We Don’t Need No Flaming Sparky Cars

Via Bjorn Lomberg (Facebook)Just 6 months ago, the International Energy Agency predicted that rapid replacement with electric cars would mean gasoline demand peaked in 2019. Climate political correctness = bad predictions;

After fueling the 20th century automobile culture that reshaped cities and defined modern travel, gasoline was supposed to begin its long goodbye this year. It didn’t.

Sure, Tesla Inc. and its rivals sold more electric vehicles in 2023 than ever before, reducing fossil fuel demand. In the moneyed suburbs of London, New York and Beijing, EV cars are a common sight. From that narrow perspective, it looks like the world has already started ”transitioning away from fossil fuels,” as agreed at the recent COP28 climate talks. But it’s a mirage.

14 Replies to “We Don’t Need No Flaming Sparky Cars”

  1. It’s simply wrong to assume that gasoline demand is directly correlated with the number of electric vehicles sold.

    EV use is primarily limited to short local trips – rich suburban ladies going to Starbucks.

    For any serious driving or the moving of goods gasoline remains king.

  2. Just anecdotal, no proof, just observations:
    Tesla and other EV drivers tend to drive slower than the flow on highways, definitely in the bottom 25 percentile
    Having said that, EV drivers also drive more erratically, they’ll drive real fast in spurts to 140Km/hr, then suddenly drop to 110Km/hr and stay there.
    EV drivers are more likely to be on their own with no passengers.

    1. I don’t know where you live, but anywhere I’ve driven I’ve been passed by an order of magnitude more EV drivers than I’ve passed. And I drive 10 over on the highway. They have the exact same entitlement attitude that most luxury car owners have: Instant asshole. Just add an EV.

      In addition, they all must display just how fast they can accelerate upon a green light.

      1. Stop and offer stranded EV motorists the use of your jerry can, then laugh and drive off!
        Or pour the contents into your tank and declare, “There, I just recharged!” Then drive off!

  3. Any correlation has almost nothing to do with the number of EVs sold, the number of ICEs sold will always eclipse the EV sales numbers into insignificance. Add that the rate at which EVs are taken off the road is higher than that of ICE vehicles, and EVs fade even further into insignificance.
    Mathiness isn’t the issue. The idiocy of your average media consumer is.

    1. aaaaand in a twilight zone when 2+2=racist
      seems that gradually encroaching leftistism has won the war.
      just mopping up now
      anything goes. common sense just jumped out the 20th floor window
      glad l dont have to deal with the new ‘workplace’

  4. lve had to repeatedly explain and defend statements because numerous of the literati cant grasp that sometimes the thing you think is gonna happen coincides with what you want to happen.
    sometimes it doesnt.
    like elections and technical innovations.

  5. Battery Electric vehicles new registrations for 2023 in canada came out to 100,644 representing 7.82% of the market
    Versus 77.64% for gas and another 4.2% for diesel.
    So for every electric vehicle sold, 10+ traditional fuel vehicles are sold…

    Edit: the data source doesn’t have q4 2023 data yet, but it’s unlikely the % will change much

  6. It is interesting if you Goggle best dividend stocks the media hacks are pushing Tobacco companies, not companies like Enbridge. My theory, the rich boys are pushing the high dividends trying to get every ounce of value out of their tobacco stocks before they completely tank and they are moving their money back to 0il and Gas while telling everybody that market is dead.
