13 Replies to “I, Napoleon”

  1. I’ve come to the conclusion that most people who declare themselves transgendered are signaling much deeper, darker psychological issues. It’s a cry for help that is being ignored. It’s like cheering on anorexia by helping a body dysmorphic person starve themselves to death, instead of intervention and treatment.

    1. No mystery, LCB. TG’s are mentally ill, period. Instead of indulging their fantasies, we need to be getting them proper medical attention.

      1. And it’s not even subtle. Transgender people aren’t being cured as they move through social and medical transition, they become more unstable. For instance : the more feminine a transwomen tries to become, the more their hatred of biological women seems to grow. No other biological male would be allowed to do and say the things transwomen get away with these days.

        I’m not sure what’s more disturbing – the misogyny of transwomen or the society that facilitates this blatant misogyny.

    2. Severe sexual dysmorphia is always a self-destructive coping mechanism for childhood sexual abuse.

  2. Not surprised, the left normalized a mental illness instead of treating it –add toxic hormones designed for the opposite gender into the mix you create an alleged angry often violent person?

  3. Of course, the other problem is the 24/7 news cycle. If they stopped making every one of these events national news for days or even weeks they wouldn’t happen or, at least, they wouldn’t happen as often. The media is complicit.

  4. sooooooo white male here the racist who
    -married an oriental
    -sired a lovely lady currently parlaying her smarts making 4 times the old man at my best.
    -worked for and with adherents of the prophet
    -rented rooms to adherents, a black dude, a lesbian at various times
    -get this. a jet black dude with that raspy characteristic ‘Harry Belafonte’ voice started going to my oh, so, privileged secondary school 60s. they were like textbook suthen gentry had NOTHING to do wit dat spade.
    l walked home with him cpl times make him feel welcome.

    but the broad (pun intended) sweeping statement pigeon holes me.

    so be it.

    like l said to my friends when l was a kid, if youre gonna get blamed for something anyway MAY AS WELL HAVE THE ENJOYMENT OF DOING.
    jeepers MrMs see how your broad (pun intended) sweeping statement just BACKFIRED???

  5. “Once is an event. Twice may be a coincidence. ………….”

    When I learned it, years ago, the saying ends:

    “Third time; it’s enemy action”.
