37 Replies to “Today In Islam”

    1. If it wasn’t for the stray bullets, I’d really enjoy these people shooting at each other. If we weren’t here, they’d destroy each other full time.

    1. Who gives a flying f*ck about the ICJ’s ruling? Israel certainly doesn’t and that’s a good thing. Until the rubble in Gaza bounces, the job isn’t finished.

      1. So do you wear a swastika or a yamaka? Both have come to symbolize the same racist hatred for other human beings. I find it funny how everything that Israel and its rabid supporters accuse Hamas or Islam of doing, are doing the same or worse.
        Take hostages? Israel has been doing that to Palestinians since 1948.
        Kill many people they don’t like or think subhuman? Israel has been doing that since before its foundation
        Raping women and children? Oh Israel has been doing that big time.
        Committing genocide? Yeah Israel has that down to a fine art.

        Now who was it that said “Take the log out of your own eye so you may see more clearly to help take the speck out of your brother’s eye”? Seems quite appropriate here.

        1. Oh look, Joe the Radical Islamic extremist supporter of the HAMAS is in the house spreading lies. You need to do a deep dive into the history of the region. I’ve got a news flash for you. There was not and never has been a Palestine. And Arabs are the colonizers of the Jewish homeland. And Arabs have been killing Jews for a lot longer than Israel existed.

          Of course HAMAS lovers are never interested in facts. All they have is hate. Why don’t you go to Gaza and defend the Fakestinians personally yourself.

          And besides all that, even if every single lie you repeat about Israel were true, it would still not justify what happened Oct 7.

          1. Please go back and point out where I have ever said I support Hamas. You wont find it. I don’t support Hamas However I certainly don’s support Israel. Israel is a bunch of zionistsnazis and have nothing to do with anything from Biblical times. They are simply evil people who are stealing land and killing those who oppose their theft. So why do you support that kind of mass murder Are you a nazi? You come across as one. Kind of sad really. Let us try to stop the killing.

          2. Joe the “Albertan”….just so you know, the Arab world declared war on Israel the minute it was created under U.N. resolution. That declaration remains in place to this day. Israel is simply engaging in that war and any territory they might take is technically theirs. Now run along and play with your goat.

          3. Joe Albertan

            You said you live in Alberta and your family came from Wales. Thus you are an occupier, living on stolen land.

          4. So Art why should there be a nation of only one religion where anyone else is not welcome?

          5. John bigckoud you and the other clown who keeps trying to tell me that I am living on occupied territory.. yes Mom was born in Wales. Dad’s mother was full Cree. Do should I go back to Wales or demand that my cousin’s move back while I stay? One final point I went to a First Nation that had several tipis strange but no one was living in them.

          6. Joe Albertan

            I apologize, you are only a three quarters occupier living on stolen land (Assuming your dad’s mother was full blooded Cree)

        2. Joe Albertan

          The Palestinians are occupiers. It’s a fact.
          And you said so yourself.

          1. Who did king David fight against as he was trying to establish his shirt lived kingdom? Here is a hint. Palestinians or as they were called back then – Philistines
            You do need a bit of history lesson so you at least sound informed. The Philistines were in the land before there were Jews.
            Sadly ancient history has no relevance to the genocidal land grab that the Zionists are doing now. Notice that? Not Jews since Orthodox Jews reject political Israel. No not Jews zionists. The same sweet folks who are pushing the deep stat and the WEF. IOW NAZIS!

      2. The job’s not finished till the last “elite” anti-Semite in the Western world is strung up by the guts of the last Muslim.

        Without generous financial and political support from a sickeningly, incurably anti-Semitic global elite, Islam, Nazism, communism and black supremacy would be a joke, miserable cults with no political power whatever and leaders mostly recruited from law enforcement to make sure that if the sad sacks in the rank and file were plotting anything serious, the cops would beat the revolutionary to the local synagogue and eliminate him before he got anywhere near it.

    1. Still the nazi? Kind of a shame. Killing other humans is wrong no matter which side is doing the killing. Stealing land is wrong no matter who is doing the stealing. Dehumanizing other humans based on race or religion or ethnicity is wrong regardless of who is doing the dehumanizing. Supporting those who kill and steal and dehumanize because of race or religion are best described as nazis and sadly you just displayed all the evils that Hitler was a prime example of. You really should be hanging your head in shame not religiously support Israel because “israel good”. Israel is evil by all counts and has no relation to the Jews of Biblical times. None what so ever. They simply want to take someone else’s property so they can conduct their evil beyond public scrutiny. Sadly Dustoff you are on the side of evil. A greater evil than Hamas could ever be. So very sad for you. What is even more sad is that you have no logical reason for your rabid support. Yours is just a religious fanaticism. Weird and evil.

      1. Also, just so you know, the Arab world was aligned with the Nazis during WWII. Do a search of photos of the Grand Mufti with Hitler, et al. Flake.

      2. Using the word Nazi is meanness. Talk about over used.

        But typical of you, just a one trick pony

      1. Nothing to do with whether I like them or not. Look at the expressions of those who are rabidly pro Israel and compare that with what the Nazis said and did. The are identical.

        1. You don’t really know your history, do you? The Nazis and much of the Arab world have been perfectly aligned since before WWII. Look up the Grand Mufti meeting with Hitler and other high ranking Nazis….why you will even find pictures of the Grand Mufti doing the Nazi salute. Clearly you are a member of the Ignorami.

          1. This is about attitudes of the heart and nothing to do with ethnicy or allies or religion. Who ever is dehumanizing or ethically cleansing or committing genocide is a Nazi in fact if not in name.

  1. Unfortunately, when the excrement inevitably collides with the rotational device, I wouldn’t trust any Muzzie.

  2. // Look at the expressions of those who are rabidly pro Israel //

    And see who Israel`s friends are: Modi, al Sissi, Orban, Duerte, Bolsonaro, Trump …
    The Israeli regime is redefining Chutzpah. As one of the Zionist terrorists who became an
    Israeli prime minister put it “the purpose of our terrorism is to dirty the face of power”
    And now Israel is the power with the dirty face.

        1. And another antisemite has been heard from. Do you and Joe the “Albertan” get together and masturbate over pics of Auschwitz circa 1943?

    1. Israel’s friends are people who are sick of being lorded over who routinely betray their peoples in the interest of a global mafia that owns and control everything of value.

      People want what Israel has—a government that actually their side against the global “elites” that cause all the world’s problems and their muscle recruited from among the most wretched of the earth, and will act accordingly.

      Ann Coulter once offered a solution to the problem of terrorism that would be 100 percent effective. Invade their homelands, kill their leaders, insist that the survivors worship only the God of Israel and keep His Commandments or choose between death or exile if they refuse.

      That’s what Israel is doing in Gaza. The Arabs plotted to destroy Israel. The Jews will drive the Arabs out of Gaza forever. And then they will sit down to feast in the sight of their foes.

      The Jews are done dying for the sins of the idolaters. High time any number of tribes of pig-ignorant, halfwitted, drunken peasants not worth a Jew”s fingernail who never tired of throwing dice for their share of the gold they had stolen from the Jews they had slaughtered get a turn at being held accountable for their own folly and iniquity. Let Israel be washed clean, the outrages against her healed by the blood of the idolaters who raped and tortured her for thousands of years.

      They made Jewish mothers bereaved among women. Now let their own miserable dams be bereaved among women.

      Let the bitches and sows wail in the face of the consequences of their worthlessness as mothers of human children. Actual dogs and pigs accept the death of their young with more dignity. Tell them that the Jews did not kill their pups and piglets. Their dams did that themselves, as surely as they did when they called on the neighborhood abortionist to get rid of the six bastards they each got by six sires, none by their husbands. When they weep, the righteous laugh.

      “Genocide” indeed. It’s called war.

      1. // Ann Coulter once offered a solution to the problem of terrorism that would be 100 percent effective. Invade their homelands, kill their leaders, insist that the survivors worship only the God of Israel and keep His Commandments or choose between death or exile if they refuse.
        That’s what Israel is doing in Gaza. //
        Classic Kachanist understatement. Coulter also said that Jews would be better if they converted.

  3. It is tiresome to see and read the insanity surrounding the hatred of 15 million Jews. F***, 8 billion people hate, for reasons they do not comprehend.
