Atlas Is Shrugging

The transcript of Javier Milei’s speech to the World Economic Forum is a breath of fresh air in a world that badly needs it. I have not seen a political leader as upfront about the philosophical concepts that define a culture of liberty since Margaret Thatcher. Let’s hope he can make some progress and set an example that is emulated elsewhere.

Do not be intimidated by the political caste or by parasites who live off the state. Do not surrender to a political class that only wants to stay in power and retain its privileges. You are social benefactors. You are heroes. You are the creators of the most extraordinary period of prosperity we’ve ever seen.

Let no one tell you that your ambition is immoral.


39 Replies to “Atlas Is Shrugging”

  1. The one thing that sucked about the book.
    All the businessman and entrepreneurs that had such strong Integrity.
    Capitalism is all Javier says in his speech.
    However how many Capitalists brown nose over an expensive lunch with clowns like Trudeau.
    I think Capitalists for the most part have grown to love salesman and politicians blowing smoke up their b—, and reciprocating in kind.
    As long as the money flows.

      1. Not really. The political class is corrupt, they take the money from the people by force and spend it in ways that do not benefit the people.

        The “bourgeoisie” don’t have the official power and might of the state doing their corrupt bidding.

    1. Absolutely correct, Mugs.
      True Capitalism is needed. Not the crony capitalism where sucking up to the gov’t will ensure that you get preferential treatment. We need to keep that distinction.

      1. Please. It’s crony socialism … not crony capitalism. Not when massive corporations carve out monopolies for themselves that their apparatchiks in government protect … it ceases to be capitalism. Trusts must be busted for their to be a capitalistic economy.

        1. We are living under corporate fascism. That’s what the globalists are, and our government works for them.

          1. Yes. It is fascism. The business leaders doing the most brownnosing are doing it to curry favour in the hopes of getting government handouts and having the weight of bureaucracy crush competitors.

        2. Sorry Kenji, but I have to disagree with you on this. Crony capitalism is the correct term.

          Just like adding “social” to the front of existing words like “justice” or “economy”, the moment you add a… what is the term, a… parsing(?) adjective to the noun you are no longer talking about the noun. The meaning has been supplanted.

          Crony capitalism is to capitalism what social justice is to justice. An abomination that tries to steal some of the gravitas of the original term/meaning.

    2. There are some less-than-subtle differences between “capitalism” (a nasty little term invented by toxic socialists, btw.) and “corporate statism”; i. e. more-or less like nazi Germany or fascist Italy.

      If anything, “Honest Mercantilism” is a possible goal. Never mind “who will cast the first stone”; who will be first to be scrupulously honest in a field constantly re-tilted by “honest politicians?

      While said “honest pollie muppets”, (once bought, forever bought) can cheerfully manipulate the “levers of the economy”, with impunity, all bets are off.

      Follow the spillage”

      1. The best definition of capitalism is “liberty” don’t look to the business community for capitalists. There might be a few there but the majority are cronies and rent seekers. In 1975 Milton Freidman said “the biggest threats to capitalism is from businessmen and academics”.

    3. People seem to have totally forgotten that there is a difference between free markets and capitalism.

      1. True, but there are also strong linkages in how they must be applied. Without capitalism, the free market is stunted. Without a free market you get a bastard offspring of proper capitalism.

        If you know of a way to promote one without the other, please explain or link.

    4. And our NPC Faced red encapsulated blob of suet, is over in Davos telling the dictators in training that Canadas industry needs to be completely changed. Like Piggy On A Stick knows what destruction that means to a country.

  2. “parasites who live off the state”

    Can we start a list?
    – Joe Biden & family
    – Barack Obama & family
    – John Kerry
    – Mitch McConnell
    – Nikki Haley
    – Justin Trudeau & family
    – Chrystia Freeland
    – . . .

    1. And when I consider your list of parasites … I think of the ticks I’ve seen that have sucked so much blood out of the host animal, that their entire bloated bodies are bright red, and if you touched them, they’d burst and die.

      I certainly hope the feckless, toothless, Republicans in Congress can touch the Biden’s and disgorge them of their ill gotten wealth. Then next: The Obamas … ohhhhhhhhh mommmaaaaaaa

  3. I suppose a speech like that is one way to ensure that you get to nurse your drink in private at the cocktail party afterwards.
    It won’t change the WEF crowd.
    But it being circulated widely might give heart to people worldwide.
    Think of how The Gulag Archipelago and other works were circulated in the USSR. Hated by the rulers, but telling the readers that “You are not alone.” (Much like the Convoy did for us in Canada.)
    But this is worldwide instead of being confined to one country.

    1. I’m guessing the reason he delivered it there was not to sway the Jacobins and Bolsheviks and Oligarchs of the WEF but to get the media coverage directed elsewhere.

  4. I like it.
    He sounded like Adam Smith, John Stuart Mill, and George Orwell.
    And his hair is cooler than you know who’s.

  5. If by some miracle the Orange Hair guy gets back in the Oval office, you watch how fast Milei gets an invitation to the White House. Peter Navarro will be on a plane to Argentina before the Inauguration is completed. Argentina is something like the 12th biggest economy. And Milei wants to “dollarize”. Currently, the US is their third biggest market next to Brazil and China. China buys 2/3 of Argentina’s meat exports. If Trump wants to stick it to China and open up a market with the best potential on the planet, Argentina is primed.

  6. Argentina like Canada is blessed with abundant resources, fertile land.. The only reason it could fail is politics..
    Trudeau is working overtime on that.. Canada has become a globalist workcamp.. Where everything matters but you..

    We are in decline for that reason.. America is as well and it’s just going to take 10X longer because they are 10X larger than us.. Trudeau is a disaster..

    1. My great grandfather had a choice between Canada and Argentina in the early 1920s (after walking home from the Russian POW camp from WW1) between Canada and Argentina. Argentina was the BETTER economic bet from his viewpoint, but he had a deathly fear of snakes and there are a lot more poisonous snakes in Argentina, so I’m Canadian (and exist too, which was a result of this choice. 1 of 4 sets of great-grandparents.)

      Argentina had a long way to fall. Canada has only just begun to fall.

  7. This speech is a reiteration of what Milton Freidman was warning us of 50 years. What is new here ? My surprise is that he was asked to speak at this event to begin with considering what he intends to do. Is the next guest the President of Sri Lanka !

  8. Interesting and well spoken.

    However the Argies are typical turd worlders so I doubt he will have a lasting impact. They’ll vote in some more socialist imbeciles after him as long as they are promised freebies paid for by “el gubermento”

    Pity he couldn’t have risen up in a better country.

  9. As long as we have a thread associated with her……

    “We are fast approaching the stage of the ultimate inversion: the stage where the government is free to do anything it pleases, while the citizens may act only by permission; which is the stage of the darkest periods of human history, the stage of rule by brute force.” – Ayn Rand
