New Hampshire Primary Predictions?

Today, New Hampshire provides the 2nd round of opportunities for Republican party members to vote for who they want as their presidential candidate.  Here’s an overview.  Here’s a video about New Hampshire Primary History.  And here’s a video that explains why New Hampshire is a little weird.  If you find the state appealing, here’s an overview of some great rural towns in New Hampshire.  While you’re waiting for the results to come in, here are some webcams around the state.

What are your predictions for the outcome will be this evening? (candidates and their percentages)


42 Replies to “New Hampshire Primary Predictions?”

      1. How old are you and what are you on? If I had to guess, I’d say around 12 and whatever is in the aerosol can you’ve been huffing.

  1. I always wanted Trump, but I had a reasonably favorable opinion of Nikki. Apparently this was because I hadn’t seen her much.
    It’s so over.

    1. I think she was much more normal in years past. But Robert Barnes (via Viva Frei) stated that her financial problems forced her to work for the Defense (aka War) Industry. She suddenly became a multi-millionaire. So the “new” Nikki Haley that emerged is a major warmonger and completely compromised.

  2. New Hampshire, the Live Free or DEI State.
    We will learn something about the Democrats election subversion abilities today.

  3. Globahontas will make herstory.
    It won’t make any difference or any sense but she will continue to assault Trump like the good little slave girl she is. ‘Hits with tiny fists’

  4. I would not be the least bit surprised Haley does better than expected. My guess is there is a huge push to get anti Trump voters participating in the primaries and now there is no split.

  5. I’m in Rockingham Co. Nobody came knocking on the door. Gov Sununu has been in her corner, so I guess well see if he has any draw. I voted @ 9:30 AM. It was not packed but a steady stream, obviously mostly Boomers. I have no prediction but I do think it’s make or break.

  6. She needs to drop out before South Carolina if she wants to salvage her political career. If her home state votes against her, her career is over.

  7. Lived up there for 4 years. A couple of things you should know:
    1. No bird feeders (the bears love those things)
    2. Good luck finding a decent slice of pizza (a lot of “Pizza” joints throw a frozen pizza in the oven for you)
    3. Lake effect snow is always going on in winter (although you rarely hear about it like Buffalo)
    4. If you have moose frequenting your property, get an airhorn. They sort of get down on their front knees to graze because their front legs are longer…which makes balance precarious. An airhorn usually results in a tumble.
    5. Weasels are bastards and will learn how to take the lid off your garbage can.
    6. Roads are clear after snow storms almost immediately. No one really knows what chemicals the road crews spray on it, but it works.
    7. There is a town up north called Berlin where the vast majority of residents speak only French.
    8. When Judge Souter (USSC) voted poorly, all the neighbors (including myself) would take a walk down the road and make sure he was aware of our position(s).

  8. I predict complete meltdown of the leftists as it slowly dawns on them that Trump will be the nominee.

    More lawfare shenanigans with unhinged behavior and rioting to follow.

    1. You can BET the RIOTS are being planned now … you know … by that group that isn’t really a group … they’re just an “idea”. And they’ve got lots of “ideas” about how to RIOT and break multiple laws with impunity. With no fear of arrest or jailing.

      Yes … the FBLie are their partners in crime.

  9. Even if Nikki NeoCon prevails in NH, it doesn’t amount to a hill of beans.
    TRUMP is a shoe-in for the nomination, regardless.
    All it proves is how easily some sociopaths will sellout, Nikki is just the latest to do so. At least DeSantis has shown some integrity here, not selling out.
    Then there’s Captain Cheeseburger (CC), as cringey a candidate as there has been for years.

  10. It’s All Over But The Car Fires.
    The only question yet to be answered relative to the 2024 presidential election is how many billions of dollars worth of damage will be inflicted on major cities in the US by spoiled, rioting, unemployed, basement-dwelling wokesters. And in case you’re wondering, killing police officers in dozens of US cities is NOT sedition.

    President Stumblebum and Vice President Word-Salad Kammy will establish an enormous bail fund to reward those who destroy society on their behalf.

  11. Trump declared the winner. As Victor Davis Hanson said, if she can’t win here where she has every advantage, her voters, Democrat voters, “independent” voters, never Trumpers, where can she win? Does she really want to lose her own state?

    1. Her goal is to pick up delegates so when Trump is ultimately removed through the Courts she just steps in. People have been misinterpreting DeSantis’s negativity towards Haley and endorsement of Trump incorrectly. He’s angry that he wasn’t chosen for the role this time around. And, if you think he dropped out after Iowa based solely on his own decision making, you’d be mistaken. He was pressured to do so (likely with promises for the future or even cold hard cash as we saw with Kari Lake today).

      Haley made a slip in Iowa when she said it’s a two man race. She came in Third in Iowa. DeSantis was ahead of her, and YET, she knew he was dropping out. That’s curious. Also, Haley’s campaign manager is flagrantly strategizing to secure democrat votes in all open primaries. It’s documented in a letter….all to secure delegates and make her eventual slide into the nominee position seem legitimate. She going the distance in the primaries regardless of how much she gets trounced.

      1. That may be her faint hope but if, for some reason, Trump is actually prevented from running he is still likely to have the most delegates. Then it will be decided at the convention and it is not certain that your prediction will come true. I think Trump’s delegates, if forced to go elsewhere, will not go to Haley.

    2. Yes, she will continue, and to lose as well. In the meanwhile, there’s millions to be made, by her. That, and, perhaps her delusion that DJT goes to jail and she defaults as the second best candidate.

  12. Trump goes to jail?
    First thing? It will not happen. The “Novel Legal Theories” he has been charged under will not hold up in court. Separately: The Supreme Court may very well determine he is legally immune as President to all the alleged charges too.

    Second: Eugene Debs ran for the presidency from prison. Of course, the Socialist did not win, but not even prison can prevent Trump from running and winning.

  13. BTW, and a bit off topic. VP pick. I’m pretty sure I know whom it will be. I watched social media pretty closely tonight to see which of the VP favorites showed undue interest in the primary and made a point to provide quick congratulations.

    I’m betting on Lee Zeldin from New York. You might remember him as the Republican candidate for NY Governor who had a much better showing than anyone thought he would. There was, also, talk about making him the Republican party chair, but he removed himself from consideration. He, also, got a couple stray votes for Speaker of the House without running for the position. In the recent past he’s been all in for Trump.

  14. Apparently, 70% of Haley’s voters were not registered republicans.
    Explains the 43% she got…

  15. 81 million votes for Nikki. Apparently anyone running against Trump can get ’em.

  16. By my reckoning, the R primary results reflect a minimum of 60000 EXCESS votes, likely more. Your mileage may vary. If true that would bring NH Rs in line with Iowa.
    But that’s not my takeaway. I’m impressed with the discipline it took to write in Joe Biden. Or maybe not, maybe he is aspirational to Dems. He certainly is the most representative of the Dem ethos, that I can think of, and, hands down, he certainly is the best and brightest Dem.

  17. “I’m impressed with the discipline it took to write in Joe Biden.”

    In 2020 they just used laser printers. Saves that dirty stuff with a pencil.
