42 Replies to “Feed Your English Sparrows While You Still Can”

  1. First world problems. We have it too good we’ve now got more made up “problems” for us to get to the bottom of. What bird gets the name “Hamas hawk”, the bird formerly known as a Booby?

  2. Good gawd, they do realize many birds migrate right? I can’t listen to their nonsense anymore, in fact I will ridicule them to their faces in future. I have stopped donating to all charities, I refuse to participate in the left’s woke nonsense period-let them fund their lunacy.

  3. No, there is NO power in a name, other than whatever power you choose to give it…or not give it.

    This is why people who talk about “the N-word” make me laugh. Ever listen to rap music?” Niggah” this, “niggah” that….means nothing. Just refuse to be treated like you are six years old: if you have cause to reference Canadian journalist and author Pierre Vallières’s work White Niggers of America you should NOT need to fear being fired for it.

    No one *owns* a word. sorry. Same thing goes for the word ‘queer’: if you find it so horribly offensive, then don’t YOU use it, but tell me that I can’t. I reject that kind of ‘logic’ completely.

  4. What will become of the Canada Goose? Probably something like ….

    1. “Winnekoobahseemongondahuh.” If that translates to “bird I killed because it shat on the beach at my cottage”, I’m good.

    2. The Canada Goose is what you Canadians have been getting since the day Justin was first elected.

    3. There were two pairs of Winnekoobahseemongondahuhs at the Lidl retaining pond this week. Oh, and a Colonizer sparrow in the back yard.

      Rare and exciting in this neck of the woods. We tend more toward Red Francis birds and Commie-bellied woodpeckers.

  5. I guess that frees up “ yellow belly sap sucker” to be used exclusively to identify our current pm.

  6. Couldn’t we just shoot the invasive little buggers so we can all come together and agree that there is no need to rename them?

    1. Good point. Sparrows compete with bluebirds and many other native species for nests, and do far more damage than their name does.
      But hey it seems most of humanity seems to be retarded, just like their leaders.

      1. Mao’s campaign against sparrows was one cause of the Chinese famine. It’s never good to mess with nature.

  7. Ok, in an effort to not offend the trans community, the Tufted Titmouse is now known as Natural Growth Chestmouse.

    Additionally, in order to avoid offending Italian castrated men, we will no longer use the term Hairy Woodpecker. This bird will be re-named at a later date.

  8. I just browsed the AOS “support staff” – I think I see the problem. When there’s pronouns…run, don’t walk.

  9. I’m a bird nerd. I have 2 bird books and binoculars in my truck. This is the most idiotic thing I’ve heard in the last 3 years. My father (who was a bird nerd nearly all of his ~95 years) would be rolling over in his grave.
    Making ornithology more ‘inclusive’ by removing names of people who may have done bad things. Sure, that will ‘heal’ everything (sarc).

    Apparently AmOrth is now run by virtue-signaling attention whores who will NEVER be happy no matter what anyone does. Their misery–and their perceived ‘offense’–lies within them. Fred from BC was exactly right. There is only the power in words/names that you choose to give to it. Opt to be indifferent? *Poof* Problem gone.

    Want to grow the birding to everyone? Make it about introducing birding to all communities, NOT about names of species. Want to help birds? Control housecats and stop building wind farms in places with raptors and bats. Ensure clean/abundant habitat, incl. along migratory routes. Manage hunting seasons. “Changing names” ain’t doing squat for birds or ornithology–it’s just one more security blanket for whiny-ass punks who need to be left alone in the north woods for a month.

  10. They need to rename all the trees before they worry about birds.
    African American walnuts have taken over my neighborhood. Making a hell of a mess, dropping trash all over, bringing down property values, damaging foundations, keeping me up at night.

  11. They’re going to have to get rid of American and Society, both colonizing words. Plus, isn’t ornithological derived from Latin, a colonizing language, a language in which all the original descriptions of birds was written? So we’re down to edible and non-edible.

  12. 2 words. Term limits. But who’s willing to vote for limits to their own power? We can’t get that here in the states for our congress, but they were willing to do that ~100 years ago to the POTUS, thank God.
    You guys are in a world of shit, shorter Trump declaring war on Canada after 2025.
    Seriously, I feel for ya.

  13. As far as I’m concerned, the Queen Charlotte Islands are STILL the Queen Charlotte Islands, and they will remain so.

    1. Amen! The indiginous, we are told, called them “Haida Gwaii”. But the indiginous had no written language so who “owns” the right to the written name for a location? With no written records, who’s to say if these islands were called “Haida Guaii” since time immemorial or just the in the most recent incarnation of a name? We can concede a few token changes to existing place names in the spirit of appeasement (reconciliation?) but the progressives are not going to stop their insidious undermining of western civilization. This renaming blitz is in the same spirit as the demonizing of our western civilizations heroes (and heroines?) and founders.

    2. Me too. And yet I have a soft spot for their rousing new anthem, “Haida Gwai that builds the boat, and Haida Gwai that sails her…”

  14. Have spent many days parked on my front deck at the cottage watching Birds be birds.
    They didn’t even know i was white.

  15. God FORBID a European upper class passtime had the nerve to name things in their own language.. The expectations behind these demands are ABSURD as the communists pushing it..

    Im at the corner of who knows where and I don’t know.. Knowledge needs keepers, not owners.. When the library burns down, everything is lost.. The nutcases win.. Exactly what I’m not sure..
