12 Replies to “The Part I Like Best”

  1. Leave to the court to ensure we have to live with these jerks.
    Bet you they have rules in the parks where the judges live.

  2. Send the addicts to the homes of the supreme court jesters… they are unserious people making canada a worse place.

    1. Exactly. Every park-bench wino, strung-out druggie, stray dog, cat, racoon and coyote in the Country should be dropped off in Rockliffe Park, Westmount, The Bridle Path, or Point Grey.

  3. That guy is stuck in an anger loop.

    If you wanted to solve the homeless problem you would only need to do 2 things:

    1. the opposite of what you have been doing;
    2. in the opposite direction (or reverse time).

    Will never happen.

  4. There is a very condescending ad on radio stations in Ontario. Telling you that what ever you may think led to the homelessness of the homeless, you’re wrong. Turn dis-allusions to solutions. Don’t know the charities name, don’t care, not a penny and GFY’s. 1) Substance abuse 2) Mental health 3) They chose to. These three hit 99%

  5. Perhaps a neighborhood watch group that “kinetically escorted” scum bags away from parks used by or crossed paths with children would act as a disincentive. The only impediment would be police who, if they showed up, would have the same effect as they would soon run out of resources “guarding” the scum bags.

  6. The APEC Conference in San Francisco in late 2023 showed everyone the Streets of San Francisco could be cleared of homeless people, IF the Diverse, Noble, Caring, Enlightened, Progressive Marxist Leadership of the city really wanted to do so. All it took was a good enough reason.

    Impressing their ideological colleague Chinese Communist Party Chairman for Life Xi Jinping who was attending APEC was a sufficient reason.

    Making the city safe and welcoming to residents and visitors was not a good and sufficient reason.
