The Sound Of Settled Science

The Good Olde Days;

Over the past few weeks I have read Late Victorian Holocausts: El Niño Famines and the Making of the Third World, by Mike Davis. During my time as a scientist at the U.S. National Center for Atmospheric Research in the late 1990s and early 2000s, I spent a lot of time researching impacts of and responses to El Niño and La Niña under the guidance of the one and only Mickey Glantz. I was aware of the 1877-78 El Niño event and its profound impacts, but I never connected its significance to the contemporary climate discourse until recently.

Davis compiles estimates suggesting that more than 50 million people died in the mid-1870s related to extreme weather and climate — That equates to about 4% of global population. Today, that same proportion of the world’s population would be over 320 million deaths, or almost the entire population of the entire United States. We cannot even imagine this magnitude of human suffering.

The proximate cause of the 1870s massive climate impacts was a very strong El Niño even in 1877 and 1878, but that event was also perhaps comparable to strong El Niño events in 1997/98 and 2015/16. What accounts for the massive loss of life in the 1870s? Davis explores this in depth, and the simple answer is colonial rule informed by Malthusian impulses.

15 Replies to “The Sound Of Settled Science”

  1. The article demonstrates the ease with which the scam pseudo-scientists and their media parrots claim the sky is falling (extreme weather from CAGW) within a vacuum of historical ignorance. The ignorance-based bilge is now public school curricula all over that part of the planet dominated by bankrupt welfare states on the road to post modern serfdom.

  2. And for an encore Krakatoa blew it’s top in1883 the effects of which are still being felt today at least with respect to ocean temperatures.

    1. Burton …. can you provide a reference for that claim …. it doesn’t pass the smell test in my opinion. I think it was in Ian Plimer’s book that I recently read that the heat from below was only a small percentage of the earth’s heat balance and Krakatoa would be an infinitesimal part of that.
      PS Our geology broomball team was called the Krakatoa’s … complete with hockey jerseys with a cartoon volcano blowing it’s top … unfortunately the pyroclastics and lava weren’t enough to power us to a winning record.

        1. Thanks, if I read it correctly they are most interested in exaggerating the cooling caused by Krakatoa in order to emphasize that anthropogenic GLO-BULL warming is “worse than we thought”.
          In other words …. models all the way down.
          Still doesn’t pass the smell test IMO

          1. Whether or not the authours are anthropogenic pushers isn’t really the point in this case – they concede that natural disasters such as Krakatoa and other eruptions affect ocean temps and along with it the climate. Full stop.
            Hence the damn title: “Krakatoa lives…” and “…decades later”.
            I’m sorry if it doesn’t pass your smell test.
            Los Angeles had a record rainfall of 32 inches in the months following the eruption and it still stands today.
            No El Nino.
            My point is – no one knows jack shit what the “climate” prime movers are and anyone who thinks they know are liars.
            If you’re being argumentative at least give me a heads up.

  3. These scientists, so called scientists, have no idea how many volcanoes exists under the ocean. If only 10 of them blew up. Then, As recorded in the book of revelations.
    1/3 of all fish, animals, humans will die. Almost 3 billion people.
    Al Gore has no idea what climate changeable problems will be.
    Like all of us, He will be in a ditch somewhere begging for God’s mercy.

      1. Ask for the pixel count on those maps. Our knowledge of the ocean floor topography is extremely skinny. H

        1. Many potential volcanoes on the pacific ocean floor.
          Just 10 would be enough.

        2. Come on lefty …. years ago the knowledge was poor when sounding was done by hand and dropping a line but with modern seismic and especially 3-D seismic the ocean basins are probably pretty well mapped out.
          Again a reference for the lack of info on the ocean basins.
          Environmental Terrorist …. I would love to know what geology course you have taken and what you know about the sea floor. Most of what you think are volcanoes are old and inactive sea mounts likely dating from when they were at the spreading ridge. There are only a few active areas like Reunion, Hawaiian, Iceland and Galapagos

  4. No no, we are doomed and only high taxes and strict government control can save us.. Simply another level of government on your head.. If it operates as unfairly and incompetently as the three we already have its going to get interesting real fast..

    Set all the goals you want.. Lose a few elections in a row or the government itself and you will be singing a different tune.. The Catholic Church selling indulgences caused the reformation.. Even though the average Catholic enjoyed sorting their garbage.. It was wrong to assume that man’s relationship with God (or nature) was theirs to tax..

    The interesting part is the people wanted to pay for indulgences because HELL was as real as climate change is today.. Under every rock.. The Catholic Church gave the people what they wanted .. Sort your garbage, feel better and split Europe in two for two world wars.. 100 million + died..

  5. The unsaid assumption is that if the greenies were right, then their authoritarian BS would be justified. The same mindset that led to the COVID atrocities.
    People are idiots.
    it’s not a crime to say “The End is Nigh!” but it is a crime to start screwing people over wholesale because you listened to the freak.
    Debunking the doomsaying freak is the definition of controlled opposition.
