14 Replies to “Iowa Caucus Day”

  1. Breaking news at 2300. Water main breaks, due to the cold weather, have necessitated a stop to ballot counting

    Breaking news at 0700 Jan 16. Bags of additional ballots have been discovered. Apparently the cold weather caused some EVs which were delivering ballots, to stop. They had to be recharged.

    1. Real Clear Politics has already called it for Trump. Interesting. Less than 1% of vote in

      1. Yeah,
        just like they called Nevada for Biden, but we knew that was a setup 10% of the vote, and Biden already won.
        Fox News.

  2. If your vote mattered, they wouldn’t let you do it.
    Twain said so in the 19th century,,,HoKay?!
    Goodnight sweet Plebs and Mongos….
    Pawns in the strange game of life.
    Can anyone do something about it?
    I thought not.
    Cynicism off…

    1. Good. Now Haley needs to go too, and leave President Trump free to begin campaigning in earnest. Putting globalism out of business in the United States is men’s work.

      1. “Good. Now Haley needs to go too, and leave President Trump free to begin campaigning in earnest.”

        Yes. She was doomed from the start anyway, after promising not to run against Trump, then reneging on that promise.

        1. She is also doomed because she is a tired old neocon. The USA cannot afford itself anymore, let alone the rest of the world. DC will the last place this is realized, but Main Street knows it already.
