11 Replies to “The Part I Like Best”

  1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pCg-SNOteQQ

    Oh, the name “logical fallacy” it itself a lie. The word is lies, and lies saying “I am not lying”. It is a lie with extra effort out into it.

    In fact, by “extra effort” I mean you have literally put a lifetime of effort into it. It is what you ARE.

    You cannot change it unless you kill that person and become a new person. This IS possible, many have done it.

    No? You are lying.

    Disagree? I don’ care. You opinion is valueless forever, literally. If you become that new person, you yourself will agree with that.

    1. Your answer “ don’ is spelled wrong!!!”
      Just one of many (so many, I simply picked the first)
      Ambiguous Assertion:
      a statement is made, but it is sufficiently unclear that it leaves some sort of leeway. For example, a book about Washington politics did not place quotation marks around quotes. This left ambiguity about which parts of the book were first-hand reports and which parts were second-hand reports, assumptions, or outright fiction.

      not my lak fo quot, speling, greemer an puncuation qquh?slanthingiearrowthingietheletereyarowthingie ,

      Of course, lack of clarity is not always intentional. Sometimes a statement is just vague.

      If the statement has two different meanings, this is Amphiboly. For example, “Last night I shot a burglar in my pyjamas.”

      What was he doing in my pajamas?

      If he spells a single word even partially wrong, he is too stupid to listen to, even if EVERYONE understands it!!!

      Once, again, just the first of many
      Appeal To Anonymous Authority:
      an Appeal To Authority is made, but the authority is not named. For example, “Experts agree that ..”, “scientists say ..” or even “they say ..”. This makes the information impossible to verify, and brings up the very real possibility that the arguer himself doesn’t know who the experts are. In that case, he may just be spreading a rumor.

      The situation is even worse if the arguer admits it’s a rumor.

      So, uh, who are the “experts” How do we know they bare experts? Are you God? Can you prove it/ Prove it or literally die.

  2. If Trudeau shuffles around the deck chairs enough, nobody will notice that the ship is sinking.
    Except of course the lower, middle and eventually upper classes eventually all get to test the bitterly cold waters here in Canada.
    Great work Trudeau and Jagmeet.
    You couldn’t have destroyed Canada any more thoroughly if you’d had a written plan instead of the ad-hoc destruction you’ve been blasting out all helter-skelter for the past 8 years.

    Geoff H

  3. There is no economic justification for immigration of any kind. Nor has there been for over a century.

    Immigration creates immediate, obvious problems. It does not solve any.

    It is akin to central banks printing money – it simply provides more mouths to feed without an accompanying increase to goods and services.

    And this is well known to those who push for greater and greater levels of immigration. They simply keep repeating easily-disprovable lies to fool the simple (aka “the left”) into accepting this idiocy as a good thing. As well as slightly better lies to fool “the right” into believing this to be a moral thing to do, even if the economics are questionable.

  4. Looks young like a yes man, who will kiss any a– that belongs to someone that could promote him.
    When I think of these people I see rope and a pole.

  5. Canada is a globalist work camp run for the benefit of Quebec.. Everything else is noise to hide this fact.. The sooner the ROC cuts them loose.. The sooner the decline can be dealt with..
