Wind power zeros out on Jan. 2 in Saskatchewan. As in nothing. Zip. Nada.

Final assembly of a wind turbine near Assiniboia, Sask., on Jan. 7, 2021. Photo by Brian Zinchuk

Wind power flatlined in Saskatchewan on Jan. 2, after days of strong winds. Flatlined, as in zero power, at night, so no solar, either.

Zero reliability, this wind thing. And I had to start wearing my parka this week, too.

Put our trust in wind, and we’ll all freeze. In the dark.

Also, switching to third person:

Pipeline Online editor and owner Brian Zinchuk is back on the air with CJME/CKOM’s Evan Bray Show. He was on the air for a full hour on Wednesday, Jan. 3. Here’s the podcast of that appearance, including responses to several calls. One was on whether or not the Trans Mountain Expansion will ever be finished. (With the ads and news breaks removed, it’s only 35 minutes).

6 Replies to “Wind power zeros out on Jan. 2 in Saskatchewan. As in nothing. Zip. Nada.”

    1. That seems to put you in a minority. Most people are able to underestimate the level of idiocy involved. (I suspect there is even more idiocy, untapped so far, and I’m not hopeful about it being recognised when it is applied.)

  1. It’s common knowledge that the capacity factor for wind averages around 26%. Therefore no one should be surprised when there are days with zero generation. The surprise should come when they actually run for a few days consistently anywhere near their name plate capacity. Everyone in the know including the masterminds of the green sociopaths behind their push realizes that the more they are relied upon, the more unstable the grid and the greater the cost to the system. Like most everything that passes for legislative action, tribal politics tends to operate within the parameters considered politically correct by the media which is infested with lazy, innumerate, institutionally mal-informed watermelons.

  2. The best wind power ‘zeros’ would be zero publicly funded wind turbines, since they make zero economic sense. The public idiocy on the topic is immense and seems to grow with each generation.

  3. If wind only generates on average 26% of nameplate, the solution is simple. Just add about 3 more pinwheels for every one already operating and that will bring the average up to 100%.

    [*EYEROLL*] Some people believe that.
