Saturday On Turtle Island

Fighting Colonialism News:  Captain Cook statue vandalized.   Globalism News:  What the elites are planning next.

Dementia Joe’s America:  The funniest one yet.  Biden suspends aid to UNRWA.  And white skin privilege.

Blackie’s Canada:  I wonder what would happen if a Christian prayed in a Canadian mosque?  Muslim prays Islamic prayers in Quebec church.  Guy who likes to wear blackface, trashes black man.  Toronto Rape Crisis Centre helps organize pro-Hamas rally.  University will decolonize and indigenize academics.

Your morning meme.

6 Replies to “Saturday On Turtle Island”

    1. You may be on to something, Bunny.

      1) Get all riled up and offended by a BRONZE statue.

      2) Get rowdy and pull it down.

      3)Haul it away… to the scrap yard (30-day average scrap bronze price is $2.20/lb USD)

      4) Profit
      A 1.5 ton statue would fetch $6,600… which causes one to ponder… what did they do with all those bronze statues they have been pulling down the last couple of years? And who took them to the scrap yard?

      Has anyone asked? Does anyone know where the statues go? I sure don’t know.

  1. Jivani could have reply that actually PM theTurd is a “twofer”: a moron + an accomplished scumbag.

  2. I believe Paul Joseph Watson misinterpreted Biden’s ‘words’ – he was simply leading his audience in a rousing rendition of ‘The Lion Sleeps Tonight’ chorus…..”Wimoweh…Wimoweh”.

    Hope this clarifies the issue.

  3. Seriously a rape crisis center holding a protest in support of a state that denies women a single right and where rape isn’t a crime by the male but the woman raped are treated as criminals. Good gawd how low can these people go?
