16 Replies to “Monday On Turtle Island”

  1. Still a one party government no matter who you vote for including municipalities who took in all the federal politicians to become mayors as they knew they were not going to be voted back in.
    The whole kit and kaboodle is corruption to it’s tentacles core.
    You would think our politicians would at least glance at a history book or even are aware of their own governance rules rather than constantly being breaking something and blaming others for their own personal choices.

  2. The problem PP has with speaking the truth about residential schools is that the media are itching for a “real” reason to call him a racist. If he falls out of lock step with the media on this topic and dares to speak the truth, he’ll only be confirming what millions of sheep already know, Conservatives and specifically PP are horrible racists to the core.
    Me, I’d rather that he went all in for justice and let them choke on the accusations. Something to the effect of demanding that the RCMP start digging uip bodies and gathering evidence so that people can be charged, tried and convicted of their crimes. That way we can goad the leaders into bringing this sham to a hault when no bodies are found or at least no signs of violence are found on the bodies that they’re sure to find as they’ll often be searching cemeteries.
    Sure, we’ll have to deal with a few months of screatching when they announce that they found a a dozen bodies in a cemetery somewhere but eventually, someone will notice that they all died of natural causes. I don’t doubt that there’s a couple of bodies burried that were murder victims but the odds of actually digging one up are pretty long. Then after a few years and $50 million or so in wasted money, we can finally produce the evidence. The fact that the evidence causes their gravey train to grind to a hault is not our problem.

    They complain about genicide, let’s investigate a genicide and when we largely don’t find one, we can stop shovelling money at the various chiefs and they can move onto some other complaint.

    1. How many church burning cases have been solved … prosecuted … and prison sentences served? One? None? … why? Seriously. Why has not a SINGLE church burning out of 90 has been solved?

      Ohhhh I see … those natives wearing their moccasins are soooooo stealthy and sneaky … nobody saw or heard nothing. Unh huh … well that MAY have been true BEFORE the average Native started weighing tree-fiddy

    2. Reminds me of an old joke news article:

      “Cessna 150 crashes into graveyard in Newfoundland, 2 bodies found, more expected, as digging continues through the night…”

      Today, i’d have to research it in order not to believe it!
      What a difference a few decades makes!

  3. I don’t expect much from PP.
    What I do expect is no Juthtin.
    It ain’t much, but its a bit of salve until the end.

  4. PP is a tool.
    He blew it when he called out our 3 real Canadian MP’s when they met with Christine Andersen of the EU.

    His true colours were shown. Then he does this.
    You cannot vote for him.
    He is a FILTHY PoS

    1. This is the problem with PP. Being fooled before, I can’t trust him until he does something conservative rather than just talk about it. For that he would have to be elected. Too many times CONservatives have campaigned from the right and governed from the left. Jason Kenney a classic example. So I will stick with Max, but I live in a safe conservative seat.

      1. Well you sure as hell can’t trust the Liberals or NDP. A vote for Max is a vote for the Liberals or NDP.

        1. Again with this nonsense. A vote for party X is a vote for party X.

          As to Poilievre, he and his party have been and continue to be timid, weak, and disappointing. They not only voted in lockstep with the LPC and NDP on the so-called “genocide”, but they also did it when they (every single sitting MP, regardless of party) stripped away our rights during Covid.

          No, the CPC is not conservative, and is undeserving of my support. That was their choice- I didn’t want it to be this way, but that’s the path they chose. And they can FRO as a result.

    2. PP still subscribes to the Bill Shit and Extortion racket. He recently reiterated to Drea Humphrey that the Residential Schools were evil genocide. Don’t expect PP to honour any of his promises.

  5. Canada is a very liberal country. We would fit seamlessly into the EU.

    The CPC is a manifestation of our liberalism. It has a different name than the other liberal parties but it is essentially the same.

    When conservatives form government the stealing slows down – somewhat. That is based on not having as many quebek politicos holding the levers of power.

    1. Most present day Canadians would be more comfortable living in East Germany than would the East Germans.
