30 Replies to “No”

  1. My own humble observation and scientific research has led to the conclusion that the best way to avoid Covid 1 9 is to not get the jab.

    1. the single best reply i have seen anywhere on the subject of Covid. Precise, simple and factual. Well done Sir!!

  2. It’s an observational study.

    Beware of cherry picking.
    Correlation do not prove causation. It merely lets you form an hypothesis, which then has to be tested, and preferably replicated.

  3. Statist science by assumption, data is unnecessary if fake narratives are pursued:

    “However, the paper was merely observational and cannot prove anything about who is most susceptible to the illness. Academics acknowledged that meat eaters in the study were more likely to exercise less and have illnesses like cardiovascular disease and diabetes, suggesting they led unhealthier lifestyles.”

    I walk five miles a day with my dogs, plus 2-3 hour cardio/weight workout four times a week; and I love meat.

    Oh, but:

    “However, the new study found that meat-eaters were no more likely to suffer these severe outcomes.”

    Experts, however, warned the study ‘can’t provide substantial evidence’ for the recommendation.”

    Professor Margaret Rayman, an expert in nutritional medicine at the University of Surrey, said: ‘The authors of the study say that “those following a predominantly plant-based or vegetarian/vegan diet were 39 per cent less likely to become infected than the omnivores” which is due to their healthier weight and lifestyle.”

    ‘My explanation for their result is that insufficient adjustments were made between the groups to take account of the differences, a case of unaccounted confounding’.”


    1. I think one of the responses to the story summed it up best, and I’ll paraphrase.
      Normal people avoid vegans like the plague (coronavirus?) so their chance of getting COVID is greatly lower.

    1. “They ran out of Greek letters…”

      – And there’s one Greek letter left, that’s still available for use – because they didn’t use it when its turn came ’round…

      – Xi.

  4. Are all these scientists Vegan, public-transiting taking, 15 minute city dwellers who never board an airplane? If not then they can go f**k a lamp post in a cold Saskatchewan winter.

    1. I’m a semi vegan. I like onions and tomatoes on my burger. Oh and I always have fries with it, a root vegetable doncha know.

    2. IMF, you will continue to feel good. Been on carnivore since June, feel really good. While not as strict as I would like, I have cut out sugar (in all forms) and have a carb (potato or pasta) twice a month, just to sate my comfort food need. The only veg are bell peppers and onion with steak ( on occasion).
      Best of luck.

  5. Eat onions, garlic, celery, carrots, and peas, with meat, to cover both sides of the argument.

  6. It is well documented that a vegan diet is much more (ph 7-14) alkaline and thus makes one more prone to flus, colds, and viruses. You will have less incidences of cancer, dementia, and other serious issues, but day to day, viruses, you’ll catch more than your share.

    A more acidic diet is the opposite. The odds of getting a virus are much less as the environment is more hostile to the virus and leaves a much shorter window for development and incubation. However, the higher PH (1-7) can cause a higher incidence of cancers, gout, arthritis, and other serious diseases.

    It’s all about moderation and balance. Ignore this study mentioned, it’s all bunk.

  7. You know how I beat COVID? By doing nothing. No vax, no diet supplements, no HCQ, no Ivermectin, nothing.

  8. in other news, scientists claim socialism can work, when it is done right. I don’t rust scientists anymore, ever since they succumbed to the filthy lucre from government.

  9. The old joke, “How do you know if a politician is lying?” His/her/its lips are moving. Increasingly, “scientist” could be a fill-in for politician in this witticism.

  10. I’ll be filing this one right beside “the vaccine is safe and effective” and “carbon taxes reduce climate change.”

  11. My own scientific study of actual data tells me that the only time I ever ate kale, I got Covid two days later.

    And it tasted awful, too.

  12. The meat eaters in that study were more likely to be obese. This would be a risk factor for lots of illnesses. The two groups were not equal. The headline could have read: Obese people more likely to get Covid.
