74 Replies to “Breaking News: Ron DeSantis Has Withdrawn”

  1. Well,that assures Trump will be the Republican candidate for Prez. Now who will the Democrats choose?

    A Democrat candidate should be diverse, 2slgbtqetc., and a POC.

    Joe Biden meets all those requirements. And blowjob Harris for V-P again.

    1. Can’t believe you’d say something like that about our new president. Camille O’Haras will move our country forward into the nuclear age. Her use of artificial intelligence will be mind blowing, we have an extremely bright new world ahead of us. I hope to invest in radiation skin therapy treatments.

  2. So all the back-and-forth insults were just a ruse then? Similar to when Ted Cruz was running? It’s deja vu all over again.

  3. Just think back to a year ago … and DeSantis was the “better” version of Trump. Hahahahaha ha ha ha … it was utter prefab GOPe garbage. DeSantis will NEVER be elected dog catcher. 2028? Puhleeze. He revealed that he’s a political whore who will spread his beliefs for anyone who pays him.

    He will FOREVER be tainted as the chosen vehicle of the NeverTrumper wing of the Repubelicans

      1. That WAS DeSantis’s job … until the billionaire globalist GOPe donors realized they’d invested in an incompetent politician who is simply NOT likeable … at any level. So now they’ve transferred all their wealth to an even MORE unlikeable political (and perhaps personal) whore who’s already spread her beliefs in exchange for at least $30M she’s spent in NH alone.

        ALL NeverTrumper’s are doomed to failure. The only pathway to victory is to CHEAT (again) … and/or wage Lawfare using the full power and illicit authority of the US Justice Dept.

        1. Kenji
          Dominant voting machines are installed for your service and safety.
          Can’t count the number of voters that have been happy to use them.

      2. JD – My take is the big money and Democrats will hedge their bets and Nikki is one of them. I fully expect a surge in crats joining in the the republican primaries. More lawsuits may well be on the table. And Trump needs to be very careful in his choice of VP if he intends to liv long and prosper. There are many wolves in sheep’s clothing.

    1. Attitudes like this further fragment the conservative side. I never liked (Trump, or should I take a page out of his book…’Dump’) but voted for him. Had a lot of respect for the amount he got done, but he’s still an arrogant weasel. I’ll vote for him again, but with my nose plugged like the first time.

      With the best candidates shredded, and shit attitudes like this, It’s gonna be really tough in 5 years. We’ve sold our future for 4 more years.

      1. Trump has his faults, no doubt, and continues to exasperate his opponents (not to mention his allies).
        My guy was Ted Cruz in 2016, but after being awestruck at Trump’s amazing (some would say “miraculous”) record during his first term pre-Covid, I will never underestimate him, or his resolve, ever again.

    2. DeSantis will NEVER be elected dog catcher? Why would he want to be, he was elected Governor of Florida, and has been an extremely good one too. For example, his handling of the COVID debacle.

    3. Weeeellll… Although I agree that DeSantis wasted A LOT of political capital he may have had in ’28 by running against Trump now, I don’t think he should be totally written off just yet. 4 years is an awfully long time in politics. Meanwhile, I have my eye on Vivek. That snake-oil salesmen needs to be watched like a hawk, and what better way to watch him than to make him Trump’s No. 2.
      I see a race between Vivek and DeSantis in ’28.

  4. Ron, if you drop out and endorse me, I’ll make sure Florida gets a lot of money once I’m President. Naw…

    1. DeSantis was polling at 6% in New Hampshire while Trump was over 50%. The writing was on the wall. He should have saved it for 2028, same for Nikki Haley. They both owed Trump and back stabbed him.

      1. “DeSantis was polling at 6% in New Hampshire while Trump was over 50%. The writing was on the wall. He should have saved it for 2028, same for Nikki Haley. They both owed Trump and back stabbed him.”

        I thought the same.

        DeSantis played coy in the beginning about whether or not he was going to run, but Haley flat-out said that she would *not* run if Trump did. I think she is the worse of the two, since she actually lied about it.

        1. Niki Haley is a hypocritical, lying, warmongering, neo-liberal, corporate globalist, who should come no where near the white house. You heard it here first… no, wait… you heard it from Tucker Carlson first.

  5. Well, push is definitely going to come to shove. I wonder how many Americans are prepared to take up arms against the government on a moment’s notice, because when the government kills Trump, as they seem intent on doing, it will be important to move against them at once. And yeah, it seems plain to me that the Democrats will not accept being voted out of power and will do whatever it takes to frustrate the election, and it will take Trump’s death to do that.

    This time next year we’ll be living in a different world, those of us who are still living.

    1. We’ve been told by the opposition that there will be no more elections if so-and-so wins, but every four years,there’s another election.

      If the powers wanted Trump dead, he would be by now.

      1. I still say that there’s a chance that the ’24 election may not happen, and if it does, look for the usual shenanigans to try to steal it. Trump has a huge mountain to climb. He’s got the electorate in his back pocket, but the machine doesn’t believe in legitimate and fair elections. As the Brazilian (corrupt) supreme court justice said not knowing he was speaking in front of a hot mic… “We don’t win elections. We take them!”

      2. “If the powers wanted Trump dead, he would be by now.”

        I thought this too, but then it occurred to me that “the powers” isn’t a static constant group, and “the powers” today might act more irrationally than past “powers.”

        So I don’t think this disproves anything.

  6. Not a fan of the Great Orange One. I’m hoping that people supported DeSantis because they feel the same, and thus will mostly throw their lot in with Haley.

    1. Haley is a tool of the military/industrial/intelligence complex, she is just more establishment BS. If the establishment was any good at all, things would not be in the sorry state they are, so they must be upended.

      ” But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security”.

      This is that time.

      1. And Trump is a low-information blowhard with terrible judgment. And he’s really starting to show his years.

        Haley at least has some knowledge and judgment. She’s not my idea of the optimum president, just the best of a very poor lot.

        1. Trump is the symbol of a movement, that is of the people taking back government. A strong MAGA win will do more for the country than any continuation by “insiders”. Trump is not the the end of the problem, his movement is the end of the beginning of fundamental change. I would rather have that change started by this impetus than by the inevitable collapse coming from a trailing 12 month deficit of 2.4 Trillion, and a national debt at 34 Trillion. It ends regardless. It is only a question of how messy.

        2. Trump’s style can be off-putting, but I’d say he has decent judgement and knowledge. I noticed that in his previous term we were not on the brink of WW3. That’s something. In some ways he is quite remarkable. I can’t imagine too many could put up with the crap he has to deal with. Trump is a fighter, and I think on the right side of history.

        3. Let me explain the MAGA movement coming from someone who is 100% dedicated to PDJT. Back in 2016, when I jumped on the Trump train, I publicly stated: I could care less about “the Trump brand” … I think his buildings are ugly … and he is a shameless self-promoter cum huckster. But he is OUR VESSEL. Our vessel of a candidate who is the anti-McCain … and the anti-Romney … anti-GOPe version of DeSantis, and now the anti-Haley. We MAGA nation are DONE with weak, centrist, globalist, neocon wimps foisted on us by the RNC. Done with it … forever. Nobody beside Trump can deliver America from the EVIL that envelops her.

          Later this year … the American people will VOTE with their paychecks and their gasoline tanks. They will VOTE their credit card debt … and they will VOTE for what ACTUALLY works.

          Look at our nation!? What a mess! And it cannot be blamed 100% on the Communist Democrap Party. Count the number of Global Warming shills and true believers in the Republican Congress. They’re just as dedicated to destroying our energy infrastructure as the Communist Dem’s.

          1. Bunny … I’ll cede Chicago … and most of his Golf courses are well done. But my point was that I had no prior admiration of the Trump Empire. But I do KNOW Development … and it is snake pit with more moving parts and crucial (make or break) decisions than any of these professional politicians have ever confronted in their entire résumé’s

            The previous meme that “businessmen” cannot govern was shattered by Trump. But MarkV is exactly correct … Trump relied FAR TOO MUCH on the swampy GOPes for appointments and advice. IMHO … Trump made a UUuuuge mistake in booting Steve Bannon from his inner circle. I believe Bannon is deadly smart and insightful, and could have filtered out a lot of the deceitful appointments. Trump will not be quite so naive this time round … and that’s what scares the HELL out of the Deep State and the PRIVATE Political Party’s

        4. His judgement is fine about what policies are needed to revitalize America. His judgement sucked when it came to selecting his administration – he clearly underestimated the duplicity of the snakes he chose.

          And now the talk will be about which positions of prestige and power he’ll gift to DeSantis and Haley. Unbelievable! DeSantis, who never spoke out about the outrageous prosecution of J6 Floridians, nevermind the extra-judicial treatment of Trump with the MAL raid; and Haley, MIC slut and recipient of Democrat largesse and votes during her campaign.

          Historically, such gestures had a symbolic effect of maintaining party unity. This time, Trump doesn’t, nor should he, owe them any loyalty (perhaps give them and ambassadorship to outer Mongolia). The GOPe/uniparty fully unmasked itself during his first term and has hounded him ever since. So no allegiance or favors. Unfortunately, he’ll have the entire establishment against him and will likely mutiny if he survives to win. If he does, it will probably be the only satisfaction we’ll be able to savor.

        5. Haley is fast building a reputation of saying things, then denying she ever said it.
          -Hillary was my inspiration! –> I never said that.
          -I won’t raise the gas tax. –> I think we should raise the gas tax by 10%.
          -Social media platform users should register with their real names. –> I never said that.
          -I fought for the bathroom bill. –> Government should stay out of gender affirming care.

          There are other examples that I can’t think of at the moment.

    2. “Not a fan of the Great Orange One.”

      I’m not an admirer either. As a person, he demonstrates the maturity level of a petulant teenager, seeming to have little or no control over his emotions (or his mouth, for that matter). I thought he might ‘grow into’ the office of President…he did not. He surrounded himself with people who were overtly working against him and took terrible advice from some of them. As much as I may have loathed his personality, though, I very much enjoyed *his actions* as President: his foreign policy alone was enough to earn my support for his second term, never mind the booming domestic economy and employment he created. If I were American I would vote for him in a heartbeat; I don’t need to personally like my leader, I just need him to show intelligence, integrity and leadership.

      ” I’m hoping that people supported DeSantis because they feel the same, and thus will mostly throw their lot in with Haley.”

      Then you are destined to be disappointed. You forget that the people who supported DeSantis also supported his policies, which were very close to being the MAGA policies of Donald Trump. They only voted for DeSantis because they didn’t personally like Trump, and saw DeSantis as a more ‘moderate’ and mature version of Trump who could draw more of the independent vote. The people supporting Nikki Haley want completely different policies enacted than the people who were supporting Ron DeSantis. Make no mistake…Donald Trump has already won the nomination. Very few votes will move from DeSantis to Haley.

      1. Uhhh … duhhh … DeSantis endorsed Trump after bowing out. I don’t see many Haley votes coming from DeSantis supporters.

        1. Yes, and there is speculation that Desantis and Vivek both bailed to give Trump a boost in NH, where Haley is polling in the high 30s. Both knew they could not beat Trump and both wanted anything but Haley.

  7. We’ll have an extremely bright new world with KAMAL HARRIS at the controls.
    Many of you are just afraid to see It. Get a backbone. 2 more years, of love, peace and Laugher.

  8. Watch what Dwight Eisenhower had to say about the military industrial complex, and that was in 1956. we were just too gullible to believe it. They then marched us off to another war, no matter who loses, they win.

    1. He also had something equally important to say about the “Scientific-Government complex” that mostly gets ignored…

  9. I think Trump will get the Repub. nomination — but will he again be cheated out of the Presidency? I believe there is enough evidence to confirm Biden’s win was stolen. They may try it again. Georgia has already indicated that it does not plan to patch Dominion machines demonstrated vulnerabilities. Cheating is the big worry this time around.

    1. Lindal – no one will believe Joe gets 90 million votes. Michelle is coming to save the day . They will be able to sell that. Joe is disposable up to and including a timely demise. And you if you think that Jan 6th was the greatest show on earth, imagine Joe taken out by a “Maga” supporter ! I believe the next 12 to 14 months we will be shown just how evil these people are. There isn’t a limit.

  10. It’s over. Trump wins the nomination – almost by acclimation.

    DeSantis peaked during Covid. He never really had any traction after that.

    Haley is running for 2028. She raised her national profile a bit. She has a CV that might make her a good VP. She may have had discussions with DJT about that role? One thing is certain. She has ambitions.

  11. Sad to read the deSantis smears above.
    He’s a good man. A true patriot and an excellent governor.
    Seems like too many SDA folks here are purists, perfectionists, utopians … lacking a feel for realpolitic.
    Same deal with Poilievre.

    I did however think that deSantis should have waited till 2028.

    1. Agreed re DeSantis. The people who know him best, Floridians, gave him a tremendous vote of confidence after his first term.

      The man knows how to govern but he’s a lousy retail politician. Unfortunately, the latter means a lot.

      Canadians’ key requirement for a politician is nice hair and silly socks.

      1. It is remarkable how little traction DeSantis had in the race, in the end. He looked great on paper: pretty successful governor of a major state, plenty of media coverage, plenty of money backing him. But once in the race he just completely fizzled out with no impact. It is very odd.

        (For the record: I like DeSantis, but prefer Trump. Waiting for 2028 would have been the better move, IMO.)

  12. Trump is the most even tempered, funny, tireless, and visionary president in my lifetime.

    No one else could have survived what has been thrown at him.

    What the hell is he supposed to do? Not punch back.

    To many mainstream media watchers still I guess

    1. Bravo. So true. Is Trump as eloquent as I’d prefer him to be? No. But I don’t care … I only care that he was the most effective … most simpatico with my beliefs … POTUS in my lifetime.

      And I find it really curious there are people who would say … “who cares about Nikki Haley’s sex life, because she’d make a great POTUS”. Which begs the question … why is someone “not presidential” if they’re truthful and direct to an idiot like Rosie O’Donnell … but if someone has an affair then lies about it … “is presidential”? That’s a bizarre moral compass IMHO.

    1. Nah. Most likely Vivek. DeSantis tainted his brand … and that smell ain’t comin off him … even 4-years from now.

      1. ^^^ yep! ^^^
        Still, expect to see DeSantis in the running against Vivek . That would be my prediction.

  13. President Biden asks: How does DeSantis eat chocolate pudding with three of his fingers when I have to use all of my fingers?

    1. That’s a good point. Never considered her. Something tells me that Trump’s pick may very well be someone no one expected, but would be figured as a logical choice in the end.

      1. Someone he could count on to do what Judas Pence wasn’t man enough to in a pivotal moment: acknowledge electoral fraud and refer electors back to their states for reconsideration. Pence was another fifth columnist under Trump’s nose, and played his role in undermining not only Trump, but the country when he shirked his duty as vp.

  14. Trump, though not my first choice by a long shot, is the better POTUS to prevent war but the most likely to cause domestic unrest which could lead to civil war, if there is a rigged election, or more lawfare from the deep state. I could see the left targeting him for assassination. They’re that depraved.

    1. John?
      Trump would be the culprit,in the event of normal Demon Rat activities in the upcoming election?
      Causing domestic unrest?
      That seems a bit off.
      The treason of the bureaucrats unwilling to abide by their oaths,now that will cause civil war.
      Trump the cause?
      How so?

      1. Because he’s in the race. The left can’t tolerate him. They’ll rig the election, gin up altercations and phony charges, mobilize the brown shirts, race riots, over-the-top fake news, you name it. Trumps gift is what he does to the left. They expose themselves as intolerant, liars, looters and thugs and worst of all, the insanity comes from all the captured institutions. The left is the “establishment” now and they see Trump’s independence and his unprincipled populism as their greatest threat. The idea of a non-Democrat back in the White House is something they are now prepared to tear down the nation to prevent.

        1. Ahh,thank you.
          So like me saying “No” to my entitled nephew,is the cause of its tantrum?
          Are we fully into Laurel and Hardy World now?
          “Look what you MADE me do”.
          The justification of thugs and bandits .
          Oh right,my bad..
          I am awake now.
          Can I steal the above?
          It is a perfect depiction of the Idiots Who Would Rule,when you swap Trump for tax payer/citizen you have Can Ahh Duh.

        2. John C., you are missing a lot. it has nothing to do with party, it’s a uniparty. They would not have rigged 2020 but for Trump, if it was Jeb Bush or Nikki Haley, than hands off. Trump is the only one they can’t control, which means he is the only one who may be able to make change happen.
