24 Replies to “Your Moral and Intellectual Superiors”

  1. …. and they smell too.
    A collectivist rat that is.
    And they’re tired of being stuck in that trap.
    Watch for upcoming socialist ship jumping.

  2. Expect my psyops, more “pandemics” and “polycrises” all requiring the suspension of norms. They are terrified. Once again, the world will rely on the USA to protect them, because there the peasants are armed.

  3. I’m torn:

    On one hand, democracy, one man – one vote, fair elections, etc., seem attractive as concepts.

    However, without a functioning free press, see what we elect.

    Perhaps Elon Musk can save the world, but it will be close. He better have a food taster.

    1. For a while, Sirius radio – Canada talks – was shying away from lefty BS. Then they got rid of Anthony Furey and replaced him with Matt Gurney, who is just left of centre and somewhat tolerable; but he’s bookended with Alrlene Bynum and Peter Mansbridge. Might as well listen to the CBC.

  4. So … these cretins fear that … “populism will give rise to authoritarian leaders”. Really?

    They actually believe that a marionette brain damaged leader like Biden who is directed by an entrenched Leftsist EXTREMIST Bureaucratic State isn’t “authoritarian”? So the “authority” comes from a variety of cabals dictating policy … unelected … cabals dedicated to; open borders, climate change wealth transfer, woke ideologies, destruction of capitalism, ad nauseam … instead of a single “strongman”. Really? A cabal of authoritarianism is somehow better than a popularly elected leader?

  5. Mere theatrics. Every now and then a conservative-in-name-only gov’t has to win, otherwise people will wake up to the scam. Though as per usual, these CINO gov’ts will let their supporters down and accomplish nothing of substance, only for overtly socialist gov’ts to succeed them.

    And just like Lucy snatching away the football at the last second from Charlie Brown, the voters will march again to the polling booths until the end of time. Or until the illusion of elections is no longer req’d.

    1. “Mere theatrics. Every now and then a conservative-in-name-only gov’t has to win, otherwise people will wake up to the scam. Though as per usual, these CINO gov’ts will let their supporters down and accomplish nothing of substance, only for overtly socialist gov’ts to succeed them.”

      My thoughts exactly. Every ten years or so they trade power, but nothing every really changes.

  6. Democracy where every moron gets a point gets you everything morons want and all the consequences of it.

    You need a literal theocracy to get anything right. Like everyone gets to see the literal hand of God a la Moses at Sinai. And even those guys were so dumb they abandoned God when Moses was gone for a few days.

  7. Well…idiots being allowed to vote could be the reason why we now have idiots running/ruining this country. Perhaps the answer is to vet the voters.

    1. Well winning for the people that actually do something meaningful for their country. Will be when journalists know better than write meaningless tripe during a societies decline.
      The decline might be stronger than the politicians saying the right things at the moment, and be beyond politics until after the dust settles.
      And really the West has asked for it .

  8. “The peasants are revolting.”

    I wish you’d stop repeating what Hildebeest said about us.

      1. Yes. And without doubt from many places before that. But I’ll stick with my paraphrased version for this thread.

  9. The left keep harping that democracy is in the ballot this year. But who’s democracy? From my jaundiced perspective, the current “democracy” we have now, ain’t what I perceive as democracy. If what we have now is what these lefties want, I don’t want any part of it. I live in perpetual hope that enough will awaken to see the true threat to real democracy, and vote accordingly. If not, it may be the last time they are ever able to vote at all. Holland has awoken, Germany seems to be awakening, the UK and Italy I’m not sure of, France may be turning back to reality as well. I truly hope in the US that Trump get back in to at least slow or stall the lefty Juggernaught, Canada I fear has gone to far, and I see the “opposition” as all part of the uniparty. Sadly I don’t think there will ever be a reckoning for the damage the left has done to all countries of the west. They truly have screwed us all, and all we seem to do is say, “turn the screws some more…please!

    Oh, and I wouldn’t bet against assassination attempts on Trump and LePen type figures either. The left is getting fearful and desperate, they just might resort to such things this year!

  10. You know what people want? What Israel has.

    A government that actually takes their side in disputes.

    An army prepared to fight wars and win them—really win them, permanently removing the enemy as a meaningful threat to the nation—worthy of a nation deemed worth defending.

    A border that’s actually secure, so they don’t become the host of every parasitic pack of garbage people who picked a fight with people who aren’t garbage and lost.

    1. “…. permanently removing the enemy as a meaningful threat to the nation …”

      Yes. But they’ve kind of lagged on that…ergo, October 7th.

    2. Yup, Kahane, it’s called a sovereign nation, the best achievement that the “West” accomplished, and fought for over centuries. Oh, and when such nation states are populated by united, like-minded people, they tend to prosper.

  11. Maybe “democracy” should be renamed as “democrazy. It seems to be getting crazier every day.
