It’s Good To Be King

Blacklocks- Exec Stands By $100K Bonus

Catherine Tait, the $497,000-a year CEO of the CBC, yesterday declined to forego her $100,000 annual bonus even as the network issues layoff notices. “It is extremely difficult to not have the love,” Tait told the Commons heritage committee: “This is performance pay.”

35 Replies to “It’s Good To Be King”

  1. I’m sorry, but I find it hilarious that the CBC can’t operate effectively, efficiently, and profitably with a $950 Million budget. This woman explains away her “performance” bonus as part of her salary that is held back (and has the potential to be $148,000 in perfect results). So, laying off a massive portion of your work force because of bad performance only results in a 33% reduction in her potential salary bonus hold back. Good work if you can get it.

    Not once does anyone at that hearing mention the most important word….”content.”

    Also, here is the National Post story on the issue that is not behind a paywall.

  2. And what performance standards did she have to meet to get that bonus? Continue breathing?

    1. She performed all right. Lip service for Dear Leader & co + force everyone at CBC to prostitute themselves for theTurd & Librano$.

  3. Another Looter getting theirs as the entire palace burns down around them.

    She cares nothing for the CBC. IF she did, she would publicly and loudly proclaim that the sacrifice of her bonus is the least she can do for the Noble Profession of Journalism!

    She is setting an example. Her example is get mine while the gettings are good.

  4. I say increase her bonus for every layoff. Hell, I’d support her getting a billion dollar bonus if she laid everyone off. You go girl.

  5. A perfect display of socialist mindset.

    In the real (private business) world, bonuses are given for increased PROFITS, innovation that results in increased PROFITS and the like. Because in the real world, the bottom line matters the most.

    In socialism, the primary focus is promotion of the ideology, regardless of results and the enrichment of the rulers. So she was only following the script, treading the same path laid out by all socialist elites in history.

    1. “In the real (private business) world, bonuses are given for increased PROFITS, innovation that results in increased PROFITS and the like. Because in the real world, the bottom line matters the most.”

      Sorry Dirtman, that was before DEI. Now you can run a corporation into the ground and still collect bonuses based on the DEI score you managed to get.

  6. Last week I went to the CBC News website and searched “German Farmers”, a 2014 story about crop circles was all that came up. If anyone ever asks why the CBC was defunded I have an answer for them.

    1. Quite right, Trent. The socialists are all having hysterics about the farm hatred directed against them and their fuel taxes. They don’t know how to deal. Here’s the Guardian’s take on the subject.

      Everything now that opposes them is “far right”. Perhaps the Ceeb is hoping that like “children’s monsters under the bed”, it will just go away of its own accord. Truckers already hate the Ceeb. If they join in like the Grauniad, Canadian farmers will hate them also. And the doors of the Barbara Frum Atrium are not nearly strong enough to withstand a big farm tractor coming through the doorway.

  7. When I do work for people I know are working for the gov’t, I add (or pad, whichever…) an extra $50 in there and it almost always slides by.

    I recommend all people pad invoices when working for folks employed by gov’t. If the work is for actual gov’t, that fee will already be built in but there’s no risk to adding a bit more in there.
    Call it an environmental fee for green processing.
    Call it a whiskey tax. It won’t matter.

  8. So according to page 17 of their annual report, they missed their targets on everything, except Employment Equity representation, and have lowered expectations for 2023-2024, after lowering them for 2022-2023.

    They also improved their year over year loss from $92.1 million to $125.1 million. with a drop of 20% on revenue, and an increase of 2.6% on government funding.

    One might also ask after looking at this report, why they have a block labelled as “Financing, Investing and other income” where that $104.6 Million is coming from? Why is the CBC buying Canada Mortgage Bonds? And seems to be borrowing money to do so…

    1. “Other income”
      My bet is the CBC owns a leasing company that has only one client, the CBC….

  9. Totally immoral, abusive, and a betrayal of the Canadian public. Good ammunition for getting rid of the CBC, once and for all. We will not forget.

  10. Haven’t watched since Kids in the Hall reruns stopped in the 90s. Learned all about faggots and stuff like that. Hilarious.

  11. You guys just want to date her. Same as Freeland.

    Admit it. You fantasize about them as centerfolds.

  12. Ever notice how arrogant are those who get paid ungodly amounts for providing absolutely nothing of value in return?

  13. The CBC wants our money, not our judgement.. We should bow down to our betters by not watching them at all..

  14. No, you, CTV and the handful of other Canadian oligarchy owned gasping dinsaurs ruined TV and radio entirely.
    Take her chauffeur away and debank her.

  15. Telling “our stories,” by people we’ve never heard of, to nobody watching.
    This Grit dinosaur is already dead and doesn’t know it. Some “performance.”
    We need neither their party propaganda nor their second rate programming.
    If it was any good, people would watch it and advertisers would pay for it.
    But they don’t, it requires a massive subsidy/bribe from Grit grifters.
    There’s no escaping that reality, but false narratives abound among the statist sycophants.
