Is Trudeau Looking to Protect His Future Job at the UN?

Lieberals attack Conservative MP Leslyn Lewis over petition calling for Canada to leave UN:

Conservative MP Leslyn Lewis is facing criticism for promoting a petition advocating Canada’s withdrawal from the United Nations and World Health Organization.

The petition says Canada’s membership in these organizations “imposes negative consequences on the people of Canada, far outweighing any benefits.”

The Prime Minister’s Office and Liberal MPs have accused Lewis and the Conservatives of being “conspiracy theorists and extremists.”

h/t James MacMaster

53 Replies to “Is Trudeau Looking to Protect His Future Job at the UN?”

  1. “imposes negative consequences on the people of Canada, far outweighing any benefits.”
    Where’s the lie?

    1. Pbm is they can’t, CPC is 2 main factions: true-Conservatives and RINOs Erin O’Tool style. For ex the motion to defund CBC was not voted at the last CPC convention, and that’s exactly because of this lukewarm side of CPC.

      1. Yup, lukewarm. And yellow. Like the contents of a piss-pot. That would be the rather large faction that stayed silent for 22 months while turdo destroyed the Country and pissed all over our freedoms, eh?

        1. They didn’t just stay silent Jamie, the CPC voted WITH the Lieberals, on the Covid measures and Covid budgets.

          UNIPARTY CINOs!

          The traitors are behind PP of course, but they are still there, Red Tories, as RED as Garf Turner!

          1. Indeed. But a vast majority of the electorate will still vote for its jailers, red or blue.

  2. You damn right he is and so is Freeland and others. Running a country or a Province or at least pretending you’re running it is considered bush league…a gig at the U.N. is the big show. Canada is just a nice place to hang your hat while you wreck shit before getting the call to the majors. After flattening Ontario…Bob Rae’s has never had it so good. Don’t get me started on that useless commie Stephen Lewis.

    Shot: “What is it about the UN that Conservatives don’t like?” “Is it the work they do for children around the world, is it their programs to support women’s rights and human rights?”

    1. UNRWA funded and paid for the Hamas Killer tunnels and weapons.

      Need to know anymore about the Useless Nations?

    2. Burton, you failed to mention the most odious, mendacious Canadian to hold a UN position, our home grown Maurice Strong, who not only made a name for himself in the Oil for Fraud program but created the IPCC and thus the Carbon Dioxide myth. We all owe so much to him.

  3. Leslyn has been very outspoken about MAID, Firearms restrictions, wasted Covid payments, Digital ID’s, CBDC’s, 15 minute Cities, and the WHO Pandemic treaty to name a few. She is trying to wake up Canadians to the Trudeau/CCP wet dream for a copy-cat CCP style Social Credit score before it is to late.
    She would have made a great Leader of the Party, IMO.

    1. I guess our (my wife & I) first exposure to her was when she travelled to Ottawa, (and was interviewed by Ezra), for the truckers’ rally – been fans ever since.

    2. Most Canadians are not even aware of the WHO pandemic treaty and the danger it poses to our country. Lewis is correct and brave to raise questions about the value of the UN to Canada. I hope this issue gets traction. Liberals are depending on the naivete of Canadians in going after Lewis. Hopefully their strategy will backfire as facts are brought forward.

    1. No business, no right and the only power they have is assumed, not observable or enforceable, except when they’re raping women and children.

  4. how is the “Prime Minister’s Office and Liberal MPs have accused Lewis and the Conservatives of being “conspiracy theorists and extremists.”” different from any other day that ends with Y?

    One might ask what the mission of the UN was, and how well it performed that mission… nominally it was to “reduce conflict in the world” and it has utterly failed at that mission from it’s inception…

    1. And they have committed egregious “mission creep” since inception.
      Make the UN “un” again.
      Leslyn is a breath of fresh, conservative air, unlike PP, sad to say.

  5. We need to drop the UN as soon as the turd is at his new job at the un. I signed this months ago. Surprised that it is only at 70000. We need to drop the un, the wef, and nato as well. I did vote for Lewis as leader but then I vote PPC so not sure that helped any.

    1. It likely is only at 70,000 because most Canadians are oblivious. The Pandemic Treaty has had no coverage in Canadian media. Hopefully Libs going after Lewis will unleash a hornets nest.

  6. from the link: “the UN has outlived its purpose.”
    no kidding. the permanent members security council?
    reflecting a world 80 years ago, 3 generations past aka the winning side WW II

    take it from there naysayers

  7. Justine is a perfect fit for the U.N. Both are completely useless. Actually WORSE than useless.

    1. no kidding. with a useless one we just tread water or whatever until common sense somehow the useless one is sloughed off the office staff etc.
      they do nothing so they do no harm. mothball it until their gone.
      but the TURDeu diff ball game dangerously inept and more powerful than anyone else in the the power to inflict untold harm. take him away ‘you en’ hes yours

  8. The UN has been exposed as the enemy of the Jewish people, and by extension Western civilization.

    Justin was raised by the same pack of pedophile Jesuits who introduced both him and his father to pederasty to believe that the Jews are the root of all evil in the world.

    As they might. In a world where virtue counted for anything, Jews, not the UN, would judge the nations. The vengeance of the blood of Israel would begin with the blood of the Pope of Rome Bergoglio, an Argentinian ponce who passes himself off as God incarnate. Israel shall wash herself clean in the blood of pederasts and idolaters, the outrages against her healed at last.

    Justin doesn’t want that, for obvious reasons. So he’s not going to be dictated to by a house girl who doesn’t realize she’s supposed to laugh at Massa’s jokes about how you can start a riot in Hampstead.

    (Shout “Tabarnak, un billet à cent piasses!” Come now! It’s funny in certain contexts, no?)

    Leslyn wants out of the UN, and supports Israel, because she actually believes in a God Who is a force for good in the world, and Whose Chosen People are the children of Israel. She is a Righteous Gentile who has nothing to fear from the Messianic Age.

    Justin learnt a very different creed at Collège Brébeuf.

  9. The article dated Jan 4 said it had 66,000 signatures. It now has 70723. Not bad for one day.

    1. Yep…that’s when I gave up on PP.
      He has been impressive in some areas (the apple interview) but unless he apologizes for those remarks PPC gets my support.

  10. If that’s what she believes, she ought to leave the Globalist-Conservative caucus and sit as a PPC rep.

    No point in the petition otherwise, her own party would reject it.

  11. UN? Wasn’t the pantywaist PM going to get us on the Security Council? It’s been 9 years and nothing’s happened. Internationally the fruit loop is despised.

  12. The problem is a major player like Dr. Lewis supporting the petition at this date is that the issues haven’t been “normalized” in Canadian’s minds. The petition looks like it’s coming out of left field. There needs to be some introduction and normalization of the issues before the petition gets highlighted.

    The real problem is that the Conservative Party is horrible at communications. Other than a few “pocketbook” issues they really haven’t been good at advertising the deplorable state the Liberals have put this country into. Billions of dollars in opportunity costs, financial scandal after financial scandal, the eroding of rights without debate, insider graft. All of this is accessible to the average Canadian but is not being brought forward by the party in a manner that will cement the issues in the public’s mind.

    1. “Other than a few “pocketbook” issues they really haven’t been good at advertising the deplorable state the Liberals have put this country into.”

      Perhaps because they were complicit in the degradation?

      See DanBC comment at 5:28 pm.

  13. The Bong has no influence at the UN. Zero. He’s of no use to them. Besides, he’s been an idler all his life, there’s no reason or motivation to work. He has no ambition.

    He’s made sure the Trudeau Foundation has been well financed.

    1. Agreed Buddy, I just signed, and yes to being a fan of LL. Yes, also disappointed in Peter Pepper. Uniparty indeed.
      I’m on side with the PPC but don’t think they’ll ever be able to make any real difference in the near term, so, I’ll hold my nose and support the cons, just to be rid of turdo. I have not been a fan of the UN/WHO mob for decades, and will happily agree to say farewell to NATO as well. But, lets face it people, we are screwed. We are all complicit in the political complacency that has led to where we are now. None of the above will happen because we little people have no voice or power, we all allowed that to be stolen by our collective indifference to what was really happening under our noses. I really don’t think the pendulum will ever swing back to normal again!

  14. somehow, as Canadians, if that means anything anymore, we have to ensure that Justin Trudeau is relegated to the status of a pimple on the butt of history.

  15. These days the difference between a conspiracy and fact is about two weeks.
    But the caveat in this case is that it will take the liberals about a year to catch up, so there’s that.
    The take away here is that the liberals are using one of their reliable strategies to pit conservative voters against each other.
    The end goal is to get Poilievre to distance himself from Lewis. Basically to get Pierre to take the liberals position.
    Having watched how Poilievre handles loaded questions I get the feeling he has already talked to Lewis and is anticipating the media will attempt a gotcha.

    This could be fun to watch.

  16. Thank Kate for this site, which reassures me that I’m not the only one who does not trust PP or his so-called “Conservative” party.

    Anyone else notice we’ve come full circle? Progressive Conservative to Reform, Reform to Alliance, Alliance to CPC, CPC = Progressive Conservative.

    As old Reform Party members, the wife and I are disgusted. Max and the PPC have our support.

  17. Canada was one of the founders of the UN. As useless as it is, the UN is not going anywhere and LL should know that. The majority of Canadians like the UN and will not support the idea that Canada should leave.

    If conservatives want to form government this is not how you go about it.

    1. “The majority of Canadians like the UN and will not support the idea that Canada should leave. ”

      They ‘like’ it because they have no idea how completely corrupt and totally ineffective it really is. The MSM keeps them ignorant.

      Can you or any of the other UN defenders here name me one instance where there was a crisis, conflict or war of some kind between two countries and the United Nations came in and made things better? Just one will do…ever. In their entire history. ONE example of the UN doing what they were created to do.
