25 Replies to “Lets Take a Look”

  1. Serves to point out the hypocrisy of the 300 million arabs who live in the ME. None of them want anything to due with their palestinian brothers. Turkey, Jordan Egypt etc could easily absorb the 2 million Gazans. They could care less about them. Don’t mind at all about their fate. They support them to the extent that they (palestinians) are cannon fodder. Make no mistake, the entire ME want’s Israel gone.

    1. “Make no mistake, the entire ME want’s Israel gone.”

      Not really. Most of the ME is fine with Israel as it is now. Various ME nations have been signing peace treaties left and right with Israel. The latest is the impending peace agreement with Saudi Arabia. Israel is valuable to most of these nations because it balances against the lunatics in Teheran.

      What they want is the Palestinians gone, most particularly the mercenary organizations controlled by Iran – Hamas and Hezbollah. This has been the case ever since the PLO launched a civil war in 1970 to overthrow the government of Jordan. All of these nations are opposed to a Two-State solution. That means they want Israel controlling the territory, not Hamas. So your concluding statement is wrong. But the remainder of what you stated is indeed correct.

      1. Egypt, Jordan and Syria have never forgiven Israel for the 6 day war. Israel wiped out Egypt’s air force in the first 90 minutes. A peace treaty with any of the arab nations is just ink dried on paper and the Jews know it.

        The ME is completely at ease with letting Israel wreak havoc with the palestinians – saves them from doing it, which they are completely capable of.

        1. Egypt signed a peace treaty with Israel in 1978. Jordan signed a peace treaty in 1994. So much for your “Never forgiven” BS. Try again.

          1. Never forget the ‘Prophet’ Mohammad and ‘Hudna’……”We’ve called a truce….(aside to Generals “Psst, go out and buy more weapons”)”.

            I’m sorry, but from my own personal experiences it’s “Hmm, I wonder how far I could throw him”.

        2. “..Egypt, Jordan and Syria have never forgiven Israel for the 6 day war…”

          EXCUSE me..?? WTF are you yappin about.

          WHO STARTED said war….hmm..?? Those 3 Shithole Countries started this shit…and Israel kicked their ASS after taking significant losses themselves. Zero F’ing sympathy for any one of them. The Israelies shoulda nuked em all imo.

          And BTW, it was Israeli Strength that got the Anwar Sadat to sit down and talk Peace.

      2. When a Muslim nation signs a peace treaty with Israel or anyone else they are committing taqiyya.

      3. when King Hussein kicked the PLO OUT there was much cheering and jubilation………… in the PLO camp???? huh???????
        yep. Arafart labelled it a ‘victory’. l remember the news reel. all smiley face happy happy happy.
        and the pow widdow pawestiwians SCREWED BLUED AND TATTOOED AGAIN by their ‘handlers’, ‘leaders’ and ‘allies’.
        that hasnt changed.

  2. Wonder when that wall was built, above and under ground?
    Yep, the Palis don’t seem very popular over there. Wonder why?

      1. No, just Iran their employers see them as useful toys. The rest of them despise the Palestinians. Ask yourself, why has Jordan never asked to have returned to it the West Bank it lost in the 1967 Six Day War?

        1. I think we’re saying much the same thing. Arabs despise Palestinians, and find them useful cannon fodder b

    1. But, but, but … didn’t you notice!? The pic was placed on X by … none other that that white, islamophobic, convicted criminal … Tommy Robinson!!! Ohhhhhhhhhhh mommaaaaaaaaaa

  3. There may be something to wanting to use the Palestinians as a thorn in Israel’s side, but I think the greater reason for keeping them out of Jordan or Egypt is that those countries know what the Palestinians are.

    They’re trouble, and the neighbours don’t need more trouble. So why would the POS PM of Canada invite them to live in Canada? Well the POS PM of Canada thrives on trouble, as does Gaza

    I think Israel should follow Egypt’s lead here, and construct a wall on the Gaza border, sever all electrical, gas, and water connections permanently, and walk away. The next time (and there WILL BE a “next time”) those residing in Gaza attack those residing in Israel, Israel should extract the same from Gaza, and perhaps explain to the UN that those people in Gaza appear to be “slow learners”.

    1. The UN is militarily on the side of Hamas and Hezbollah. UNWRA has been a big part of the financing machine feeding weaponry to these two organizations and concealing their activities by providing human shields. The UN is the enemy.

      If you really want to deal with problems like this, level the Tombstone on the Hudson. Poilievre is right; Canada needs to withdraw from this thoroughly corrupt organization.

    2. For generations Canada has been the preferred refuge of every Jew-hating piece of trash that belonged in a shallow grave. Including the grandfather of Justin’s Deputy Prime Minister.

      There will be no walking away until the last Arab in the Land of Israel is “eliminated,” as the Israelis say. “Spare them not; but slay both man and woman, infant and suckling, ox and sheep, camel and ass.”

      Then, maybe, the Nations will learn to fear the Jews more than they hate them, and learn that any nation making war on Israel will be destroyed itself.

      Then, maybe, they’ll do something more about anti-Semitism than talk about it. Such as deputize well-organized militias of pious Jews to go door to door and summarily execute anybody suspected of being a threat to the Jewish people, because far better they be “eliminated” than the whole nation be destroyed.

      That done, you won’t hear another word about Islamophobia. Hatred of Amalek, and of the Amalekite cult of Islam, is not bigotry. It is proof you are fit to live outside an insane asylum.

      Canadians can now choose to replace her elites with good men willing to stand with Israel, and to destroy the Amalekites, man, woman, infant and suckling, and the Amalekite cult of Islam with it. Or they can choose to be destroyed with Amalek, man, woman, infant and suckling.

      Canadians should behold and reflect deeply on the destruction of Gaza, and choose wisely.

      1. No Arguments at all Kahane.

        Pierre started this Islamic Importation shit under the guise of Multi-Culturism in the mid 60’s…his misbegotten piece of Fascist Trash, son Justin is simply carrying on the family stance towards Islam and its practitioners – That should be plainly f’ing obvious to even the most obtuse Canadian given the level of violent protests and anti-semetic acts over the past 2.5 months… along with 10 million $$ Gifts to convicted Terrorists.

  4. Maybe the wall was built to protect the Palestinians from accidentally walking away from their homeland.

    1. Yes it does. Funny how DC has billions of dollars to keep feral Africans who’ve been nothing but trouble for generations in government cheese, but none for a proper border fence like this one.

      But who am I kidding? Cairo didn’t pay for that. Americans did.

  5. Funny that the UN doesn’t pressure the Arab nations to take in the Palestinians. Why? Well they have patsies like naïve spineless Canada to do that.
