14 Replies to “Round 4, Fight! Alberta’s fourth grid alert in as many days”

  1. Sid
    January 15, 2024 at 11:20 am
    I’m not a real smart person, but from what I’ve read there are multiple ways to remove the “problem “ products that are produced by using Coal.
    Why in the bloody heck did they not apply this technology to our former coal electricity generators????
    Unfortunately I can guess that politicians have shares and friends in the companies given the contracts, right?
    *Just heard on global radio that part of the reason for coal removal was because of Steven Harper.! *
    That’s a new one ,

  2. I’ve heard a saying that goes something like this…

    The large dildo of reality will arrive suddenly and un-lubed.

    … apparently it will be frozen solid as well.

    1. ProTip:
      You can’t C/P a path in your file explorer and post it on a website and expect it to work.

      You need to upload it to some image hosting site if you want to share it over the interwebz.

  3. As it seems to go, this maybe a way to introduce permanent condition of power supply in Alberta.
    In the 70′ and 80’s of the past century, working on electrical design for a number of coal generation plants in Alberta. The plan was for 4 units at Sheerness and 2 at Genesee. Well, 2 Sheerness units and Genesee were cancelled at the time. The reason was that there was no need for it.
    The situation would not be this bad, of course the problem is with the immigration, everybody wants to come to Alberta to work and have some prosperity for their toil. So, thousands and thousands of people moved here and power generation declined. The wind and solar can’t make up the difference at patently critical times. Solar specifically, since Apollo with sun in his chariot insist of going below horizon at about 6 pm at this time of the year. Zephyrus of course will decide when there will be the west wind as Boreas blows in from the north.
    You could talk all day to the idiot and the convict, they just won’t listen, their AGW religious beliefs, their global socialist/fascist aristocrat sponsors in Davos will not allow it.
    Sometimes one wishes that one of the cruise missiles strayed to Davos. This would save the world a lot of stress.

    1. If a stray missile hit Davos the US would benefit via estate tax collection.

      But the Democrats would lose a lot of political donations.

      Win, win, and win?

  4. Now that Canuckistan is no longer warming / boiling / frying / baking / etc the carbon tax should be rescinded, eh? / sarc off

  5. This energy crisis in a country as rich in natural resources as Canada, I consider criminal. It’s just not the feds doing. It took successive provincial governments going along to get along attitude when it comes to appeasing the global warming religion and its followers.
    They should have stood their ground and not cede one inch to the global warming charade and its pseudoscience.
    There needs to be a reckoning.

    1. Which is why I keep pounding this drum, day in, day out. Someone needs to wake up. A lot of people need to wake up, before a price is paid in lives.

  6. 20 years ago there was a fight in Alberta over adding a new north/south transmission line. The fight went on for years before it got done. Then along came wind and solar. No fight took place. Wind/solar installations proliferated all over the place. Look where it’s got us.
