21 Replies to “Mask Formation Psychosis”

  1. I have a head cold, then got another one I haven’t left the house in three weeks-that is the only protection I’ll afford society as a whole.

  2. I’ve been a bit of an a$$hole in the new year (it was a resolution that I’m having no problem keeping). Essentially, whenever I bump into someone wearing a surgical mask (grocery store, restaurant)….I take a few moments to ask them why. If they reply “Covid”…I simply say that they should really read the latest papers and studies that suggest that they don’t have any real effect on that virus, and likely cause more damage relative to other medical issues. Then I go on my way.

    No real confrontation. No animosity (on my part, anyway). I have had some name calling leveled at me a couple times. But, a nice smile and a wave is my regular response. The usual response is “are you a doctor?”

  3. Strathmore Alberta this morning. Masks required. Not enthusiastically, but still required. Nurses walk around with the mask on their chin and pull it up when they come in the room. Or you don’t get in. Alberta is a long way from paradise.

    1. Do what I did, eljay. Get a paper mask and a single-hole punch (like the conductors used to punch tickets) and riddle the mask with holes.

      Hey! You are wearing a mask, and if challenged, ask to see their mesh size specification for masks. If they allow paper masks, you can be pretty sure there is no specification.

      Your mask that looks like it was used for machinegun target practice is just as effective as any stupid-@$$ paper mask that has even the slightest gap around the nose and under the eyes. And they always do. BTW, N95 masks are only effective for about 30 minutes.

      I’ll get serious about wearing paper masks when hospital staff start wearing moon suits like everyone who deals with viruses does. Wait… no I won’t. If a virus is that deadly, I’ll get my own moon suit, thank you very much. Because paper masks don’t work.

      1. I didn’t say I was scolded for having it under my chin. Pretty sure they just want you to “wear” it. Like I said, the nurses are only pulling theirs on when they come in the room. They are chatting with each other mask free.

        But the sign is on the door and there’s a big man there to make you follow the rules.

      2. Having worked many years with N95 masks, I remember there used to be a disclaimer on the box saying not effective for viruses. They are dust masks.

  4. Someone tell that useless Mother Theresa wannabe, Bonnie Nazi and Comrade Dix, they’re living in a Cone of Silence pseudo world of paranoid hypochondria.
    FYI, here in Honolulu, lots of psychotic maskers still exist and are around. Outdoors, warm climate, yet, fully masked against the woowoo virus.

    1. The SF Bay Area stores are FILLED with masked patrons. Esp. here in winter flu season. But I don’t believe they’re wearing the masks for COVID anymore. No, I believe they are mimicking images they see of Chinese peasants on bicycles all wearing masks in RED China. They actually WANT to behave like all those “smart, cautious” … obedient … Chinese people.

  5. Spent some time last week at the passport office in downtown Edmonton last week and I thought I was still in the gta of Ontario: plexiglass barriers at all the kiosks, half of the “diverse” staff behind the barriers muzzled with N95 masks, giant signage outside the office warning of the dangers of covid and recommending mask wearing.

    Inside, large monitors displaying official government propaganda such as “getting the facts” on childhood vaccines, and info on family benefit supplements featuring an animated rendering of a non-white homo couple.

    While waiting in line forever (only 5 of 15 kiosks open – where are all the new government hires?) I overheard a man stating he was preparing to move back to Albania after 18 years here because the cost of living here has gotten so bad and ‘everything else’. Lol, and Albania is the poorest country in Europe!

    Driving through downtown, I noticed a few people driving, alone in their cars, wearing face diapers.
    Luckily we don’t drive into the city very often, otherwise I’d begin to rethink our move here from Ontario late 2022.

  6. Another embarrassing “Covid moment” brought to you by central planners and the accompanying mass formation.

  7. I went with my wife to see a specialist, in Appleton WI, this morning and while they didn’t make us wear masks, the doctor wore one. Her call. Other than a very elderly woman in the waiting room, no one else was masked.

  8. Earlier this month St. Louis Health Director Dr. Matifadza Hlatshwayo Davis unilaterally issued a mask mandate for the city (an authority she does not have). Local hospitals said they were not “overwhelmed” by new patients.
    Within 24 hours Mayor Tishaura Jones countermanded the order.
    The linked story of Stephanie Wittner killed by hospital security guards for improperly wearing her mask was horrifying.

  9. Has anyone ever met a mask fetishist that can carry on a conversation about US politics without turning into a TDS mental case by their third rejoinder?
    I have never met one.

    Masks are now “colours” for fascists and head cases.
    I bet they don’t wave or even acknowledge each other like Jeepers and bikers do because they fear the proximity they’ve placed themselves to the truly Batshit crazy.

  10. Did you know?
    Doctors in operating rooms are allowed to were masks for about 4 hrs. before swapping them out for a new one,not that they will protect you but because they are useless after that time.And that guy monitoring your time in the same room does not have to were one?

    1. OR masks are for the prevention of doc’s spittle , sweat or snot entering an open wound.
      That is all.

  11. Sure the do something brigade has to do something.. Its not asking much to put an armband on is it?.. Oh sorry, I mean a face band.. If we can just save one bla bla bla..

    Im surprised our? healthcare workers haven’t SNAPPED at the inhumane work conditions..

  12. Badge of Ignorance.
    Those who fail to learn from history…comprise about 92% of the population; and we are free to ignore them.
