42 Replies to “Destroying the Reputation of War Mongers is Always a Good Thing”

  1. She supposedly opposes Communist China and its authoritarian surveillance regime, but she thinks we all should register our names and identities before we speak?

    No thank you!

    Oh? BTW! Have you seen the latest scientific advancement by the Communist Chinese?


    China says experts “cracked” Apple AirDrop encryption to prevent “transmission of inappropriate information”

  2. They will keep Biden running as long as they have hope of getting Trump out of the way. If they fail expect Michelle to save the day. Nikki solves a lot of their issues, and is the big money and power solution. Republican or Democrat is not relevant . Said it a long time ago. Enjoy your illusion.

    1. Dumping Biden would be a boilerplate get power DeMarxists tactic; it’s how they installed him in the first place to head off Bernie Sanders. But like our boy blunder, has Quid Pro Joe consolidated his power? Remember, paraphrasing Dr. Jill, Joes wakes up every afternoon to see what he can he do to the American people.

      As the time for the primaries dump of him draws near, but there doesn’t seem to be any appetite for it.

      It appears to be a coronation for 10% Big Guy, damn polls and investigations, trying to stay 50/50 with Trump, to somehow limp over the finish line, even as his hired guns try every slimy tactic to keep voters off the Donald.

      Can we expect the same approach as 20/20 but without career criminal Floyd and collectivist covid for cover?
      Yup. DeMarxists have proved time and time again even if their cover story doesn’t work they slime on anyway.
      I put nothing past them, including assassination, inciting a civil war and a summer of love/rioting/murders.
      They’ll paint DJT is such a threat to “our democracy” aka their power, he must be stopped by any means, legal or not.
      Of that there can be no doubt, so I hope the GOP is ready for 2020 on statist steroids of fascist fantasies.

      1. They have to dump Biden or have him loose. No one will believe he gets 90 million votes to beat Trump. Get rid of Trump and Install Nikki does this.
        1.Gets rid of Biden.
        2. No election fraud – the Republicans win.
        3.No riots -Trump is gone.
        4. With Nikki the cabal has their useful idiot.
        5.In the event they fail to eliminate Trump, Michelle comes into save the country. They have more than enough to ditch Biden, he is only a UI. Of course it will be the fairest election ever.(sic)
        I believe there is a high probability that this are the ways it may play out. However, these are evil people fearful of loosing power and the possible consequences, so nothing, no matter how bad,is off the table.

    2. “If they fail expect Michelle to save the day.”

      I suspect it will be Gavin Newsome in her place. She doesn’t want or need it, and I think she is far too polarizing a figure.

      1. She doesn’t want it or need it…maybe. But she has started to make public comments, which makes me think she just might step in. If she does, she will win.

      2. So is Gruesome Newsome, an inveterate liar and slimy used car salesman. He’s driven Kalifornica into the ground, and continues going over the cliff.
        Both US and Canuck societies are severely polarized. The left doesn’t care about debts, deficits or the impacts of runaway infinite debt. Because, THEY CARE!
        One of two things is going to happen on the not to distant future, a debt wall is hit resulting in confiscatory taxation, or, debasement of buying power.
        Both are also possible at the same time, ESPECIALLY if the Demarxists/Lieberals retain both governments.

      3. Don’t forget if Joe is removed the next in line is Kamala. Coronation of another white male while passing over her is problematic. The fact she is incompetent doesn’t matter-so is Joe. Michelle fixes those optics. Pure speculation on my part and there’s a lot we don’t know, but this seems highly possible to me.

      4. “She doesn’t want or need it.”
        The give away I have learned of left leaning air heads is these types of folk broadcast their intentions that is exactly the opposite of what they speak.

  3. Here’s what I learned from this video. If you are going to eat a powdered donut, don’t button your suit jacket immediately afterwards. (this has been a public service announcement).

      1. Yeah, I should have thought that one out.
        Republican voters should avoid him like the plague.

    1. RFK’s annual trips to Banff to trash Alberta’s oil and gas industry was environmental extremist rubbish. Fossil fuels are foundational to the very existence of modern society. Alberta’s development of fossil fuels is the most ethical and responsible on the planet. Any serious support of such a political creature needs to take that part of RFK’s platform into account. He’s not anywhere near Republican sensibilities.

      1. Right now, it’s -29C where I am, and that’s WITHOUT the wind-chill!

        I shudder (pardon the pun) to think where we’d all be without fossil fuels, when the wind farms can’t produce electricity even with the strong north winds, because it’s too cold, and snow covering most if not all of the solar panels.

        1. I know people who use solar and wind power.
          Its good for some things.
          Wind/solar are useless for heating. At best, you can get enough energy for lighting, computing and refrigeration.
          For heating, you need at least wood and/or fossil fuels.

      2. Same goes for Tulsi Gabbard.
        Just because a couple of Dims say something that is not insane, or even reasonable, is no reason to forget that they are indeed Dim, and most likely support all sorts of insane policies.

        1. yeahBUTT
          Here’s the problem with you bible pounders, you have this purity test for people who don’t think like you. If I were to use your standards, I’
          d call for hanging every damn religeous idiot. Kristian, hindu , mooslimb, sihk , and every any cult like org.

          1. That’s because you are a mass-murderer at heart.
            I only suggested that some people not vote for some other people, provided some reason for doing so, and you seem to think that that act is justification to go on some insane rant about religion, not that you really need any justification, in the end.

  4. TBF … Rand Paul is a BIG L Libertarian … aka isolationist. He would be AGAINST WAR … even if we were being attacked from our southern border. Wait!

    1. Trump is an isolationist too, Kenji. It’s actually an historical American position, if one goes back in time.
      The Military Industrial complex opposes isolationism. War and death of “other people” is good for business.

      1. “The Military Industrial complex opposes isolationism. War and death of “other people” is good for business.”

        It sure is. And the conflict in Ukraine was deliberately engineered to be very, very good for business.

    1. “Nikki is a slightly darker shade of Hillary.”

      Well said. There is nothing remotely Republican about her, and she lost any support I might have given her when she stated that she would not run against Donald Trump, then did.

  5. Nikki believes that Putin is planning to invade Poland.
    She’s a pyschopathic liar or stupid. And/or?
    I doubt even Colonialista believes this. Actually I’m sure he doesn’t.

    1. Years ago, my late father-in-law phoned the USSR embassy to enquire about the paperwork that would be required by an elderly Polish-Canadian neighbour who wished to return one last time to his home town to visit his sisters. The town had been “acquired” by Russia at the end of WWII, the conversation went like this:

      “Hello, I am calling on behalf of my elderly neighbour who wishes to return to his hometown in __________, Poland; which now of course, is part of Russia.”

      “Vass alvehs Russia!!!!”

      1. “Vass alvehs Russia!!!!”

        Yep, they have the same mentality as Mooselimbs. Once apart of Caliphate always a part of Caliphate. The funny part is that Islam is colonizing russia at a rate much higher than anywhere in Europe. It will be fun to watch.

    2. Russia will invade everywhere that whore of nations is given half a chance to invade. Russia has invaded and occupied Poland many times over. Same with all her other neighbors (it is their Mongol blood). Haley is right that russia is cancer and needs to be eliminated (nothing of value will be lost anyway). That alone makes Haley the most qualified of the current crop of Republican Candidates.

      Muscovy delenda est (don’t forget the salt).

  6. Nikki is Jeb! on heels, actually worse: a RINO backstabber. Why she’s neck-and-neck with DeSantis: because she’s the 2nd preferred Repb candidate from Dems’ point of view. So she has lotsa’ $ to churn in her campaign. Anonymous donations, of course.

  7. Like father like son, Pauls are the Maxipads of US, when it counts they will find themselves on the wrong side for all the right principles.

  8. There is no need to destroy the reputation of warmongers. Just destroy the warmongers, and don’t try to stop anybody else who tries.

    Uncle Sam could end the war against Hamas in a single night. A few well-placed hydrogen bombs would destroy the Islamic Republic of Iran in its current form, leaving the Gazans no choice but to surrender unconditionally to the IDF.

    He could end the war in Ukraine overnight. Refuse to give Zelensky any more aid, and the Ukrainians” will be only too happy to overthrow and kill him themselves and replace him with someone willing to agree to the restoration of Russian law in the Ukraine.

    It is in the best interest of the United States to support Jewish self-determination, because the Jews are the chosen people of God.

    It is not in their interest to save the perpetrators of the Holocaust from facing the consequences of their crimes—which by rights should have included their deportation to Siberia and the extension of the Russian Federation’s western border to the Rhine.

    There was nothing wrong with “Palestine” replacing Arabs with Jews couldn’t fix. There is precious little wrong with Europe replacing Germans with Russians wouldn’t fix.

    Russians, like Jews, don’t start fights unless provoked. They just win them. It is invariably people with the support of the American Money Trust who start the wars. The US should fix the problem and only the problem—relieve the Money Trust of its wealth and political power.

    1. All those fantasies and you still can’t get it up. No wonder she left you for a woman.

    2. “He could end the war in Ukraine overnight. Refuse to give Zelensky any more aid, and the Ukrainians” will be only too happy to overthrow and kill him themselves and replace him with someone willing to agree to the restoration of Russian law in the Ukraine.”

      Beyond absurd. Ukrainians want nothing to do with Russia. Zelenskys approval rating is higher than Trumps ever was.

      I would suggest talking to your doctor about your current medications, perhaps the dose isn’t high enough.

      1. “Beyond absurd. Ukrainians want nothing to do with Russia. ”

        Except for the large percentage who are ethnic Russians and native Russian speakers.

        “Zelenskys approval rating is higher than Trumps ever was.”

        Zelensky is hanging by a thread, and he knows it. He won’t last much longer….his only choices are starting peace negotiations, fleeing to a country with no extradition treaties or being assassinated.

    3. @Kahane Tzedek – “because the Jews are the chosen people of God.”

      That’s why it’s not our war any more than the Russian/ Ukraine regional conflict. Jews have been relying on their god for 3000 years for survival against their neighbours. He seems to have served them very well over the millennia, they don’t need us to intervene.
