31 Replies to “Just Taking Orders”

  1. Some African nation was protested in Edmonton a few weeks past. Large turn out and lots of noise. No one other than the protestors cared as Edmonton police stood by. I think that activity is somehow guarded in the constitution.

    1. “I think that activity is somehow guarded in the constitution.”

      Oh, you mean the treasonous support for the terrorist enemies of Canada? No, not really supported by the constitution Joe baby. It’s illegal.

      Plus they’re blocking the street, also illegal.

      1. What great national interest does Israel represent? As a nation it could disappear tomorrow and you wouldn’t even know. Not calling for its destruction simply pointing out you have no real interest in its existence other than it seems to reflect your values better than those it is slaughtering. What does that say about you?

        1. ah. sooooooo give the baby burners a messge we’se just gonna stand around?
          its called a precedent.

          1. Israel is committing a genocide. Do we stand around or remove it from polite society?

          2. To quote the late, great Kathy Shaidle, “It’s not much of a genocide if we can still hear them bitching.” There are more soi-disant Palestinians now than there were in 1948. There’s no genocide. Never was.

      1. Yes the government acted illegally toward the truckers convoy. I have never said otherwise. Man but you lok foolish. Protest is a right of all Canadians whether I agree either the cause or not.

  2. I sure hope the Palestinian supporter who delivered the coffee did not adulterate coffee with a laxative or emetic. That would be a crime. Potentially hilarious, but a crime.

    1. It would also be a Criminal Code offense of administering a noxious substance if they were dosed with lots of lysergic acid diethylemide 25…

  3. Ham and pineapple pizzas and pork rinds will inevitably turn those smiles into screams of racism.

    No gratitude in those bones.

  4. Meanwhile Tamara Lich’s trial continues. This country is a sick joke at this point. Trudeau really did destroy it.

    1. Find a better news source. The coffee and doughnuts were bought by people who were not allowed to join the rally. Rather than have an incident the police have the coffee and doughnuts to some of the protesters. No police officer bought anyone a coffee.

  5. How about rednecks riding pigs for HAMass to do to what they seem to most enjoy.

    You know, stunt driving!

    Every one of the pigs will be named mohammed.

    1. Because Canada’s elites support the destruction of Canadian Jewry.

      Justin is a queer.
      Chrystia is a Nazi.
      Olivia Chow is a Han Chinese supremacist who thinks the Han have a divine right to rule the world.

      All of them jump when Chairman Xi says hop. Not one would be suffered to live in a world where Jews were judges of the nations, and not a corrupt, godless, lawless UN.

      Next question?

      1. You pretty well answered my question. I don’t like the answer … but that’s what the people of Canada voted for.

  6. My understanding was people came with coffee to join the protestors, but the police wouldn’t let them join, compromising by keeping them away, but bringing in the coffee they brought.

    1. Lee – but why did the police let the protest block the bridge in the first place? Said protest is an obvious attempt at intimidation of the local Jewish community, so it needs to be dispersed yesterday with a stern warning that any more such attempts will result in arrests and – if the arrested are not Canadian citizens – instant deportation.

      1. It was part of their lisence. Ever been blocked by a union strike protest? I have.nni had to find a different way to work.

    1. No Buddy, I think you are much like me, I hate what “people” have done to our culture, society, and freedom. The country was just fine before liberal socialism/communism and multi culti crap. The tolerating of the intolerable has destroyed us.

  7. the answer to all the objections and shoulds and whys and why nots
    and police and and and and, one word. trudeau
