20 Replies to “The Great Fetterman Mystery”

  1. Cenk admired Fetterman.
    That’s all we need to know about Cenk.
    Dave Rubin gets last laugh.

  2. I’ve got the beer and popcorn by my side, and the curtain is gone up on what is sure to be an entertaining show, but make no mistake… I do not appreciate having the likes of John Fetterman as an ally.

    I’m not buying his act. He must completely renounce his democratic progressive past, and start behaving like he has truly been cured of his mental illness that was liberalism.

    In other words, his votes in the senate has to be according to his recently new-found wisdom. Actions speak much louder than words. Until then, I will still see him as a political adversary, at least for the time being.

      1. I will renounce the church when you stop being a moron, which is never.

        btw… when will you stop beating your wife?

        I see… Never!

  3. If the political breeze is strong enough, even 6’8″ 380lb wind socks can change direction.

  4. There is actual documentation of people having a stroke and changing their political outlook entirely (and completely). Some of these people suddenly start using a foreign accent when they speak . It’s true.

    That being said, Fetterman (without ANY medical issues) is dumber that a post. It’s not often that a piece of broccoli gets elected to serve as a US Senator.

  5. I’ve long thought liberalism was a form of psychosis, and that whoever developed a reliable pharmaceutical treatment, allowing the patient to finally lead a useful, productive life, would deserve a Nobel Prize in medicine.

    As it is, liberalism is currently incurable. The only worthwhile management approach short of euthanasia is putting the patient in a closed institution, where he will have to earn the trust of his minders to be given power over others. The best-case scenario is that he can be trained to be a model prisoner. He must never live unsupervised or have control of his own affairs, for his own good and the good of others.

    A world where he’s told when to get up, when to go to bed, what and when to eat, how he should occupy his time, where he can or cannot go, what is true or false…this must be what they want for themselves, because they insist on it so much for everyone and are flummoxed when others call it madness. I suspect that only in the asylum can a liberal ever be happy.

    1. and that whoever developed a reliable pharmaceutical treatment, allowing the patient to finally lead a useful, productive life, would deserve a Nobel Prize in medicine.


      That’s going to be tricky. You, somehow, have to get the entire Nobel Prize Committee to ingest the pharmaceutical before they vote on it.

  6. I left a few other links in your reader tips post.

    He committed Democrat Heresy on the Border, Israel, and his fellow Democrat Senator Bobby “Gold Bar” Menendez.

    He is not a Republican, and never will be. He is more a Socialist or even Communist, but does seem to have some integrity.

  7. Tucker has a monologue up on Fetterman.
    It is mostly a bio — a unique, shocking but amusing bio. If you view it you will never engage in a discussion about which party he is most suited to . He’s a bum, financed by his family into his 40s.

  8. His ultra-progressive wife must be pulling her hair out, not being able to control her monster.

  9. Per Jim on the Althouseblog:
    Fetterman is explicitly for the working class, rather than conformity to the lame opinions of the fake left. He wants more unions, more money (not just credit) in the hands of workers, and rebuilding the glorious small towns of Pennsylvania. With him 100%.”

    In other words an old time centrist Democrat, sorta, kinda like DJT, and on some issues, me.

  10. From a commenter on the Althouse blog re:

    I’m just laughing.

    Right up there with the left’s embrace of the Cheney’s.
