34 Replies to “Today In Islam”

  1. Years ago I and many others wrote reams on the evil that is Islam, yet no one has learned a damn thing. What I now see is a repeat of the idiocy surrounding Islam once again. Article after article decrying the evil or supporting it, nothing seems to have changed. I wonder why. A couple of years ago I purged all my files both computer and written, was that a mistake? I don’t think so, as no one gives a damn today just as they did not give a damn decades ago.
    You will lose your freedom and your country/society if you continue down the path I and others see ahead of us.
    Acceptance and tolerance of anything and every thing is suicide.

  2. Islamic terror attack against an Italian church in Istanbul, Turkey.

    2 gunmen attacked the church during Sunday mass.

    Number of dead unknown at this moment.

  3. Burning a book like Koran is not ‘militant’. Trying to kill anti-Islam activists *is* militant. It’s militant Islamism. Or terror. We do not need any of these militant folks in Europe. Or Canada, for that matter.

    1. Most Muslims are terrorist-adjacent. They may not practice the fine art of killing infidels, but they support those who do. Islam is a filthy socio-political cult. Humanity would be better off without it.

      1. Yea, it’s like calling the fella who hands the executioner his sword is a “Moderate Muslim”

    2. Not all, but 36% of Muslims, according to the *Pew Research Center*, think converts from Islam should be killed.

      Islam is generally a dangerous cult following, should be banned as so.

    3. “Most Muslims are not terrorists, but most terrorist are Muslim.”

      The most profoundly evil terrorists never get their hands dirty. Most actual terrorists strut about in tax-funded three piece suits.

      1. ” Most actual terrorists strut about in tax-funded three piece suits.”

        You clearly have no idea what the word ‘terrorist’ actually means, do you? Here:

        Terrorism, in its broadest sense, is the use of intentional violence and fear to achieve political or ideological aims. The term is used in this regard primarily to refer to intentional violence during peacetime or in the context of war against non-combatants (mostly civilians and neutral military personnel).[

        …you’re welcome.

        1. “…the use of intentional violence and fear to achieve political or ideological aims…”

          Sounds just like the COVID fraud perpetrated on us all.

          All killing of all innocents must stop immediately. Everyone knows this.

          You and pretty much everyone else is one of those innocents. You’re just not being killed as quickly as some other innocents.

          “Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide
          Article II

          In the present Convention, genocide means any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such:

          Killing members of the group;
          Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group;
          Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part;
          Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group;
          Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group.”


          Everyone should be looking very carefully at just how much of their own life can be described by that list.

          Quick start guide: the COVID fraud meets all those criteria.

          Many, many people are going to require a huge amount of patience when it becomes apparent that almost everything they’ve ever known is a fraud.

      1. “The Ten Dumbest Things We’re Being Asked To Believe About Israel’s War On Gaza

        1. That Israel had no idea what Hamas was up to prior to October 7, but ever since October 7 has known about every hospital, mosque, school, refugee camp and water tower that Hamas is hiding in.

        2. That the blame for all of the deaths caused by Israeli weapons launched by Israel rests solely on Hamas.



        All killing of all innocents must stop immediately. Everyone knows this.

        1. “All killing of all innocents must stop immediately. Everyone knows this.”

          “All kidnapping of all innocents must stop immediately. Everyone knows this.”

    1. It is a sad commentary on some SDA followers who are busy spewing hate against one group an completely ignoring genocide committed by another group. Genocide is genocide. Killing is killing. Both are wrong no matter who is doing it.

      1. Them effing Palis need killing, stat, you little jackoff. Now go play with your suicide vest.

      2. Joe Albertan

        YOU said killing is not genocide if occupiers are killed.

        YOU also said Palestinians are occupiers

      3. ” Genocide is genocide. Killing is killing. Both are wrong no matter who is doing it.”

        …he says, while accusing ONLY ONE SIDE of genocide.

        1. There is only one side committing Genocide! The Zionists want to steal more land. The other side is trying to keep the land they have lived on for thousands of years.

      1. Israel is a signator to the ICJ. Not following it’s ruling is more than enough to condemn Israel. They can’t even keek their own erd?

        1. “Israel is a signator to the ICJ. Not following it’s ruling is more than enough to condemn Israel. ”

          Israel *IS* following their ruling, though…and always has.

          NO military in the world has EVER gone to the extraordinary lengths to avoid civilian casualties that Israel has. NOT EVER, Joe. They do everything in their power to clear out any innocent civilians (even though those don’t really exist in Gaza, do they?) from areas before they go after Hamas…while Hamas does everything in their power to prevent those human shiel – oops, I mean ‘civilians’ from leaving.

          To continually claim otherwise in the face of all available, verifiable facts is either insanity or flat out LIES.

    2. “Accusations of genocide deemed credible by the International Court of Justice: Preposterous lies. Not worth opposing a single massacre over.”

      Umm…the ICJ just ruled AGAINST you on that accusation (meaning they found it to be NOT credible) Try to keep up.

      “Unsubstantiated claims about UNRWA staff extracted via torture: Gospel truth. Worthy of ending humanitarian support to Gazans for.”

      Oh, wow…seriously?

      UNRWA has been well known and *well documented* to be Hamas supporters for decades now.

      Where have you been, in a cave in the mountains?

  4. “The current positioning of the Shah Mahdavi is a signal that if the Biden Administration, or the Trump election campaign, or their claques in the US Congress decide on making a direct, retaliatory strike against Iranian targets — military personnel, territorial units, or naval vessels — the IGRC will close the Strait of Hormuz. Iran will then be at war with the US, and so will the rest of the world which, until Israel started its war against the Palestinians, depended on the Suez Canal, Red Sea, Persian Gulf, and the Indian Ocean for its energy supply and trade lifelines.”

