It’s the end of the world as we know it, and I feel fine

Fire and brimstone coming down from the skies, human sacrifice, cats and dogs living together, mass hysteria! The meteor is on its way, and CBC just posted a critical story on electric vehicles. Pipeline Online had to share this one. And yes, I borrowed from Ghostbusters there.

In the meanwhile, charging those cars with solar power in Alberta would have been tough on Sunday at noon.

On the topic of cars, a Edmonton-area heavy equipment rental shop took the second largest Caterpillar dozer made and crushed a car with it, just because.

On Friday, the Biden Administration took a shotgun and fired a barrel into each foot of one of the biggest success stories in the American energy industry, one which kept Europe from going dark when the Ukraine war started. And here’s the Whitehouse’s backgrounder on it, verbatim, which reads like a description of how the Biden-Harris administration has applied a knee to the neck of the American energy industry.

(I’m not sure when they started doing this, but the Whitehouse press office continually refers to the Biden-Harris administration. Are they expecting someone to perhaps fall off the ticket between now and November? Like maybe Biden’s health won’t hold out and it’ll be a Harris presidential candidacy?)

45 Replies to “It’s the end of the world as we know it, and I feel fine”

  1. Biden’s actions on American petroleum doesn’t surprize me. He canceled the Keystone Pipeline on his first day of office, preferring, I guess, to get petroleum from authoritarian states.

    1. Aren’t we already there?

      Anybody can be anyone/anything they want, so its bound to be around already.

      1. Discussion on Canada leadership changes in the future and what obstacles that could be.
        President Trump coming to office this November in the United States election.

        Unless we create some truly fantastic product that is unique to give as a gift that is currently illegal to do…
        I used to make unique stuff myself before safety regulations and restrictions made doing so under penalty of breaking any of hundreds currently in place by the drip…drip…drip of regulations making my business illegal by way of heavy fines.
        Canada is already behind the 8 ball of blowing up the Whitehouse in our past and the damn French Frogs that he can’t stand to talk with.
        Yes, he is prejudice as many of us have had in our past growing up. Remember the name of freedom fries came from french fries.
        French and English were having pretty big fights in our communities.
        Plus our leadership is a bunch of whiney weasels that he has no time or use for.

  2. The takeaway from this, which would be broadcast all over if we had a real press, is that in its fight against natural gas the environmental movement is proving they don’t give a shit about the environment and they are just activists for government control.

    Since the wind doesn’t blow, and the sun doesn’t shine, 24 hours a day and nuclear power is not allowed, you need a fuel for the power generation to fill the gaps.

    Fighting against natural gas just means you are ensuring more emissions are created by using coal or oil instead.

      1. Not just against every major hydro project, they are also actively working to destroy existing dams, no matter the resulting damage

    1. Somewhat incorrect – nuclear power is only provided to those provinces that the federal Liberal government approves of. So Ontario can have nuclear power, but not SK (even through we produce the uranium that we send all over the world for others to use). Once you see it, it is simple to understand. SK is not important enough for the Canada as seen by the LPC.

      1. How are those snow covered Chinese solar panels working out for the small business owners ?

      2. This statement from MJM is about the most dimwitted argument against nuclear power I’ve ever seen.
        You seem unaware of the fact that Saskatchewan is in a pact with three other provinces to develop new nuclear generation technology.
        You seem unaware of the fact that at 4,000 MW Saskatchewan is too small a grid to accommodate even one full size power reactor.
        You seem unaware of the fact that ALL Saskatchewan NDP governments were stridently opposed to nuclear power. Or have you forgotten Lorne Calvert already?
        You seem unaware of the fact that Saskatchewan declined to enter a pact with Alberta to host a joint nuclear power project.
        You seem unaware of the fact that in Canada it’s the PROVINCES which determine whether or not they want nuclear power, NOT the federal government.

        Are you sure you’re not an antinuke? What you wrote here is stupidity on the scale of Greenpeace.

  3. as entertaining as it is to watch a car get crushed, it underlines the problem with the auto insurance industry . it appeared the car had lots of good body parts, yet auto recyclers seem to be disappearing every day. it’s as if the bodyshops are forbidden to use recycled parts or something…

    1. Modern vehicles are plastic eggshells. After an accident there is very little worth saving. It is not economic to recycle

    1. She’s currently in CA … preaching to women about their “reproductive rights”. Telling women that they need to stand up for their RIGHT to murder a helpless living human growing within their body as created by nature. And all the lesbians in attendance all clapped like circus seals … for their sisters or something

  4. They are BRAGGING about decimating an economy that others built over centuries. These people should be lined up. I suspect they might yet be.

    1. They’re going to vote liberal until they are forced to kneel and have plastic bags put over their heads.

  5. Here in the Great Lakes Basin there has not been an hours worth of accumulated sunshine in the past 2 months, minimum. But hey, the billions that were spent on wind and solar continue to pad the profit line of foreign companies. Until it comes time to decommission the things. Then watch out.

    1. Here in the Great Lakes Basin there has not been an hours worth of accumulated sunshine in the past 2 months, minimum.

      True statement. January has been a shit show.

  6. Have you noticed a weird pattern of ideas that the government is trying to pass off as logical? They are pushing the idea that we need 2 systems where 1 system was working fine for decades. The second systems they are mandating are garbage.

    – electricity production. For decades we had one reliable system, dispatchable baseload and peak/backup power. The government is mandating that we add unreliable, intermittent power which fails at key moments.

    -home heating system. For decades we had one reliable system, natgas. The government is all but mandating that we add heat pumps which fail at cold temperatures.

    Vehicles. For decades we had one reliable system, gas or diesel internal combustion engines. The government is mandating that we must buy EV vehicles which are more expensive and underperform ICE engines.

    All the second, parallel systems governments are mandating just add unnecessary upfront and maintenance costs without adding any benefits. Crazy policies.

    1. Which goes with a constant theme in my reporting and columns: Why are we throwing away what we know works, and has worked for decades, for what we know absolutely does not work?

      1. One can spot the reminders of wind power in the declining number of pasture cement water troughs that had an accompanying wind mill with them. So did most farm houses. First came the stationary engine which ran on kerosene to provide reliable consistent flow of electricity to power the farm stead. Wind power, been there. Done that. Good riddance. Thirsty cows and hand pumps.

        1. Actually, I use that question a lot in interviews, and I pose it in speeches. Why? Why???

      2. Why are they implementing these policies? Incompetence, malice or financial self interest…maybe all three.

        Why are provincial governments and voters going along with these crazy policies? Just say No.

        1. Malice. These people and by “these people” I mean zealots like Guibeault and other climateers are looking at the big picture. They aren’t stupid…they’re stupid minions are but they aren’t. They want cheap energy out of the hands of plebs like you and me.
          Not unlike Soviet bread lines, energy rationing is their ultimate goal where only the elites will tool around in their EV’s and jet set while the rest of us live in misery all in the name of Mother Gaia.
          People need to wake the F up.

      3. Because it “sounds good”, and liberals along with their fellow travellers are never judged on outcomes, only on “intentions.

        Thomas Sowell has written about this extensively.

        1. When no one can afford a car, then why would they vote FOR the energy needed to make them go?
          When no one can afford a home, then why would they care about Nat. Gas.

          When you own nothing, you care about nothing … and the elites can count on your vote when they say their policies are punishing “the rich” who can afford such things. It’s over. When those who own nothing, and will never own anything outnumber us … we’re doomed.

    2. The left dominates culture and politics. The left and their pathologies stem from humanities faculties dominated by cultural Marxism. Green theocracy supplies their spiritual needs so they consist of two schools of activism. One, the green Eloi. These are the media parrots and mindless mushy LPC/NDP groupies who believe in the progressive (particularly energy) dreams which have no foundation in reality; and Two, the more intelligent, Bolsheviks and Jacobins who know the dreams will fail but whose goals are the elimination of liberty, prosperity, much of humanity, and a return to post modern serfdom. If allowed, their already implemented dreams will become your living nightmares. The future development of wind and solar is the bellwether for their dreams.

      1. They appear to have no idea how the real world works. All the Elois know is that they have to hate the Morlocks who keep society running smoothly. But, the Eloi are the first ones to complain when that smooth functioning society breaks down, making their lives less comfortable. They are completely oblivious to cause and effect.

    3. Which might help explain why politicians and bureaucrats become ten times wealthier than their salaries and bonuses can account for.

      1. “Which might help explain why politicians and bureaucrats become ten times wealthier than their salaries and bonuses can account for.”

        You’d think journalists might be curious to find out how that happens.

        1. Upton Sinclair answers this question.

          “It is difficult to get a man to understand something when his salary depends upon his not understanding it.”

          Journalists depend on the political class for their livelihood. Hence they will be uninterested in anything pointing out the complete corruption of the political class. Freely translated, “you don’t bite the hand that feeds you.”

  7. The only reason CBC was willing to air the piece is to “objectively” highlight how inferior the EV support network is. Thus giving ammo to Hans et al to legislate the EV industry and provinces into “you shall build it” submission and further rationalize even more taxpayer $$ for EV’s infrastructure costs.

    Cuz more charging stations is the problem, not the batteries you ignorant fools. They will be eventually improved upon. Trust us! So get with the program!!!

    Dig beyond the climate change lowering emissions motive of EV’s and see the choices that our younger generation is being left with: Already suffering through higher taxes, a lagging economy thanks to JT’s anti resource policies, so less disposable income. They now need to buy an unaffordable EV so you can live in an suburban area in an unaffordable house, or choose to live in a small condo.

    While culture may be upstream of politics, economics is upstream of culture and our birthing generations, the Based amongst Gen Y to Z is not rushing to bring kids into this shit show. Can we say with the now evidenced birth rate decline that it is an intended consequence of the Progressive entire climate policy? A bonus to their anti human religious fantasies.

    As an ancillary. I am waiting for the first condo tower some where on the planet, with a three or four story underground parking garage that has just enough EV’s to increase the chances of a fire from a maybe could to will happen. A run away fire like in London’s Luton airport last year, that will be near impossible to bring under control like they at least could with the above ground structure .

    If the building doesn’t collapse, how livable will it be? Car insurance companies are costing in EV battery failures and fires into auto policies. EV bikes and the like are starting to be verboten in most buildings. Undoubtedly they have already started the math on these larger catastrophic potentials. How unaffordable will even condo living become? Oh let’s park the EV’s outside…………

    In the meantime the burned out Laptop class should learn not just how to hammer a nail (coding will be done by AI so that job path is gone) but how to set up a tent beside their local homeless encampment.

    Schadenboner time is coming

  8. Reminiscent of the old “after” pictures of mine pickup trucks after an accidental encounter with a haul truck.
