Notley takes credit for getting rid of coal power, days after the lights almost went out

After a weekend of power shortages, Notley takes credit for getting rid of coal-fired power and building wind and solar. Because of course she did. Not sure when it was filmed, but there wasn’t a hint of shame that she was largely the cause of what happened over the weekend.

Also: Brian Crossman: Magic Eight Ball prediction edition for 2024. “Will the current Prime Minister continue to be a dumpster fire?” “SIGNS POINT TO YES.”

36 Replies to “Notley takes credit for getting rid of coal power, days after the lights almost went out”

  1. Celebrating her own moronity. I wonder if she etches notches in the grips of her policy, as citizens freeze to death.

  2. In the words of the old Roy Clark song – Thank God and Greyhound She’s Gone. The biggest mistake Albertans ever made was voting her into office. Prentice was a huge mistake on the part of the PC but then again they needed to be rebuilt as did the UCP under Kenney. Alberta has not had a good premier since the time of Klien.

    1. As she hinted, she is not gone! She said she may run again in the same riding. She did not say if that riding would be federal, provincial or even municipal.

      As a younger man I met her once in a university town east of Kenora. A friend of mine from Beaverlodge was studying there. Walking home I saw my friend probably having a smoke in front of a local watering hole. She invited me over to meet her friend Rachel. I recognized the last name and asked if she was Grant’s daughter. Instead of taking pride in the relationship she lectured me on how she was an independent woman blah… blah… blah…! I said goodbye to my friend and walked away. Rachel was likely on the heels of some recent feminism training at that time. She would have been 25 to 30 years old.

      Unsurprisedly she had lost her manufactured disdain for being recognized as Grant’s daughter when she was running to be Premier of Ablerta. Such hypocrisy.

    1. The link here isn’t working, I dunno why.

      Queens announcement that they’ll be canceling classes with under 10 students?
      I laughed actually. They’ve suspended new admissions to the fine arts faculty, not that I’m down on visual arts at all, but I doubt “studying” for it makes one a better artist.

  3. Notley looks and acts like a person who lost their marbles. Thank God and Premier Smith, she’s done.

  4. These communists are really quite stupid. Those that support the “green” communist agenda are the dumbest.

  5. Windmills, solar, chopping wood, Canadians working hard to keep warm.
    Be thankful it doesn’t get very cold on this side of the Equator.

    “You will eat bugs, own nothing, be happy, or the beatings will continue. “

  6. What she did, prematurely closing baseload coal plants without first replacing them with other types of reliable baseload power, makes no sense. Bragging about destabilizing baseload power after an extreme cold week where intermittent wind and solar power completely failed when reliable power was desperately required, makes no sense.

    Unless you accept the glaringly obvious…destabilizing reliable baseload power was the intent. Far too many leaders are not working in the best interest of those they are elected to represent, imo. It’s like they are gaining loyalty points for creating economic chaos and societal dysfunction.

    1. Exactly right. Sadly, her behavior is not exceptional. We’re witnessing it all over Western society. Politicians seem to be in a race to see who can most quickly destroy their communities.

      1. It’s bizarre behavior, verging on psychotic. In their sacred quest to prevent 1.5C of increased global warming this century, Canadian politicians are willing to risk letting citizens freeze in Arctic-like winter temperatures. So they are willing to sacrifice the lives of actual people now in order to potentially save future people based on inaccurate models that predict a bit of warming 50 or so years from now. There is certainly a case to be made that this could be considered crimes against humanity.

        I say inaccurate because their past models since the 1980s have not performed very well and their predictions of doom have not materialized. Theoretical threats should not take precedence over real and immediate threats to human life.

  7. Not that I’m a notley fan but weren’t the coal plants just converted to natural gas and not shut down? Does the switch to nat gas reduce power output? (Genuine question )

    The Cascade power plant by Edson is about to come on line as well in a few weeks. 900megawatt nat gas plant. If it would have been on time it would have been on line in 2023.

    1. They were pushed to shut down earlier than planned (at a huge cost)…..and coal operates at virtually 100%….what remains of coal fired power in Alberta was operating at 100% (+) while one of the natural gas plants was offline. As for building anything in Canada any more, nothing is built on time or budget if it’s built at all.

    2. There is opportunity cost and misallocation of capital. It costs money to convert coal plants to gas plants but the conversion does not increase the amount of MWs. For example, let’s say it theoretically costs 1 billion to convert a 300MW coal plant to a 300MW gas plant. You’ve spent a billion dollars for a zero increase in MWs. Plus Notley agreed to pay the coal plants annual compensation for early coal retirement.

      That billion dollars plus could have been spent building a 300MW new gas plant while letting the 300MW coal plant run until its natural decommissioning date (or longer with a rebuild). So for 1 billion dollars, the grid would have 300MW of additional baseload gas power until the coal plants were retired. Because of population increases and increased industrial demand, new baseload power must be continually built.

      Adding new power to accommodation retiring units and growing electricity demand growth has been the norm for decades and the process worked well. Adding in the cost of converting coal to gas has altered that dynamic but not for the better.

      Think of it this way, what produces more homes for a growing population – renovating old apartment buildings without increasing the number of apartments or building a brand new apartment building?

      1. Sorry, no rational thoughts allowed where the media gatekeepers ensure all politicians with any hope of attaining power must abide within their politically correct and totally ignorant limits of discourse.

      2. The media doesn’t understand electricity and energy…and are paid to remain ignorant and push the federal government narratives.

        I forgot to add in one additional point against coal to gas conversion – old coal units can, if maintained properly, be restarted during emergencies. We saw that happen this weekend when Saskpower’s BDPS unit 4 (a coal unit built in the 1970s) was brought back into service to help provide addition power to export to Alberta. If Alberta’s coal plants had not been converted to natgas then they too could have been restarted and provided additional MWs.

    3. Most, but not all, coal units were converted to gas. For instance, Sundance Unit 5, 400 megawatts, suspended 2021. Unit 3, retired 2020, its 50 year lifespan would have been 2026. That’s 368 megawatts. What would an additional 768 megawatts done this past weekend? No crisis!

      From Pembina Institute:
      The beginning of the end started in 2012 when the federal government under Prime Minister Stephen Harper created Canada’s first coal phase-out regulation. While ground-breaking for its time, the regulation set a slow pace for retirements, and would have seen Alberta close its last coal plant in 2061.

      That changed in 2015 with the introduction of an accelerated 2030 coal phase-out mandate. A constructive carbon pricing mechanism and the cost-effectiveness of competing technologies spurred Alberta’s generators to operate their coal plants less and make prompt plans to stop relying on coal.

      Our current schedule — driven by the decisions that generators are making — is way ahead of the 2030 schedule. Alberta is down to only two coal power plants (Genesee unit 1: 400 megawatts (MW) and unit 2: 420 MW) and one plant that is capable of using coal and gas (Genesee unit 3: 466 MW).


      1. “In 2016, Alberta, under the Notley government, paid three power companies $1.36 billion over 14 years to shut down 6 or their 18 their coal-fired plants early, with the other 12 either scheduled to close or to convert to natural gas before 2030. ”
        Epoch Times today. And yes, a large part of the column was based on my reporting.

    4. Because she was following the example of Dolton McGimpy who decided that despite a easily accessible source of natural gas being within 200 Meters of Lakeview, it was much more important to shut it down, and then blow it up so that it would never be restarted?

  8. The last clean coal plant was being converted to natural gas two yrs ago. The local indian band was not pleased to lose the “contract supplying the coal”.

  9. Over the last 30 years, the sociopaths of the ENGOs and their sheep have become one with the state and the NDP is their greatest portal followed by their intermarried cousins of the LPC. That is also true of most the rest of the institutions.

  10. So her goal was to make Alberta power Unreliable and MORE Expensive?

    That’s some legacy she’s proud of.

  11. You know it’s really too bad the public can’t stop politicians’ public pensions based on the bad policies they enacted. Matter of fact, it would be beneficial to be able to end the public pensions of executive civil servants who enacted the fiasco as well.

    “Shannon Phillips, now Alberta NDP environment minister, once co-wrote with Mike Hudema of Greenpeace the introduction to a handbook called An Action a Day Keeps Global Capitalism at Bay.”

    “Deborah Drever’s (Alberta’s new NDP MLA Calgary-Bow) facebook account includes a photo of a hand giving the middle finger to a Canadian flag. Deborah Drever’s sister, Victoria Levesque faced nine charges, including assault with a weapon, uttering threats,
    harassment, assault, possession of stolen property, two allegations of possessing controlled substances and two of failing to appear in court.”
    2021 Rachel Notley,
    … “we need to know who still isn’t getting vaccinated and where they live”
    … “we will go door-to-door and force vaccines on these people on their door step”
    … “and find out what’s on the minds of these people”

    Pic’s are still out there.

  13. The post is tagged Climate Cult. I think that’s a typo on Cult with respect to the letter l.

  14. Another reminder that Albertans need to be eternally vigilant that the Notley types never have a chance at the levers of power again. Notley supporters and her ilk are legion and walk among you. Imagine the cajones it takes to brag about how you gutted an industry and on the coldest week where Albertans faced a bottom of the ninth/ two out with respect to energy supply to their customers and still tell people how you were all that and a bag of chips. FY
    I say that as an Ontarian…it’s too late for us of course as all the parties are basically indistinguishable from each other. Now it’s come down to what commie prick you want for the next few years.

    1. Which is precisely why I wrote this – you got the message. “brag about how you gutted an industry and on the coldest week where Albertans faced a bottom of the ninth/ two out with respect to energy supply to their customers and still tell people how you were all that and a bag of chips. “

  15. Notley is ugly on the inside and it shows through..

    The kind of person that would reflect on Holodomor and exclaim “Look how much we saved people on thier grocery bills!”

    Kumpletely Klueless Kuņt..

  16. Drive up to her house with a dump truck full of coal.
    Dump it into and through her house.
    Make sure she is at home.

    All perfectly legal. Oops, I didn’t see that was there, the, uh, lights were out.
