52 Replies to “Stay Calm And Get Even”

  1. Revenge is a dish best served cold.

    Klingon Proverb*

    (*yes, I know star trek didn’t coin the term but it just sounds better).

    1. Frenchie, did you know there is an English to Klingon translator
      So here is your Klingon proverb
      bortaS bIr jablu’DI’ reH QaQqu’ nay’.

  2. Please stay out of jail.
    The suicided rate is rather high even with thousands of cameras and some types of security personal everywhere.

    Even some untouchable computer guys got whacked eventually when they find and disabled that doomsday security protecting themselves.

  3. Much as I would like to gag Trump, I realize saying outrageous and provocative things is a tactic. It’s how he amplifies coverage and how he sucks up media attention. That said, I wish he would be more selective in his reactions and not take the bait every time.

    1. E x
      It’s how he outs them and exposes them, for future references, Bc once he’s in and he tries to out them , they will use SCOTUS to block him.And we’v seen SCOTUS’ performance lately.

  4. VDH says the same things I have been saying for years now. Trump’s child-like antics (name-calling, etc) don’t play well with everyone. I like what he does…I just hate what he says.

    1. Fred
      Trump’s action are mostly guided by the fact that is frustrated, because he’s dyslexic.
      Rush Limpburger was most likely also dyslexic.

  5. Even some of what he does is puzzling.
    We all knew Fauci was a fraud before Trump figured that out.
    Plus there’s Rona. Barr, Pence…
    Not to mention him bringing the turtles wife into his admin.
    I’d caution putting him too high on a pedestal. They stole the office from right under his nose.

    1. “Even some of what he does is puzzling.
      We all knew Fauci was a fraud before Trump figured that out.
      Plus there’s Rona. Barr, Pence…”

      I was referring mostly to his policies, foreign and domestic (sorry it that wasn’t clear).

      But you’re definitely not wrong, Ive. I put most of his personnel choices down to a combination of naivety and ego: naivety in choosing RINOs to work for him, people who then recommended that he hire other RINOs while also telling him who he could and could not choose (and making up plausible-sounding but phony reasons why or why not). Ego in picking people who he *knew* didn’t like him, but he thought he would be able to ‘charm’ them into liking him.

      All that said, I very much look forward to his second term and the inevitable house-cleaning (and retribution) to follow. Donald Trump is a lot of things, but stupid is not one of them; he learned a hard lesson in his first term but he will not be making the same mistakes the second time around.

      1. I don’t think Trump realized how treacherous the entrenched pols and bureaucrats were. We know now, but in hindsight, and because his existence exposed their malevolence and indifference and contempt for Middle Working America. Maybe you all knew but I didn’t .
        In addition, bear in mind that collaborating with Trump was the kiss of death for your career, your security, and not just yours but your family’s future. That’s why all the law fare against anyone associated with Trump. They are warning off and attempting to intimidate the talented and the experienced.

        1. “I don’t think Trump realized how treacherous the entrenched pols and bureaucrats were. We know now, but in hindsight, and because his existence exposed their malevolence and indifference and contempt for Middle Working America. Maybe you all knew but I didn’t .”

          Well said, Exasperated…and no, none of us actually knew how bad it really was because the MSM has done their very best to ensure that we didn’t. Donald Trump was the first politician to go in and *not* be immediately corrupted by The Swamp, mostly because he wasn’t an actual politician…he was a businessman.

          And being a businessman turned out to be a big advantage in some respects: how many US Presidents have tried (and failed) to solve the Middle East problems in the last 50 years? Trump had it all but dealt with before he was cheated out of the ability to finish it, and mostly by looking at the problem from a business viewpoint, not a political one. Opening up US oil production was just the start, as was renewing the sanctions on Iran.

          Combine that with his domestic policies and booming economy, and history will be much kinder to Donald Trump than his enemies are willing to believe.

  6. Yeah … PDJT rubs some people the wrong way … so let’s not ruffle anyone’s feathers and all just vote for Neocon, globalist, WHO-supporter, GOPe, go-along-to-get-along, global warmist, UNIParty Nikki Haley. Puhleeze. I just enumerated her “qualifications” over PDJT.

    And yet … the SAME voices here who take glee in chiding people in Chicago, San Francisco, LA and beyond for … “getting what they voted for” … are telling you how Trump’s mean Tweets bother them. Go ahead … vote for some other … beholden-to-special interest-lobbyist-donor$$$$ … candidate. Which means EVERY other US candidate for every office in the land

    Voting for anyone other than PDJT ensures you will be … getting what you voted for … good and hard. Shame on you. Shame on people who live every day under the Trudeau regime and still have the temerity to chide PDJT’s … personality … or tough developer-speak … or even his superego. None of which matter one little shit compared to American dumpster fire that NEEDS to be extinguished.

    1. “Yeah … PDJT rubs some people the wrong way … ”

      A LOT of people, Kenji…and not always for good reason.

      “Desanctimonious”? “Meatball Ron”? “Birdbrain”? This may make some people laugh but it also turns a lot of people off. You don’t gain any supporters with this kind of childish name-calling, but you can certainly lose some.

      1. Meh. Not my cup of tea either. But I profoundly DO NOT CARE. Politics is an UGLY business … just listen to how the half-conscious psychotic POTUS refers to MAGA Republicans as MAGAotts. I’d laugh at “Birdbrain” and shrug it off. But when Biden calls me a maggott … or deplorable maggott … I take it personal.

        The POTUS is labeling HALF this nation as MAGGOTS!!! And you’re troubled by Trump creating lighthearted nicknames for his direct opponents?

        Your PRIORITIES need serious rearrangement

        1. “The POTUS is labeling HALF this nation as MAGGOTS!!! And you’re troubled by Trump creating lighthearted nicknames for his direct opponents? ”

          No, I’m troubled by him appearing to have the maturity level of a teenager. Yapping about “Ron Sanctimonious” *right before the midterms* was unforgivably dumb and cost the Republicans votes. 77 year old men don’t usually act like that….17 year old boys do. And what’s with all the ‘rallies’ he keeps holding, the ones that are attended by thousands of people who have already decided to vote for him? Who is he actually doing that for, his fans or his own ego?

          “Your PRIORITIES need serious rearrangement”

          My priorities are just fine….Trump’s priorities need review. Does he want to win, or not? I know that *I* want him to win, and so do millions of others…but does *he* actually want to win? If he does, it’s probably time to start acting like a grownup again.

          1. Why did billionaire globalist neocon UniParty Republicans FUND DeSantis to BEAT the wildly popular PDJT? Why did they plow hundreds of millions of dollars to BEAT the people’s candidate? Why have they also FAILED to correct the broken, fraudulent, voting system in America. Why are the GOPes sitting on their hands while the US Judicial system is weaponized against the leading Republican candidate?

            The only LOSERS are the GOPe who ran candidates like Loser McCain … Loser Romney … and now Loser DeSantis and Loser what’s her Hindi name? What a disgrace … PDJT should be naming and shaming every single one of ‘em.

  7. Very sad to think that we live in a world where so called human beings invade a neighbouring county to slaughter babies and their mothers but so called intelligent people are more concerned about Donald Trump’s mean tweets.

    1. “Very sad to think that we live in a world where so called human beings invade a neighbouring county to slaughter babies and their mothers but so called intelligent people are more concerned about Donald Trump’s mean tweets.”

      I don’t care how ‘mean’ they are…I care about how immature they are.

      This is a race for the highest political office in the most powerful country in the world…we’re not on an elementary school playground here. Calling someone “Poopy Head” wins no respect from me, sorry.

      1. How immature is it to say:

        Make America Great Again?
        Drill baby Drill?
        Build the Fence?
        or … all the other slogans that were massively PRODUCTIVE for our country. Boo hoo … he mocked COVID as the Chyyyyynah virus. Weepy face.

        It’s funny, because I will surmise that you are the SAME kind of person who will say that you don’t care whether Bill Clinton splooges all over a 19yo BARELY LEGAL intern in the Oval office … because what he does in his personal life is his his business. That’s an odd alignment of moral outrage.

        1. “How immature is it to say:

          Make America Great Again?
          Drill baby Drill?
          Build the Fence?”

          Not at all immature, but that was not what I was talking about. I was talking about name-calling.

          ” Boo hoo … he mocked COVID as the Chyyyyynah virus. Weepy face. ”

          I had no problem with that, either. Nothing childish about telling it like it is.

          “It’s funny, because I will surmise that you are the SAME kind of person who will say that you don’t care whether Bill Clinton splooges all over a 19yo BARELY LEGAL intern in the Oval office … because what he does in his personal life is his his business. ”

          Then you would be wrong. And NONE of what you just mentioned has ANYTHING to do with my distaste for Donald Trumps egotism, arrogance and immaturity (you’re not under the influence of drugs or alcohol right now, are you?…because you seem to be going off the deep end here).

          I keep saying this, but I’ll repeat it one more time: I *would* vote for Donald Trump if I were American, despite my unhappiness with his personality flaws. I only wish he would be smart enough to realize how much *more* support he could get by controlling his mouth. At this point, if he started acting more serious and statesmanlike he would obviously not lose any of his current supporters but he would definitely gain new ones…and again, isn’t that the point? To INCREASE your support? So you can WIN? Why on earth would you deliberately alienate tens of thousands (or hundreds of thousands) of people who may support what you have done in the past but see you now as childish, impulsive and perhaps even *unstable* when you could very easily win those ‘on the fence’ voters to your side simply by not acting like such jerk? It just makes no sense. AT ALL. It’s almost like he wants to lose.

          1. He gives stump speeches literally EVERY night … and in an hour long speech that is heavy on facts, relevant issues and solutions … he may poke fun at various LOSERS selected by billionaire globalist FAKE Republican UniPartiests to DESTROY him. To destroy US. I could care less if he sounds “juvenile” while humiliating the children trying to DESTROY him.

  8. A cousin in Virginia wrote how worried she was if Trump were to get elected, and how much worse things would be. She wondered that, despite the fact that we have four years of actual evidence to contradict her delusional fears.

  9. What’s Trump’s path to victory? I don’t see where he’s gained anything anywhere that will translate into a win.

    Many on this site have tired of his bombast and constant attack on anyone who he sees fit to target. Winning involves a certain degree of popularity and respect.

    1. “Many on this site have tired of his bombast and constant attack on anyone who he sees fit to target. Winning involves a certain degree of popularity and respect.”

      It certainly does, and rightly so…but too many people here just don’t seem capable of comprehending that.

      It’s not rocket science, is it?

      1. Yawn. And in 2016 he was called a “racist” for claiming shithole countries were sending their criminals and mentally ill to crash the US Southern border. Well … they were. And they are again. And he won anyway. The idea that he won’t win … when Americans are LIVING the stark contrast between an America under the Trump policies … and the FAILED Leftist Biden policies is laughable. And yes, Trump WON in 2020 too.

        1. “Yawn. And in 2016 he was called a “racist” for claiming shithole countries were sending their criminals and mentally ill to crash the US Southern border. Well … they were. And they are again. ”

          Agreed. It’s shameful what is happening on your southern border. If Donald Trump is re-elected, he will most certainly deal with that…so maybe (as I keep saying over and over again) he should take steps to make sure that he gets re-elected. One of those steps would be to convince the moderate ‘undecideds’ to take a chance and vote for him by demonstrating some SELF CONTROL for a a change.

          “The idea that he won’t win … when Americans are LIVING the stark contrast between an America under the Trump policies … and the FAILED Leftist Biden policies is laughable.”

          So, you are saying that Trump absolutely CANNOT lose, now? No matter what he does or doesn’t do?

          Well hell, why not just stop campaigning now and start celebrating, then?

          “And yes, Trump WON in 2020 too.”

          I have also said *that* many times here. Do you never read any of my posts?

        2. Kenji, the fraud was real and will be turned up to high in the coming election. The morons complaining about Trump have no idea what they are talking about.

          1. “Kenji, the fraud was real and will be turned up to high in the coming election. ”

            Inevitably, yes….so Trump needs every vote he can lay his hands on, not just the ones *he already has* (which are clearly not going anywhere, it’s important to note). He can get those new votes by convincing more people that he is not a just a childish, loudmouthed demagogue, and that he can indeed be a reasonable and rational adult when necessary. That’s all. Simple.

            Will he do it, though? Will he reach out to those people who are nervous about his personality and temperament, or just continue pandering to the same voters that *he already has*? We’ll see.

  10. You people make me laugh,(you know who YOU are, wink, wink, nudge, nudge). We’ve all seen what the Democrats have been calling us for the last twenty years, gun nuts, bible thumpers, homophobes, fascists, deplorables and the rest but when Trump starts throwing the insults back Oooo NOooo, that is unacceptable. When Trudeau stood in front of the Canadian press and seriously questioned “What are we to do with these people!” did any one on the left rise and ask Whisky, Tango, Foxtrot did he mean. You are all so tied up in your own little ball of shyte and hatred for Trump you run around with your eyes closed and hands over your ears yelling at the top of your lungs exactly what the media tell you. Never once have you looked at the independent collection of evidence that has been amassed to show how the election was rigged seven ways to Sunday. The Canadian Truckers convoy was put down by a little mini-moe dick-tater and you all stood around nodding your heads in agreement instead of examining what was happening. You all dutifully lined up for your ‘experimental’ shot to prove what good little lab rats you were instead of asking a couple of basic questions. Yeah you all make me laugh with the utter unbelievability of what you have brought down on yourselves as you are now running around trying to understand what you have done. If there was any hope of justice and retribution, they are being splintered and dashed in the war against Trump and you are all pact and parcel in it.

  11. But he just can’t bring himself to do that, can he? He should have stuck his cellphone up his arse when he was president and put on his waders and drained the swamp, instead of feeding the soap opera.

    1. Trump was hamstrung in his first term by a RINO (uniparty) Senate. the Senate controls the confirmation process, so you need rid of the RINO swampers in the Senate before you can drain the swamp. Trump will use recess appointments this time round to bypass the RINO’s. There will be less of them by attrition in any case. the house is now well over half MAGA, and the worst of the Senate such as Romney are heading for the exit. In addition project 2025 is already training the landing teams to head into the swamp on day one, hit them on multiple fronts and they cant play whack a mole nearly so well.

    2. “But he just can’t bring himself to do that, can he? He should have stuck his cellphone up his arse when he was president and put on his waders and drained the swamp, instead of feeding the soap opera.”

      He really could have used someone to edit his tweets, for sure. He really is his own worst enemy.

      1. The results from 2016-2020 speak for themselves. Millions of Americans care about actual results.

        Free speech is messy and that’s the price we pay for freedom.

        You know who are usually very well spoken and slick? Sociopaths. We have enough to them in office.

        1. “The results from 2016-2020 speak for themselves. Millions of Americans care about actual results.”

          They do. they also want their leader to be someone respected on the world stage, not laughed at.

  12. “So what’s your answer Fred and Jamie , keep pres “Don’t “ in charge .”

    ABSOLUTELY NOT. That is not even close to what we have been trying SO HARD to explain to you.

    (…am I not speaking English here, or am I just trying to communicate with chimpanzees?)

    Sorry, that’s just the frustration talking. What part of “stop acting like a teenage girl and calling everyone who opposes you childish names” do you not understand?

  13. I don’t know many on SDA that didn’t want Trump to succeed in 2016.

    It became apparent that he didn’t understand the workings of government. He didn’t know how the constitution applied or that there are checks and balances on presidential power. He talked a good game.

    It’s not often a sitting president doesn’t win a second term but Trump managed to do it. The American people yearn for a leader who will right the ship. They know things aren’t right. Trump could have been that guy.

    1. Funny thing … despite the unprecedented headwinds conspired against him … PDJT achieved MORE for me than any other (R) POTUS in my lifetime. He’ll do even better in 2025.

      BTW … all you DeSanctimonius supporters (Kate included) … you LOST!! You backed the WRONG horse because you actually bought the lie that DeSantis would be more viable -vs- the Biden cabal. He couldn’t even get past ONE State in the Primary. I understand … that must HURT … real bad. You’re angry. And you want absolution … so you’ll insist Trump is too childish to win. I understand. But I don’t understand you putting your own childish feelings over your rational brain as you are denying the reality of Trump’s massive popularity.

  14. Like Fred and Jamie, I supported Trump when he ran against Clinton and was ecstatic when he won and kept that psychopath out of power, BUT over the next four years my opinion of him changed. He was /is not a competent politician, but a boorish thug who has always had the advantage of the power that goes with his immense wealth.

    His obnoxious statements on just about everyone in the political realm were sometimes like the words of an angry 12 year old. I found myself embarrassed to defend him to the many leftists I encountered.
    Trump has no likeability, acts just like he did on the Apprentice,which at the time I assumed was his TV persona. It isn’t. That’s him

    I’d still support him over any Democrat, but hope he’s learned something and moderates his angry schoolboy tone. But, if he DOES win, what makes supporters think things will be any different than they were from ’16-20?

    The deep state/civil service is still firmly in place, all the checks on presidential power are still there, and his rabid fan base is not in a position to do anything after the election. Trump will be a blustering lame duck president at best, tweeting away to a world that doesn’t give a shit.

    1. “His obnoxious statements on just about everyone in the political realm were sometimes like the words of an angry 12 year old. I found myself embarrassed to defend him to the many leftists I encountered.
      Trump has no likeability, acts just like he did on the Apprentice,which at the time I assumed was his TV persona. It isn’t. That’s him

      I’d still support him over any Democrat, but hope he’s learned something and moderates his angry schoolboy tone. But, if he DOES win, what makes supporters think things will be any different than they were from ’16-20? ”

      Thanks for that, Don. You are a badly needed voice of reason here.

  15. After all these years, I am surprised at how many people believe that Trump isn’t disciplined and just says stuff off the cuff without thinking about the ramifications. He plans everything he says and tweets before he does it. Go listen to his rallies, he speaks to multiple audiences all at the same time, its really masterful. For you normies out there, I would suggest following some independent journalist like Brent Cates or Chris Paul, they have a good take on how Trump operates and how to understand what he says and why he says it. I’ve following SDA for over 20 years, but they are 2 and 3 years behind on what’s happening in the US.

    1. “After all these years, I am surprised at how many people believe that Trump isn’t disciplined and just says stuff off the cuff without thinking about the ramifications. He plans everything he says and tweets before he does it.”

      So it’s all AN ACT, is what you’re saying? I wish I could believe that, but there have been too many missteps, miscalculations and missed opportunities since 2016 for that to be plausible, sorry. If it really was all an act he would know when it was appropriate to rant and bluster and when it was more prudent to tone down his rhetoric…but he doesn’t.

  16. “So it’s all an act?”
    Maybe, or a manipulation of the media to provide free coverage . I give you 2016. The Clinton campaign spent roughly 4 times ($1.2B) more than Trump (roughly $250M).
    I happen to find the name calling this time around lamer than in 2016, when he was often witty and spot on.

  17. Show of hands, how many people believe Biden received 81 million lawful votes and that Trump didn’t know he was going to be declared the loser in 2020? It’s a baseline to begin to understand why Trump says and does what he does.
