Friday night was a rough one for Alberta’s power grid

Alberta went under grid alert for just under 5 hours on Jan. 12. And yes, the AESO suggested people shouldn’t run their dishwashers. Alberta has more coal, oil and gas than God, because God gave all his to Alberta, and people there shouldn’t have washed their dishes lest the lights go out. That is no word of a lie. I was up all evening monitoring it, as you’ll see in the story.

And all of this is before four million Albertans are forced to buy electric cars and pickups.



It looks like Trans Mountain might, indeed be allowed to finish the darn pipeline in weeks instead of years. That is, unless they find another hummingbird on the right of way. The Canada Energy Regulator apparently removed its head from its posterior.

Canadian Press story on record cold in BC, AB.

Methane fees in US.

42 Replies to “Friday night was a rough one for Alberta’s power grid”

  1. “Finish what’s on your plate. Think of all the starving people of China” has become don’t use your dishwasher now because we think that we are saving the planet by using less than one thousandth of the amount of Coal as China.

    1. It’s OK, according to the E-people, when the grid needs more power it can just take it from your connected EV. It’s free energy, just sitting there in your car. You can’t hog it, someone else needs it.

      Then, the magic electrical fairy comes along and recharges your car, for free – in fact, like the tooth fairy – you get 2 bits left under your a$$.

    1. And don’t forget all of those additional heat pumps they want us to use. Do they run on fairy dust?

  2. So, fellow Albertans, ya had enough yet? Or does someone close to you have to freeze to death waiting for the wind to blow or the sun to rise before you come to your senses?

  3. Electric cars for Alberta…is the plan to make sure no one leaves home in the winter? Think of all the money they’ll save by not needing to plow the streets, all the people who will die in the comfort and convenience of their own homes because everything is closed for the winter, including hospitals. It’s a win-win for the ruling circles who will probably telecommute from Arizona.

    1. That is my estimate too, triple. Good to see others agree, Tom – I mean Ed. And that’s just for transport. Then add in heating, cooling and all non-electrified industrial plant.

  4. I have talked to some people working for ATCO Electric about that, asking what it would take to have everyone driving electric cars in Alberta. They’d have to triple the electric grid infrastructure. ATCO isn’t going to do that. They’re not planning on any increase in infrastructure at all. And they’re certainly not going to pay for it.

    1. The 2023 federal budget said multiply the grid by a factor of 2-3x. The Clean Electricity Regulations released in August said 2.5x. So that’s the number I’ve been using.
      And that’s not just power generation. That’s transmission and distribution, right to your electrical panel (including doubling almost every panel in every house to handle the EV load, and then everything from there back to the generator).
      So your friends were correct.

  5. Yes, and we must ban all carbon alternatives that actually work.. So we can set an example for 3rd world countries who dont give a scht what we say or do..

    Alarm bells?.. We are just redoing everything with monopolies for our friends.. Never mind your wants and needs, we are saving the world.. Meeting our international commitments on some UN circle jerk agreement..

    Thieves and liars..

  6. I remember the good old days when the Alberta conservatives were interested in providing reliable and Cheap! electricity to their residents.
    Now all they say is that they’re wanting reliable power and carbon neutrality.

    We’re going to be very uncomfortable aren’t we? Cold in the winter and sweaty in the summer.

  7. Burn some coal, oil and gas you dumb putzes. Shut the government down if they try and stop you.

  8. None of this will ever stop until Smith and other politicians call out AGW for the fraud it is.

    It doesn’t matter how badly the initiatives that the left puts forward to fight climate change fail. The reason it doesn’t matter is because they are fighting to save the planet, so a miss here or there or everywhere doesn’t really matter when your goals are so noble, and so committed to saving humanity.

    That’s the foundation to everything they do so until you take that arrow out of their quiver you were not going to win, and you are most certainly not gonna win anything when you continue to validate the lies and use their terminology when discussing the issue

    1. Ward – you can’t win an argument when it comes to someone’s faith. Believers are so scared they are having mental breakdowns. This Melbourne Psychologist counsels clients to embrace their inner communist:
      “I work within an eco-psychological framework… I get them to envision a world that is fair; where everyone has enough resources to meet their needs…and joining a local climate action group“… “I encourage mindfulness, enjoying the present moment, working through their grief through art, and working through their stress, rage and anxiety with movement.”

      Eric Worrall suggests that Melbourne could use more climate warming based on his last visit.

      1. PHPT don’t forget the faithful in this case, as in so many other movements, are just useful idiot for the profiteers, scamsters and manipulators.

        1. Robert, agreed, I think there is a lot of money being made by big Green. But as we read that the UK and France are looking more at nuclear than intermittent power, they may find that they have made bad investments.

    1. Obama called Trudeau on Oct 20th, 2015 to congratulate him on his win. On November 6th, 2015, “Barack Obama ended seven years of high-wire political drama to reject the Keystone XL pipeline”.
      I’m guessing Trudeau told him to cancel it, Canada won’t object. That first phone call had a $35B long distance charge that Canadian taxpayers will be paying forever. If TC Energy was allowed to proceed, the government would have had no reason to buy TMX. Never let the government get involved in business.,-This%20article%20is&text=Barack%20Obama%20ended%20seven%20years,the%20fight%20against%20climate%20change.

  9. 40% of Alberta voters vote ndp. Everyone of them believe in AGW. Many UCP voters do as well. This translates into a solid majority so no politician is going to declare AGW a fraud.

    Today the gas system at the Gleichen rez east of Calgary failed. The gas company (probably one of the many useless gas coops in the province) have restored service and are now running around the rez lighting pilot lights. It’s -35 here and the rez has instituted a state of emergency.

    Just think what is going to happen when the grid fails at these temperatures. If something like what happened in Texas occurs, those responsible will be pointing fingers at everyone but themselves. Politicians in power will be forced into hiding and out of office. It could happen. Tonight.

  10. Taxing cow farts
    How is it we are supposed to eat the same food the cows eat and not fart out same amount of global warming gas?.. It case you didn’t notice, we are also meat..

  11. I did my part. I have a timer so when I plug in my ICE vehicle at night it doesn’t start heating the engine until 4 in the morning. Last week I was on a job where I had to commute 180 kms through some very barren land. I rather doubt that I could have harnessed enough cariboo to tow a Tesla. It was -40 outside but I was very comfortable in my pickup.

      1. Not exactly what you asked for, but here are a couple of stanzas from my Cowboy Poetry sonnet ‘ Trucks and Guns’. The whole is considerably longer….

        My diesel truck has 4wd
        I can cruise the prairies at 105
        Up ahead, a flash of white
        Pedal to the metal keeps the game in sight
        A truck on the prairies fits like a hand in a glove
        It’s the wide open spaces I really love
        Keep your hunting plan simple and clear
        Trucks and guns, whiskey and beer

        I don’t think a Tesla or any other EV fits into what is cow country…

  12. And when this cold snap ends, these very same people will go back to complaining about so called “Climate Change”.

  13. Just received a grid alert!

    On cell phone and TV:

    This is an Alberta Emergency Alert issued by the AEMA. This alert is in effect for AB.
    Extreme cold resulting in high power demand has placed the Alberta grid at a high risk of rotating power outages this evening. Albertans are asked to immediately limit their electricity use to essential needs only. Turn off unnecessary lights and electrical appliances. Minimize the use of space heaters. Delay use of major power appliances. Delay charging electrical vehicles and plugging in block heaters. Cook with microwave instead of stove. For more info visit the Alberta Electric System Operator website

  14. Something new just happened. Alberta emergency. No power in the wires shut off all extra electrical. Do not plug in your block heater or your EV or run dishwasher or dryer or space heater or….. Maybe next time we will spend our money building electrical infrastructure that works in the cold and the heat and the calm and the wind and the dark and the light and….. You know RELIABLE!

  15. I just got an alert on my phone about a risk of rotating power outages because the grid is being overloaded by people trying not to freeze to death. Included in the warning… don’t charge your car.

  16. Just had an emergency warning about lack of power. Government F*cked up and now expects us to suffer.

  17. Someone please make sure ole Rach’s house is powered only by solar with no natural gas line. She should be okay, all that antifreeze in the bloodstream and all. And drag Hans Gruber by the beard into the bush in Northern Alberta and leave him there right now. It’s only supposed to hit -44 up there tonight. I’m sure he’ll be fine. Do I sound angry? I’m angry.

  18. Got the same warning here (about 7:00 Alberta time). Did wonder how much power the Calgary and Edmonton LRT systems were using, and if they would be shut down before rotating outages hit residential areas. Fortunately, the “all clear’ has sounded.
