Don’t Worry, It’s Transitory

But they got the headlines they wanted;

There’s something wrong with previous U.S. jobs reports.

The government quietly erased 439,000 jobs through November 2023, a closer look at the numbers from the Bureau of Labor Statistics shows. That means its initial jobs results were inflated by 439,000 positions, and the job market is not as healthy as the government suggests.

Since the government wiped out 439,000 jobs after the fact, the total percentage of jobs created by the government last year is even higher. Increased government hiring has been driving the jobs numbers higher.

18 Replies to “Don’t Worry, It’s Transitory”

    1. stats can is a propaganda wing of the liberal party . they say inflation is 3.1 %

      they dont even try to hide the lies anymore

      1. I think the Liberal party is actually the party of the permanent state. I thought the other way as well, but evidence in the US shows the state doesn’t care, as long as they control.

      2. ONLY StatsCan*??? They seem to have many propaganda wings

        (*Does that moniker sound vaguely Stalinist, BTW?)

        We’ve always been at war with Eurasia…

  1. Liberal logic. Decrease unemployment by creating more government jobs and at the same time increase tax receipts collecting payroll tax from said jobs. It worked so well during the great depression.

  2. Government jobs are NEVER removed. They go on forever … as do the taxes taken to support them. And the deficits created to support them. And the inflation and dollar devaluation created to support them.

    Oh! Nevermind. Paul Krugman says the economy is BOOMING !!! And that Biden is a genius! Moving America closer and closer to the Soviet model.

    1. The Soviet model would be an improvement on what the US has now.

      Stalin actually got things built, and made the Soviet Union a country able to defend itself against its enemies, and win.

      The only enemy Uncle Sam ever managed to defeat unassisted was his own Southern subjects.

        1. Basically every European rival the English had was helping the Yanks out. Especially France, with troops on the ground and ships in the water, but Spain, the Dutch, and Prussia were all assisting. They did manage to beat a bunch of Mexicans. But that shouldn’t have been as tough they made it.

      1. We are approaching the tipping point where the average person will start to give up on working hard to succeed. This is the case with every communist regime where there is no reward for hard work and people realize that there’s no point in putting in a honest day’s work.

        The Western World is going to collapse under this Woke Marxism.

      2. Yes … and Hitler built the autobahn

        And it wasn’t until Eisenhower that we caught up to that essential infrastructure. Now we can’t afford to maintain it as we pass one $Trillion “infrastructure” Bill after another … as very few of those $ actually go into any REAL physical infrastructure.

  3. This happens frequently under Democrat/Liberal control.

    And the media never ever asks questions.

  4. L – Counting jobs created by hiring extra gov’t. employees is a strategy. Once the majority
    (up from the current 25 percent) are gov’t. jobs; which cleverly includes those industries
    “regulated”(read compliant, quasi gov’t. jobs) by the federal government. This ensures
    enough votes to keep the political skull-duggery going until …

    The nation-state of Canada collapses into the chaotic, post-nation state of Trudeau’s fantasy world. This because, he’d rather be a ruler in Hell than a servant in Heaven…. Gosh, darn who
    does that remind us of ?

    Those darn archetypes, fall into temptation yet again. Why weren’t we warned? We were,
    if we were paying attention. The role of gov’t. funded lame-stream media is indoctrination. We wear touques to keep our ears warm and some presstitutes sneak up and try to pull the wool over our eyes, too, but only of the the naive, the unwary…

    Justin-flation’s “seasonal” gift to Canadians, is having to live on a devalued(inflated)
    currency. It’s a gift that keeps on giving…

    Will the Loyal Opposition Parties, who went along with the Lockdowns, the coerced jabs in violation of Informed Consent, and the doubling of the national debt, flooding Canada with
    a replacement population of a hostile culture, save Canada?

    *(note- all the recent immigrant population: with skill set, education and drive to succeed
    to rebuild the Canadian economy, that I’ve spoken to within the last year(North African,
    South-east Asian, Eastern European), have lost confidence in being able to afford to raise a family and own a home or succeed in business. Because of a hostile political climate, that’s the true”climate crisis” here. The last quote, from a Eastern European immigrant
    working 7 days a week in a dangerous job was: “The economy isn’t the best, but at least in Poland, the food is cheap.” )

    Without a Free Press, can there even be a free election?

  5. Well we know that they are telling the TRUTH about their proxy war, that RUSSIA is loosing bc they are buy cheap weapons from N Korea, and Iran. The FOOLS (and there are plenty that post in here) never consider that Russia may just want to keep their productive capacity open the manufacture sophisticated weapons.
