20 Replies to “There’s No Business Case for Steel”

  1. It’s moments like these that it’s important to remember why we won WWII: America’s manufacturing capability.

    Let that sink in.

    (And absolutely no disrespect to the sacrifices of the men that fought)

  2. Oh ! BTW the brits are sending troops to Ukraines western border to show putin their resolve …….. I’m sure he is shaking with fear

    1. Or is it to provide a trip wire defense for Poland, Slovakia, Hungary, and Romania if the entire Ukrainian Army collapses?

      If you cross these borders, then you are at war with Britain and NATO.

      1. IF or when ? What collective west country is not down scaling its industrial capacity. Attrition is on putins side as he sees how the west is self destructing, this plant closure is one more validation of it.

  3. The Brits will forge ahead with their reduction plans. No doubt they will hammer out a way to the future. They will grow a spine of steel about this problem, harden their position, and temper their attitudes. They will then be able to sharpen their plans to replace steel production with something they can hone into that will properly demonstrate their mettle. Perhaps their Minister in Charge of Metallurgy, the Right Honourable Al Umineeyum will come up with an “Either/Ore” solution. If he isn’t successful then he’ll probably be fired. Then he can just slag off.

  4. Tata is just going to use real Indians for the manufacturing of steel, instead of the English Indians, they are currently using

  5. The British steel industry is now owned by the Chinese. The Chinese are playing the long game with the goal of global domination.

    “You cannot fight wars at scale if all you have is scrap iron. You cannot be an industrial hub off of just scrap iron. If you are a nation of any size, you then become economically and security vulnerable at an existential level. I don’t care how much science fiction you get nakid and roll in; wars are won by steel, ungodly amounts of steel.

    Where do you get the steel to build your warships? Your tanks? Your factories? Your buildings? Your factories?”
    From here –

  6. Algoma is doing the exact same thing here. The Liberals are paying to get rid of the blast furnaces and replace them with Electric Arc Furnaces. Algoma will be dependent on imported scrap for raw material and will no longer process iron ore. The feds are spending half a billion and the plant will be gone in 10 years.

    1. Where Ralph..??

      Are we talking bout the mill in Sault Ste Marie.?? the one that makes Ballistic Armour plate for the US Army…??
      I thought that was owned by Evraz or something like that..?

  7. Trudeau has decided that in the interests of the environment, we are going to mine iron ore here, put in on ships and railcars, export it to other places in the world who are still producing primary steel (india and china) and then import scrap steel to feed into the government sponsored Electric Arc Furnaces.

    Never answered is how this is more “environmentally friendly” than keeping the existing blast furnaces in canada.

    It will have the effect of burning over $400 million dollars, and the loss of a number of jobs and specialist steel products…

    1. It’s about destroying our country and assisting China becoming a first world replacement. He will probably put the brakes on sending work to India, since he will not favour them because they are not communist. Once we are third world and so socialist we cannot be distinguished from communist, it will be job completed.
