Oil windfall in New Mexico, carbon tax farmer revolt in Germany

It wasn’t that long ago North Dakota was the second-largest oil producing state. New Mexico has since eclipsed them, and the money is rolling in. What to do, what to do? (Gee, what could we do with more oil production?

Meanwhile, German farmers aren’t taking too kindly to carbon taxes on diesel. But how are they supposed to save the planet and feed the people, too?

9 Replies to “Oil windfall in New Mexico, carbon tax farmer revolt in Germany”

  1. how are they supposed to save the planet and feed the people, too?

    Well … they do not plan to save the people, just the planet. We are what they want to get rid of … 7.5 Billion us and keep 500 million.

    They figure they can run their version of Utopia with a half a billion slaves.

    Sounds pretty sci-fi doesn’t it …. it’s real.

    1. My thinking is that said 500 million will be Islamic.

      Note how this invasive species has inundated the entireity of the Western Hemisphere with full free reign to do so by every Globalist co-opted Govt.

      All those Very large protests across N. American..? just a preview. There are enough of them to take Canada over in a week. One look to our CAF readiness (Fking Laughable), and you know we are TOAST.

      You can also bet these fks have been smuggling in ALL kinds of Weaponry to do so should there be any sort of armed resistance.

      The GloboHomo Cabal will utilize Islam as the takeover & control mechanism for said 500k Slaves. Only way’s out are: High speed fall off a roof, Stoning or losing yer head.

  2. Carbon taxes is no different than paying for Catholic Church indulgences.. With the only difference being the greens think we are all Catholics falling off our chairs to buy our way into Heaven..

    This is and was a huge mistake seeing as it split the western world in half the last time it was tried.. I get it, the Catholics wanted it as much as the greens want it now.. What they forget is they do not represent everybody..

    Forcing me to pay for their personal extra level of government is unconstitutional.. We didn’t fight a war, I didn’t lose anything.. Why am I paying them reparations?..

  3. Typical lib.
    Spend & spend when they could save the cash for a rainy-day, or give it to back to the tax-payers, but no.
    Will she reduce that 10% spending when the cash stop coming in……………………. Yeah good luck on that one.

  4. Until the advocates of “carbon taxation” the tax on everything, start feeling pain, there won’t be a change, but there will be a whole lot of wealth destruction

  5. Yep…The CARBON they wish to Eliminate is us.
    Without Question.

    Thank Maurice Strong.
    This shit started with him. He was a prodigy of the Rockefeller’s, much like Gerald M. Butts & was already pushing the de-population crap as far back as the early 60’s.

    Buried in China & Not F’ing DEAD Enough…

  6. Whether it is in Germany, Holland, or Canada, this is what happens when farmers continue to support farm organizations that continually sell them down the river.
