19 Replies to “There’s No Business Case For LNG Exports”

      1. Hypercube misuse? In fact, this is often how fake news see daylight.

        Modern DB makes this shhht easy to generate.

  1. When your goal is to destroy a certain industry. When your goal is to turn everything over to the CCP. There is no business case in exporting a money making product.

  2. As if he’d know what a good business case looked like. I mean this is a guy who donned blackface, shoved a banana down his pants and danced around like a chimpanzee.

    1. And now is given a free holiday by liberal supporter at a resort in Jamaica that used to be a slaveowners plantation. Renovated house of slaveowner is accommodation chosen by pm for family holiday!

      1. Strange nobody in the media is making the connection. They don’t want to talk about his marriage breakdown either, but I’m sure they’d do the same for Harper or Poilievre.

    2. Never has worked an honest day in his life
      Unless you count groping women or elbowing them in the chest

  3. If you read the article it’s obvious that the Y axis is mislabelled. It’s strange though that the author didn’t notice this. It does cause a serious reduction in credibility here.

  4. The graph is legit. In each year, they used as much gas as was used in that year.
    Both axes are year.

  5. That statement by Trudeau was the most ignorant and maliciously false statement ever made by him. Telling the Germans, in their need for natural gas, that there isn’t a business case for it.
