“The Last Refuge of the Pointless Politician

Spiked- I ban, therefore I am

Beware a politician in search of a legacy. Rishi Sunak, in a desperate attempt to find something, anything, to point to as an achievement, has taken to banning things that this teetotal, straight-edge prime minister has probably never tried and clearly doesn’t understand.

10 Replies to ““The Last Refuge of the Pointless Politician”

  1. Beware a politician in search of a legacy

    That and anyone with a “I want to make a difference” in their bio which is code for “I’m a fun governor”.

  2. Why do we give a rat’s ass about politicians in England? First, 1776! Second, they’re already a muztard colony, and the only thing we in America need to do is watch them implode from afar – and prepare to defend ourselves.

    1. We didn’t have an American revolutionary war in Canada. Not that there’s anything wrong with it!

  3. I wonder which Prime Minister’s biography this will fall under.


    Then again I’d be inclined to blame at least the last 10 or 12 for the catastrophe that Britain has become. They all had a hand in it with the help of the British population. After WWII the smart money left Britain when the Labour government was voted. When the money left a sizeable portion of the blue collar class exited over the next ten years. By the time the political class realized what had taken place, late Fifties early Sixties, it was too late to stop the flow. Enter the Seventies and mass migration from third world colonies and later just the third world and the death spiral was unstoppable. Now not content to learn from history we’ve adopted the self same mantra in North America. Our death spiral at the moment is not so steep but there is no doubt we have entered it. Is there a solution? Man’s ingenuity will always find a solution, the question is will it be subjugation, deportation, or revolution, I don’t see any other way out.

  4. Sunak’s *ahem* achievements are indistinguishable from that of Jeremy Corbyn … The UK’s UniParty is as entrenched as the USA’s. Oh … and Canada is simply a Communist State … ruled by a tyrant.

  5. sigh.
    apologies to those have seen this sentiment previously but this examples fits to a ‘T’.
    polllllitiSHUNS, famous for ‘fixing’ one problem by CREATING thousands more . . .

  6. Evidently the political class are still unaware that we’ve all had enough.

    Neil Oliver brought this up a few weeks ago, we see it here in Canada and America with the declining enlistment levels and it is now becoming pandemic.


    Who is going to enlist and fight for politicians, bureaucrats, and elites when successive administrations have destroyed all of the principles and beliefs that helped us create the ideals that elevated them to power.

  7. Stabby stab.. Im quite sure the black market and the courts have better things.. Awwww who am I kidding.. Ban ban ban.. This way we are all criminals for staying warm, eating dinner and the smoke in the car that’s banned anyway..

    The UK is not United or a Kingdom anymore.. Like Canada, it’s a globalist workcamp and you are a inmate..
