12 Replies to “Your Moral And Intellectual Superiors”

  1. I hate censorship of anything but what I hate most, is the failure to educate young people to the point that they can analyze and criticize rationally that which they have been exposed to. The inability to think is what is destroying humanity today. By the way, school is not where this education begins and ends, as most schools are less than capable of creating an informed and thoughtful student.

    1. You have accurately identified the problem.
      If the juniors can’t think critically, there is no help, don’t think that it bothers them.

  2. It’s weird but whenever I see New York Times and journalist together in one sentence my mind immediately goes to “bull-shit”.

  3. Dude’s name is Casey. Can there be a more unserious name than Casey? I was waiting for a comment from his colleague Finnegan.

  4. The biggest losers in the last century.. Nobody bet more and lost more than the national socialist party of Germany.. Why anybody would LARP these losers is amusing..

    They exist to annoy.. They exist as an insult.. They exist so our socialists can remove their socialism from the nazi socialism.. I suppose that makes me a nazi for just being in the room..


  5. Just wondering what that little pussy cat thinks about the blatant Hamas Jew hate on the streets…the real Na#i tangible, recorded stuff.
    Too obvious for a NYT ‘journo’???

  6. Viewing the evidence presented, this entire affair seems to demonstrate something very reassuring: far-right content, despite being uncensored on SubStack, cannot attract a substantial audience.

    1. But hes advertising that he accepts dirty -icks.. Avoidance gradient very high here..lol

  7. How many of those “nazi” substacks are actual “nazi” and how many of them are honey pots run by either the FBI, or SPLC, or the press in order to slime substack? Note there is no concern about the plethora of communist or socialist substacks, despite their much higher body counts (and that they are all from the same poisoned tree of marxism)

  8. Not even going to check but I’d bet a free cup of coffee this Newton fellow has recently posted something along the lines of “Free Palestine from the river to the sea” while talking some rubbish about Israeli genocide.
