38 Replies to “Justin’s New Military”

  1. Yes, it’s terrible! What if theTurd visits Trenton and has to go to the loo to change his tampon ?!?

  2. Totally retarded having feminine hygience products in the men’s washroom. If a ‘man’ qualifies, ask
    the nearest woman to grab some from the ladies! Jeez!

    1. If a man thinks he is a woman, why isn’t it going to the women’s washroom for free tampons? (And why aren’t the men demanding extra cash because they don’t cost the taxpayer money for tampons?)

      1. I believe it’s for women who think they are men.
        Did you ever wonder if women who think they are men and commit crimes demand to go to mens prisons. Somehow I doubt it.

        1. Yep, Largs.
          Ok…there are a few women who like to think (pretend) they are men.
          So….when they are in the men’s room, and find they need a tampon…doesn’t that kind of defeat the Narrative? Wouldn’t that be an obvious sign that they don’t belong in that room at all?
          I mean, if our gov’t truly wanted to support and affirm them in their delusion, they should take out those feminine product dispensers. After all – you ARE a man, right? And we would not want to ever, ever give a different message, would we?
          Our gov’t is so confusing. These are men, right, and can use the men’s room….soooo…let’s assume they only need male accessories – urinals, et al. Wouldn’t that be more “affirming?”

  3. What’s troubling is the chucklehead who did the installation. That many holes is usually a cry for help.

    1. I think it’s more an indication of how many times it has been ripped off and reinstalled. The integrity of the wall will soon be as compromised as our military itself.

    2. l use a trick called find the stud, an 1/8 bit no smaller, youre checking for the feel of hitting wood.
      pick a spot drill a hole top ridge of the baseboard to conceal, go left and right abt an inch until you find it.
      then drill to find outer edges.
      then eyeball it cutting hole for retrofit recepticle or lite switch etc.
      advantage is the locator holes are in fact not prominent if you confine the search to holes locate top edge of any baseboard.
      lath and plaster was tricky, oftentimes difficult discern solid wood.
      lots of tricks.

        1. I use a “studf finder device”, too. Sometimes it can find them, sometimes I’m going to try watch and listen’s method.

    3. I laughed at that as well. Looks like the ‘installer’ had a problem finding the stud…. The dispenser probable fell off the wall on it’s own – no vandalism involved

  4. Once again policies that benefit the snivel service paid for by the little people-wanna bet public servants are now getting all their products paid by us? My husband is a retired military pilot, I’d break both his legs before I’d let him serve that vile arm of the radical liberals.

  5. It is fair to ask: why doesn’t Canada have an army capable of fighting wars and winning them, like Israel does?

    The answer is:

    Israel is the Jewish homeland and Jews are serious about defending her.

    Canada’s an international airport lounge pretending to be a country.

    1. “Canada’s an international airport lounge pretending to be a country.”

      Nice. I’m going to use that one.

      1. To keep the government in power. If there was no army i’d get some buddies together go to Ottawa, kill all the politicians and declare myself king. I’d then form an army in case anyone got any ideas about doing the same thing to me.

      2. Every country has an army. Either their own, or somebody else’s.

        My apologies to whoever made this original quote.

  6. The Liberal government has hired closr to 100,000 “employees” in the ladt eight years. How many people are in the Canadian Armed Forces? Are there more, or less, in service since Trudeau started running (ruining) things?
    I unserstand that there are a total of five Canadians involved in the Red Sea coalition taking on the Houthies.

  7. Also from Trenton and not making this up, there was a request to replace basic training with yoga.

  8. That statement from DND headquarters is an invitation to retire or fire any senior officer who spewed that nonsense.

  9. CFB Trenton is the home of RCAF Squadron 424, which is now on search and rescue duty. In WWII, it was a bomber squadron which flew its first mission over occupied Europe on Jan. 15, 1943. This is their proud record of combat against the actual Nazis:

    “Summary Sorties: 3257 (including 668 from North Africa, and 39 airlifting 884 liberated POW’s from Europe to England).

    Operational/Non-operational Flying Hours: 17,478/7106. Bombs dropped: 8776 tons.
    Victories: Aircraft: 9 destroyed, 5 damaged, in 60 engagements.
    Operational: 52 aircraft (including 12 in the Mediterra­nean); 313 aircrew, of whom 37 were killed, 252 missing (of whom 16 proved safe), 14 POW, 10 injured.
    Non­operational: 4 aircraft; 9 personnel killed, 5 injured.
    Honours and Awards: 1 DSO, 1 bar to DFC, 49 DFC’s, 1 CGM, 11 DFM’s, 1 MiD.”

    The Dear Leader and his minions should be pilloried for their desecration of the legacy of these brave young Canadian men.


  10. Two of my uncles were engineers in WWII. I can imagine they’d fix that dispenser in ways that officers couldn’t imagine…

  11. “…department’s efforts to create an “inclusive” environment for “cisgender women, gender diverse individuals, transgender men, and intersex individuals.”

    None of whom actually exist.

    1. They’ve got them in the wrong place, they should be in Regina, its the Rotten Corrupt Mounted Pigs that consist of sub human degenerate filth.

    2. How does having tampon machines in the men’s room help to create an “inclusive environment for cisgender women”? I swear they spew this garbage without actually thinking about what they are saying.

  12. Left over a decade ago. A Tampon Too Far!

    C in C
    1st St Nicolaas Army
    Army Group True North

  13. The powers that be have a hard time trying to convincing me that Russia and China are my enemy because I already know who they are.

  14. The Chinese, Russians and Islamists et al. must be laughing their asses off reading stories like this

  15. I think that any soldier serving in our military who is willing to do this would have to resign or retire. How could you take your superiors seriously after this? You would have to second guess every order, every piece of information from now on. Just leave. Our military can continue to play pretend while contending with funding shortages, lack of equipment, and idiocy in the upper echelons, but what they cannot survive is a public who realizes that spending $30 Billion dollars a year to field 2000 soldiers is a criminal waste of money.

  16. Want to see what the brass and big brains at DND are concerned with? Why take a look at the prestigious Canadian Military Journal. Compare this issue with the previous ones, which discussed serious military matters. Below is a link to the journal through Government of Canada National Defense web site, so you know before clicking.


  17. The dispenser that serves no other purpose than affirmation of compelled gender pretense is either emblematic of a military that is itself a pretense or a monument in honour of King Charles whose prose to Camilla betrayed his desire to become her Tampon. Reality is so much stranger than fiction! No publisher would touch this shite.

  18. I work in an armoury, and these dispensers got installed in every washroom –which doesn’t bother anyone, except that we were told there was no money at RPOps to fix the faucets or urinals (let alone the hvac and the mold). Fun story: the existing tampon dispensers in the women’s/handicapped washrooms haven’t worked properly for years, so they stopped stocking them. Literally, if you need one, you have to head into the men’s washroom to get a tampon. Which feels patriarchal to me.

    Interestingly, several of us have noticed the product being dispensed is being dispensed a lot. But….all at once. We think the cleaners, who are all paid nothing, are helping themselves. Or the political officer is making the rounds so we have the best “numbers” in the CAF, and can prove the need to a grateful division.

  19. With all the problems in the military that really need solving, like too few soldiers and antiquated equipment, they dreamed up this ludicrous action? How pathetic. Does anyone remember the Peter principle. that people are promoted until they reach their level of incompetence where upon they then focus on minuscule issues because they lack capacity and capability to solve the real problems . A whole lot of that going on in the Defense Dept spearheaded I assume by the head honcho in the PMO, JT himself.
