition and demand an inquiry into the COVID response. They could ask about the excess deaths. They could ask about the risk benefit of the vax. They are pretending it never happened and they have nothing to say about it.

        1. Listen to you whinny babies….PP this….PP that….He hasn’t done this, he hasn’t done that, he’s a liberal lite, whine, whine, whine.

          Again for you low IQ whinners and possible liberal hacks….if he says anything about any of the stuff you have mentioned he will be crucified by the media.

          Either you want to win……….or piss-off.

      2. Say the vax needs investigating.
        Say the excess deaths, post vax need investigating.
        Say there will be no central bank digital currency under his government.
        Say the CBC will be closed, not frozen, or transitioned, simply shuttered.
        Say all grants to media cancelled.

        A small start.

  2. We need to heed the words of Solzhenitsyn and be prepared to fight physically if we are ever locked down again. We must make it extremely painful for those trying to enforce tyranny.

        1. They will lose the election. PPC is a right wing protest party … sort of like the Green party only with opposite values.

          Ask Ross Perot about running on the fringe.

    1. I think it’s cute that VOWG is so old fashioned.

      What is this violence of which he speaks?

      Can this be done digitally?

      1. You would be surprised what a malicious person can do digitally. Wipe out bank accounts, issue false arrest warrants, trigger audits, even erase all records of a person’s existence, except the tax bill. I’m not depraved enough to come up with more suggestions for the malicious.

    2. But, but, but … the NEXT pandemic will be the REAL one !!! The computer models will PROVE IT. Ohhhhhhhh mommmaaaaaaa … the government bureaucrats will save us … by locking us down and taking everything away from us.

      And Bill Gates, et.al. have already promised that the next one is coming … soon. Gotta get the Proles back in line … and the herd thinned.

      1. Ya, the next pandemic. It could be argued that there has never been a respiratory virus pandemic. Many have written about how the Spanish Flu epidemic was not a respiratory virus, but more a medical mismanagement scenario on many fronts. But yes, Gates, WHO, whoever, will cook up another panic and people will buy it. Sad.

  3. “The best way to keep a prisoner from escaping is to make sure he never knows he’s in prison.”
—Fyodor Dostoevsky

    1. In Canada, those prisoners were all the ones who told the unjabbed to stop complaining because they still lived in a free country.

    1. The Media is The Enemy- some fellow indicted more than Al Capone.

      Turns out he was more right than Blacks for Trump.

  4. I think Pierre is in a difficult position as the media is always poised to attack. What do you think would happen if tomorrow he announced global warming (AGW) was a scam? That does not mean he should not speak out on important issues. I think he definitely should be criticizing the current ” show trial.” If he does manage to become PM, his job will be to carefully undo much of the damage from the Trudeau regime. Until then, his big job is getting elected and for that, he must be cautious in speaking out and he must choose his words carefully. The Lich-Barber trial gets attention Ottawa,but largely not elsewhere. Pierre could speak out on this, without risking much

      1. He didn’t have to – he didn’t have to do any research about the “guest!”
        That was the responsibility of the speaker who introduced the guest.

        1. Here sign this you don’t need to read it.
          Trust me…
          He still physically stood and took responsibility until caught.
          And still don’t think he’s wrong in his actions even though it wasn’t supposed to see that they are united and never an individual doing what they are supposed to be paid for.

      2. Well if you don’t trust PP then stop whining and simply cast your vote for Trudeau …

        That’ll show everyone how much you don’t trust PP.

        Linda said it right … PP has to be careful to not give ammo to the media … you should know that. Dog.

        1. The problem with careful is it slides so easily into government. He won’t be prepared to risk crucifixion after election either. Got to be PM, need to stay PM. NO. Full stop. Do the job like you are willing to lose it or piss off. 4 or 8 years of conservative incrementalism will be undone by the next prog in two months. Useless.

        2. “Well if you don’t trust PP then stop whining and simply cast your vote for Trudeau …

          That’ll show everyone how much you don’t trust PP.”

          No, I’m casting my vote for the PPC to show how much I don’t trust PP. I want him to know about it, too.

    1. I was part of the NCI when it was held in Ottawa. The consensus among the people there, and it is growing among Conservatives, I assure you, is that PP cannot be trusted. He is an improvement over the regime we have now, but he is not the freedom-loving politician like Donald Trump, despite the media assurances that he is.

      Yes, vote to put someone in the driver’s seat that is willing to ease off of the accelerator, but what we need in this country is someone that is willing to slam on the breaks before we do a “Thelma and Louise.” Unfortunately, we may have already reached the edge of the cliff.

    2. Agreed. It’s astounding how so many seemingly intelligent people on this blog know exactly what Pierre will and won’t do and yet put their faith in Quebecer Max, who isn’t even projected to win his own seat.
      I voted for Max when he ran for the leadership – he was the closest to a Libertarian in the race. I was disappointed he didn’t win, but it turned out he’s as much a narcissist as Garth Turner was.
      Nobody would be happier than me if we could have a true Libertarian government but that’s clearly not in the cards in this country. However, we need to stop allowing Perfect to be the enemy of Good.

      1. ” It’s astounding how so many seemingly intelligent people on this blog know exactly what Pierre will and won’t do ”

        Based on his previous actions? Absolutely we know.

        “and yet put their faith in Quebecer Max, ”

        And why not? He is at least a conservative, unlike PP.

      2. >and yet put their faith in Quebecer Max, who isn’t even projected to win his own seat

        I’m tired of voting strategically. Whether we’re roaring towards the cliff in second gear or fourth gear makes little difference at this point.

    3. LindaL:

      I’ve been waiting for Conservatives to undo Liberal damage since the Ponce was a spore.

      I’m thinking I’ll see Godot first.

      15 years of “Conservative” Government in the last 60 odd years has bequeathed a TFSA and SFA else that didn’t disappear in a Trudeau minute.

      Conservative voters remind one of abuse survivors as they once again play Charlie Brown getting ready to kick the football that Lucy is holding.

      I’m sure it will be different this time.

    4. Absolutely my thoughts as well. PP can not say too much to scare the easterners until he is elected.

      Harper did us no favours either by not appointing senators.

      The Lich-Barber trials are seriously bad, but the Coutts 4 was/is even worse and a blazing eye-opener. I had not heard much about them before, but now am outraged until any other solid facts emerge. Like who was murdered?

      Delays/lawfare punishments like this in the justice system are incomprehensible. Alberta has apparently gone lefty downhill since I left.

      Maybe the RCMP needs a new minister and boss who actually has fewer political acumen skills and more experience in the real ops theatre.

    5. I don’t want carefully, I want chainsaws and decimation, I want the privations that the government brought upon us, applied to them tenfold, I want a narrowing of the government to only it’s minimal job requirements…

      careful incrementalism is what got us Trudeau twice

      1. JD
        If cucks keep disparaging gays, muslims , blacks, whine about abortions , and just keep pounding the bible, you will never see a real conservative government again. Scheep, O’stool, and Tory, are prime examples of that effect.

    6. I used to be of the mistaken belief that we were a democratic nation of law and order and due process with hard fought for tradition of individual rights. These “trials” are such a mockery and affront of every notion we used to hold dear that it’s outrageous not to call it out. Even the very idea of blatantly political persecution/prosecution should be abhorrent to every Canadian. This is fundamental.

      Every MP worth spit should be loudly condemning it. That fact that none of them have reveals their cowardice, group think, and why none of them have the guts to rescue the country.

    7. LindaL:
      The Turd has 2 more years of scorched earth destruction for us, as if it hasn’t been enough already. It will be way too late for PP to “carefully undo much of the damage”. Careful, cautious, incremental, wont cut it – the country will likely be irretrievably broken by then.

  5. There are many reasons for me wanting to leave, and finally leaving Ottawa, which had been my home for the past 28 years.

    This is definitely in the top 5, probably Number 1.

    The sad fact is that I don’t see any hope that things will get better in this country, which is why I want to leave the country altogether.

    Since I cannot do that, I choose the next best thing… and that was to move to an area where I think has the best potential of forming a new country.

    Now if we can only get around to doing that…

  6. Pierre will do exactly what Mulroney did.
    Give lip service to the west then betray it.
    Mob rule demands it.
    CON-federation demands it.

    1. “Pierre will do exactly what Mulroney did.
      Give lip service to the west then betray it.”

      Agreed. He talks a good game, but I see nothing beyond the talk.

  7. .and here’s a transcript of the key passage from that January 23, 2022 speech:

    What we’re seeing today is what I call turnkey totalitarianism. They are putting in place all of these technological mechanisms for control that we’ve never seen before. It’s been the ambition of every totalitarian state from the beginning of mankind, to control every aspect of behavior, of conduct, of thought, and to obliterate dissent.

    None of them have been able to do it. They didn’t have the technological capacity. Even in Hitler’s Germany, you could cross the Alps into Switzerland, you could hide in an attic like Anne Frank did. I visited, in 1962, East Germany with my father and met people who had climbed the wall and escaped. So, it was possible. Many died trying, but it was possible. Today, the mechanisms are being put in place that will make it so none of us can run and none of us can hide.

    Within five years, we’re going to see 415,000 low-orbit satellites. Bill Gates says his 65,000 satellites alone will be able to look at every square inch of the planet, 24 hours a day. They’re putting in 5G to harvest our data and control our behavior. Digital currency, that will allow them to punish us from a distance and cut off our food supply.

    Vaccine passports…you have a series of rights. As flawed as our government is, you can still go out and go to a bar, you can go to a sporting event, you can get on a bus or an airplane and you can travel. You have certain freedoms, you can get educated, et cetera. The minute they hand you that vaccine passport, every right that you have is transformed into a privilege contingent upon your obedience to arbitrary government dictates. It will make you a slave. And what do we do about this? What do we do? We resist.”


  8. Don’t dump all the blame on Turd/Shit Jr. it is just the focal point for the herd of controllers.
    PP would be in the same place.
    PP lost my vote when he said he would no quash the CBC.
    I think Canada died a long time ago its just to lazy to lie down.

    1. PP can’t squash CBC because CPC convention decided not to. And it’s because CBC aka Radio Canada is very well regarded in Quebec.
      Anyway this speaks volumes re the dynamic between Libranos/NDP and Conservatives: even CPC has RINOs galore + we will NEVER have in Canada a 100% libertarian/conservative party.

      1. The US is not a lot different, but some states are much better. Even Donald couldn’t drain the swamp, and if he gets back in, still won’t be able to do it. I agree with Richard in Burlington – don’t throw away good because it isn’t perfect. No one is perfect. And certainly no political party, anywhere, is even close.

      2. Quash was the wrong term I meant defund. If Quebec likes it so much let them pay for it without Alberta money.
        If PP committed to defund all media he might get my vote back.

      3. regarding defunding, when when when is sumbuddy on this side of the issue going to come up with a brilliant minimal loopholes, very fair and reasonable divestiture plan
        hmmm? none of this ‘walk the plank’ crap.

      4. For the record, the Canadian equivalent of RINO is CINO — Conservative in Name Only.
        Also used in religious circles… Catholic in Name Only; like our current pope.

        “Is the pope Catholic” was supposed to be a rhetorical question.

  9. Running a western country these days is not a job many competent people want anymore. Too many crazies, uninformed and people with too many activist agendas out there. And a VERY disinterested general public.
    The news sucks, as most of it spreads FEAR about everything-
    -what you eat (long list, suitable for ignoring);
    -how you will never be able to afford a home (actually rather true, but gov’ts can’t fix it);
    -how common objects, like recycled plastic bags in garbage pails you reuse are unsafe or banned (everything in our homes is plastic, so toss out your cell and TV, stove, microwave, fridge, computer, car, greenies);
    -how the car you drive is unsafe for the environment;
    -why biking is sooo cool, as Europeans used to do it;
    -how many climate changes reported by paid-to-lie gov’t employees exist (73% wildfires caused by stupid people);
    -how “free” health care does not work, partly true;
    -how scary imported folks importing worries about their countries like noisy protests;
    -how trannies love libraries, and a crazy parent who shows up (take out a book and read it to your kid -how hard is this?);
    -how school boards have become insane (bathroom freebees, gender training, firing thought outliers, “discovery math”, weird teachers sharing views).
    So I like rare happy stories, good movies, good restaurants and non-woke friends.

  10. I think the most outrageous of these stories is the Coutts four – coming up on 2 years in jail – no charges, no bail.

    Even alleged murderers get bail in Canada!

    1. Some people have opted for Mexico. I know there are problems, but also some plusses. Might be possible to try for several months without burning all your bridges.

      1. Can confirm. Choose your region wisely and research the visa requirements. Most importantly understand that Mexico is a low-trust society; any deal you make you should have some kind of leverage that does not rely on going through the courts.

  11. rules regulations policy and wokeness.

    wrapped up some tuition free post grad studies.
    all a ruse, the objective was free use of the biggest ath. facility in 100 km.
    whereupon l worked my way up to a staggering amount of weight on the leg press.
    necessitating it getting witnessed. that was juuuuuust before covid hit.
    soon after in flagrant breach of DEI l was told flat out incouched terms to stfu as far as telling the kids the trick.
    p.s. l was 68 at the time, 2 bars top bottom each side loaded with 45 lb plates.
    4 reps.
    in an institution founded on exploration, experiment, acquisition and dispersement of knowledge.
    top mgmt, shut yer f’n mouth they dont wanna hear it.

    so now lm free of reprisals etc l have revisited the incident with office of the university resident tasked with all thing related DEI, to whit, pls reconcile will you that a senior citizen can accomplish such an exceptionally astounding act and ordered to clam up how he got there in 50 years in the weight room.

    l also in 2022 set a personal record hyperextensions aka ‘backward sit ups’.
    3,000 with only the briefest of catch-my-breath.
    that time l was again told to stfu making noise.
    l guess hup! hup! hup! bhaahaaHAAAAA! is verboten in university now.

    as soon as the current issue is handled lm coughing up the 2nd pretty much identical situation why is it the WHITE MALE SENIOR must-be-conservative is censored and silenced?

  12. IMO the only one in the “party” that would make/have made a real leader is Dr. Leslyn Lewis. She has been very outspoken against digital ID, CBDC’s, the WHO agenda, 15 minute cities and the Liberals euthanasia program and more.

  13. Well I’ll file this here as it seems appropriate as the lawfare is happening on both sides of the border. It appears that CNN just let the cat out of the bag. In testimony one of the police officers who had sued Brandon Straka for physical assault and damages was actually, according to his testimony, in a secure room in the Capitol.


    Let’s see how fast the media pick this up.

    While we’re at it where is the coverage of Garland exceeding his authority in appointing Smith as a Special Counsel?

  14. To all u liberal eastern SCUM on here go Phuk yourselves Keep bitching u whining bastards it’s what u do best.LOL

  15. The Coutts 4 should be reason enough for Premier Smith to kick the corrupt sub human filth that is the RCMP out of Alberta.

  16. I think it’s sweet that any of you think Canuckistan can be saved by another politician, of any stripe. Quit being GD idiots. This shithole of a country is beyond repair and beyond saving. For some of us, WEXIT is the only option. For the rest of you, well…
