21 Replies to “White Oppressors”

  1. Of course somebody is pulling their strings…..the same thing is happening to pretty much every “democracy” in the world. All of them are also pushing centralization to take power away from the provinces/states. Municipalities are also in on the game as we have seen with various idiotic city councils. Provinces need to stand their ground and they also need to put municipal authority back in its box.

  2. I wonder if this is why Biden is paralyzed at the thought of firing anything at anybody in the Middle East, at least to the point of proving anything. He has too many terrorist supporting democrats from various places who long to destroy each other, but don’t want the infidel to do it.

    1. When you are owned and operated by a foreign entity, your options become greatly limited. Try to keep a lid on the pot. Jill wants four more years in the White House so if she can keep Weekend at Bernie’s going, that’s the plan.

  3. Why do Biden and Trudeau always seem to have the same policies? Is someone pulling their strings?

    Yeah, it’s a real head scratcher alright. Geez, I wonder what it could be?
    Megyn Kelly says Obama wants to give his husband Mike a turn at the helm. That isn’t the first time I’ve seen that trotted out, so brace yourself.
    Taylor Swift will make it happen. She’s got the juice.

    1. I’ve heard the only thing keeping Michelle from running is a great fear that she might lose to Donald Trump. That fills her with trepidation. The only way she runs is if she’s guaranteed to win. So if she is nominated at the Dem convention, you know the fix is well in.

      1. “She”, is a “he”. Big Mike. His memoir was called “Becoming”.
        Another huge hoax, right up there with “climate change” and the plandemic. We’ve all got to stop playing by their rules and accepting the language they want to twist and impose into the vernacular.

        1. If you say so. I’m not being politically correct. I’d need a little more than your word, however. For the record, I don’t believe it. I believe that canard has been shot down. Barry is gay though.

      2. “The only way she runs is if she’s guaranteed to win.”

        Well… That may be in the cards!

        Remember… the left doesn’t “win” elections. They TAKE them!

  4. Someone explain to me how the author of a story like this can spend so much time outlining the “quiet quitting” issue and not use the word “merit” once in the article. I can only assume that he doesn’t see the correlation between the eroding of the “merit based” promotion and why ALL workers (not just white) refuse to go that extra mile if there is no benefit beyond the ability to say…”look what I did.”

    In short, skin melanin, sex, and sexual identity all trump performance in the job. Quiet quitting is the logical result. It’s not complicated or unexpected.

  5. Say and do what you want, they don’t care.

    “An evil man will burn his own nation to the ground to rule over the ashes.” — Sun Tzu

  6. Haha!
    Let it all go to hell.
    I doubt there’s anything funner than watching people who reviled you just because you existed, getting gang raped, shot, tortured, enslaved, gelded, whatever.
    The stupid prog Jews are only just realizing who their real allies are – the Deplorables they’ve been shitting on for decades now.
    We told you, we warned you, might have even been a bit of pleading.
    Now it’s all, tough shit.
    Let it all burn and go to hell.

  7. “Lies stacked upon more lies, often driven by a hypocritical ethnic animus and large dollops of self-interest, greed, and idiocy drove the political class ever onward into a hermetically sealed echo chamber of rank bull***t and corruption until they were able to convince themselves that the warped and gaudy insult to civilization they had built was equally capable of the fervour and energy displayed by older, real civilizational forms. And now, at this late stage, they wail ‘What do you mean you don’t find the man in the dress beautiful or this materially impoverished economic zone worth dying for?!'”

  8. Obama’s goal in his third term is to “chip away at white supremacy” by continuing with the genocide by white replacement project. But I guess this is OK since America is an Idea. Apparently an idea that doesn’t include the descendants of the founders.

  9. Biden and Juthtin are both puppets, as were their predecessors, and those before them. The same people control them, as well as the leaders of every other nation of earth. And this has been true for the better part of two centuries.

    Every nation that appears on the surface level to have a form of democracy doesn’t. There is usually an overtly leftist party pushing an agenda to weaken and impoverish its inhabitants, and this party is cheerleaded on by every organ of the state, including the controlled media.

    This is seemingly opposed by another covertly leftist party that pretends (poorly) to be on the right of the political spectrum. It most certainly isn’t. And there’s always some sort of Keystone Kops reason why they are inept and lose every battle of substance. And when in power NEVER implement the same sort of scorched earth policy as their supposed enemies. All ground ceded is considered lost for all time.

    And if ever an actual conservative movement pops up its head, both the leftist parties AND the supposedly conservative governments join forces to attack it.

    The fact that this eludes people is mind-boggling to me. Thinking that if only the mafia elects a new don, his crew will drain the swamp…

  10. ” And there’s always some sort of Keystone Kops reason why they are inept and lose every battle of substance. And when in power NEVER implement the same sort of scorched earth policy as their supposed enemies. All ground ceded is considered lost for all time.”

    Revolting and revoltingly true.
