35 Replies to “And How Was Your Day?”

  1. WTF?
    Don’t they have watch-standers looking where the ship is heading?

    But I bet they’re all up on their pronouns and DEI- just like the USN who likes to hit things.

  2. I saw two Oldsmobile’s with Octogenarians do this at polling station once.

    Sell the ships to the Canadian Navy and don’t bother with the Boatfax report.

    1. Career going alright, … career going alright, … carEER STOPS!!!

      “Their Lordships of Admiralty express their thanks for your service and wish good luck in your future endeavours, which they presume will all be ashore.”

  3. Thought something was off when I viewed the video. Usually metal on metal involving collisions produces the most ungodly sounds. This sounded like the HMS Chiddingfold crashed into some egg cartons. Unbeknownst to me the HMS Bangor is constructed of glass reinforced plastic. Oh.
    You might say I learned something today. A pic of the damage in the link.

      1. “Unbeknownst to me the HMS Bangor is constructed of glass reinforced plastic. Oh.”

        – They’re minesweepers. Made of GRP to cut-down their metal signature, so they don’t set-off magnetic mines.

    1. Ha Ha … constructed of fiberglass reminded me of the North Atlantic Squadron.
      The cabin boy, the cabin boy
      The dirty little nipper
      He lined his ass with fiberglass
      And circumcised the skipper.

    1. “Still better than Putins black sea fleet which has added 2 submarines in the past few weeks.”

      …and right on cue, Allan S pipes up from the kiddie table with his ADHD inspired “Look at me! LOOK at me!!” routine.

      (sit back down now, boy…the grownups are trying to have an adult conversation…)

  4. Wow sounded like the collision alarm went off 21 seconds after impact. That’s crazy. Something tells me they were missing their escorts.

    1. Something tells me there were plenty of ‘escorts’ in the staterooms of the senior officers.

  5. How effing BLIND is that skipper? Forget the ship in his way … he was backing into the DOCK at ramming speed! Incompetence on full display
