25 Replies to “Dear Klaus…”

  1. I absolutely loved it, That was an O’Henry ending to that one. I didn’t see it coming. Bravo!!

  2. l think the clip is a really really convincing fake.
    l predicted digital video would allow this to happen.
    so the point fake or not isnt the real point.
    the real point is the uncertainty and doubt given that it very easily be faked.
    thus forever damaging the reliability of that source of information.
    and if, IF it is fake then we are officially at that ‘point’.

  3. A lot of chirping going on at Davos about Disease X. I suspect they’ll unleash it before Spring.

      1. Anyone else wish Elon would make one of those SpaceX rockets nudge an asteroid just enough to hit Davos?

        Just asking for a friend.

  4. Daphne Koller (a computer scientist) also struck an optimistic note in the same session, predicting that AI will help us solve really hard problems that humans can’t. And, she said that AI should not seek to replicate human cognition.

    These are the people deciding our future (or lack thereof).
    Someone needs to sit this woman down and show her a few science fiction movies. I’m reluctant to suggest that computers can do nothing more than reflect what was programmed into them by…humans. But, I’m far more terrified of a machine that has its own cognition. Compassion, morality and integrity would give way to pure logic. I don’t think that’s a good idea.

    1. “But, I’m far more terrified of a machine that has its own cognition.”

      That’s a fairy story for now. Digital computers can’t do it. In -principle- they can’t do it. A Turing Machine, even a perfect one, cannot have self-awareness, sentience and cognition as Humans do. The reason, in a nutshell, is that sentience does things that a Turing Machine simply cannot do.

      Also, consider that pure logic -is- entirely mechanistic. You really can do pure logic with Turing Machines. Wittgenstein put all the logic possibilities in a book. At the very end of the book he says “What can be said at all can be said clearly; and whereof one cannot speak thereof one must be silent.” Because you see things every day that cannot be encompassed by mere logic.

      Worry about the a-holes who want to stick a gun on a Turing Machine and let it loose on battlefields. War is bad enough already.

  5. While this is a great effort at capturing the sentiment of many peoples around the world, we must remember that Klaus, Gates, Trudeau etc etc are useful idiots for a larger mechanism.

    Consider this, during its germination, we only ever see the top of the carrot, and never the rest. The same theory can be applied here. Who is actually plotting, governing, funding, and allowing such atrocities to go unfettered?

  6. Its funny to make fun of the Canadian Fuhrer … “vee ave penetrated zee cabinets”…
    Turdholes boss is getting anxious with us peasants for not taking the poison like they ordered us to take.

    “U will have nossing and you will love it”

    Klaus Anal Schwab the unelected ruler of the western world.

    Eat shit Klausie

  7. More happenings at Davos –

    “Tom Woods writes:

    “The World Economic Forum is currently holding its annual meeting in Davos. Argentine president Javier Milei was invited to speak, and did he ever rise to the occasion. Milei delivered his remarks in Spanish, so an interpreter did simultaneous translation. That means the text I’m quoting from is choppy and imperfect, but it’s good enough to give you an idea of what was said. I can share only excerpts, in order to keep this issue at a manageable length, but these excerpts will certainly give you a sense of the speech:”

    More at


    A link

    ““Long Live Freedom” — Argentinian President Javier Milei Trashes Socialism and Calls Out Elites at WEF (VIDEO)”

