15 Replies to “Survey Says…”

  1. Ok, there’s lots of BS in this ARI poll, just like any other Nanos etc (numbers skewed in Libranos’ favor), but it does worry me the trend, the totals:

    41% CPC

    24% Librano, 20% NDP 9% QC, 4% Green = 57% Leaning left/pro-Lib.

    CPC needs 50+ by themselves to have a chance. And I don’t see it happening, Canada has been groomed for decades towards the Left, Marxist/eco-Marxist.

    1. DanC, you’re full of it. 40+, if it holds is majority territory. In the places where NDP switching might happen, it is very inefficient. The Librano floor, because of their innate Toronto efficiency, also acts as a ceiling in that circumstance. With the exception of a couple small regions of Quebec, same thing with Blocheads.

      1. He’s not wrong about the grooming.
        And as long as little Jane and John are smiling and patted on the head.
        Many mom’s and dad’s are happy and don’t question much.
        That’s why politics at least in this country of any positive sort are in danger of being able to supply any meaningful normalcy, if we aren’t there already.
        Taking Trudeau out is like cutting down a healthy Willow tree, not ripping out the stump , and spraying diesel fuel mixed with 24d on the shoots for the next three seasons.
        The mistake was letting it grow in the first place.

      2. Quite right, Peter. If these numbers hold, Canada is looking at a wipeout of the federal Liberal vote on the scale of their disasters under Ignatief and Dion. Dan really doesn’t understand what he’s looking at. Justatwit’s disapproval rating is the highest ever measured of any Canadian Prime Minister for the last several decades. He is even more despised than the truly dismal and silly Kim Campbell.

        What is even worse for Justatwit is that the Bloc has a solid grip on Quebec. So there’s no hope for the Libs there either.

        It’s the issues that matter. Canadians are down of the government because of the cost of housing including rentals, inflation, the massive rise in food prices, and the increasing chaos of Canada’s out of control migration. The federal Liberals can do nothing about any of these things over the next 12 months to affect their political fortunes.

      3. The 905 belt has been the “swing vote” for the last number of elections.
        It gave both Harper and Trudeau their majority governments.
        But today the Liberals are behind in every region, if not to Conservatives then the Bloc in QC.
        The Grits only remaining fiction is Poilievre is “worse” than their malevolent, megalomaniacal mendacity.
        This poll gives credence that Liberals now know their only chance is an ABC coalition of fearmongering.
        With the suckers in the NDP their perfect sycophants.
        They must unite all parties against Poilievre, who looks about as dangerous as an accountant.
        He’s no Trump no matter how many times the lagging legacy media dinosaurs paint him as “angry.”
        His policies do align with what voters now want, here, there and in Argentina; get off my back governance.
        That’s what terrifies Grits and keeps Michelle Obama awake at night – their collectivist con called.
        Where their opposition would fail even worse than they have with little enthusiasm for their ideas, if any.
        This is all they’ve got, so cue the slime, rioters and whatever other stunts the God usurpers can concoct.

  2. Does an ari windbag, the one blathering this drivel, take goc bribes?

    One needs to know to evaluate positive liberal trends. They really suck hard.

    1. Did you fail remedial kindergarten that you can’t understand that AR is showing a Liberal disaster?

      1. The tone I gleaned is that they were looking for excuses and avenues of redemption for the liberals. But you had to read it, not scan it.

        If insults are your stock and trade, (not to mention, your only english) kindly go play in traffic, Stinky.

  3. Clarification/addendum: 9% of the country IS the Liberal Party – they are so insidious, interventionist, omnipresent and hydra-headed.

    Actually 9% of the country BEING the actual Liberal Party seems a bit low upon further reflection

  4. “2-in-3 Liberal voters are more motivated to block the CPC than back a party they’re passionate about”

    It’s hard to tell which of those two groups is stupider: Supporting the Liberals because you believe in them (ie: you hate Canada and want to destroy it) or supporting the Liberals because you hate the Conservatives (ie: you’d rather destroy Canada than vote Conservative).

  5. The big picture is that Canada remains a leftist dominated polity. Conservatives can occasionally control Parliament through the vote splitting of the left, which appears to be taking shape once again. Trudeau has followed his green and leftist brain-trust and made the LPC into a corrupt (it goes with the brand) creature with policies virtually indistinguishable from the NDP and Greens. The mindless mushy middle as well as any critically thinking strategic voter has swung towards the CPC. The only thing mildly surprising is the consistency of the support for the NDP. I would have thought that their slavish and submissive bedroom behavior with Trudeau would have driven away some of their blue collar labour support if there are any remaining.

    I have always been amazed that the LPC continues to exist as from a policy perspective they are a nullity and this poll reinforces that with 9% believing in whatever is their core values which haven’t been “liberalism” for many decades.

    Conservatives shouldn’t take to much stock in their rise which is mostly due to the Spawn’s failures rather than a conservative revival. This is just the political pendulum of Canada.

  6. At this point all a CPC majority does is delay the inevitable. The West needs to split, yesterday, if we even still can. A consevative majority just brings a little temporary unfounded hope. And I will almost bet a free cup of bad coffee that the next election, if there is one, will end up being more of the same LPC/NDP crap anyway.

    1. The west – does that include BC, which is as dopey leftist as Eastern Canada? Without which, the new country will be landlocked?

  7. // This is just the political pendulum of Canada. //

    To a large extent, yes. When the populace is pissed at their situation,
    they will turn on the people that have been the visible leaders,
    whether it’s fair to blame them or not.
    And they won’t really care who the replacement is.
    It was true last time, it will likely be true in 2025.
    If PP AND Trump get in, it will be branch-plant MAGA all the way.
