18 Replies to “The Part I Like Best”

  1. Why are the stoners whining? Did they REALLY think that just because they weren’t Walgreens that they, too, couldn’t get hit up? Hahaha!

  2. “We keep talking about what we know the problem is,” Kiloh said, “but we are not doing anything about it.”

    That, in a nut-shell, is the problem with the modern world.

  3. “Nice dispensary there. Be a real shame if something were to happen to it. Now we want 15% of your profits, to keep that “something” from happening. Capiche?”

    1. This is one of the things that makes me laugh about Tulsa King. It’s simply not believable that a single mob thug could walk into Oklahoma and take over the entire criminal underworld using nothing but his fists. The first time he tried to put the muscle on a good ol’ boy car dealer he’d get shot.

    2. “we’re from the government, and we are here to help ourselves to 40% of your profits, and we won’t even provide you with protection”

  4. I have never seen the Federal Government voluntarily close down a program or a position where it would reduce the amount of revenue coming into their hands. That’s the fatal flaw of legalized weed. As it is now, the State legalized business is also taxed on a Federal level….massively. And, I don’t see that changing. As a result, drug dealers can continue to sell illegally and for nice profits since they don’t get hammered with and excise tax on their product.

    It’s kind of funny to watch…from a distance.

    1. In California, local sheriffs were pulling over armored cars filled with legal cash profits from dispensaries using Civil Forfeiture as a basis. Then, they would immediately turn the money over to the Federal government which required the dispensary to file suit to recover their legal profits. Of course, the Federal government still considers weed illegal. Part of the deal, is that the recovered money would stay in federal hands except for a “finders fee” which would be paid back to the local California sheriff. This went on for years, and the primary Sheriff that started it was re-elected with 75% of the vote in his region.

      Like I said….this is funny to watch…from a distance.

      1. And the cops are now the robbers (actually, they always were, they just aren’t hiding it as well anymore).

  5. Gosh! Who would have ever thought that by forcing cannabis dispensaries to operate on a strictly cash basis, there would ever be a problem with robberies? Or that it just might be a little more difficult to keep track of how much money flows through the business or how much weed is actually sold?

    Whether you support or oppose legal cannabis, the government efforts to force it to operate on a strictly cash basis was always a bad idea that would guarantee a high level of criminal activity.

    1. Most dispensary robberies are taking place at night. Long after the cash has been deposited in the bank. No … they’re after the CASH CROP … which has just as much value as cash. It matters not whether you could use a credit card to buy your pot.

  6. It is to laugh, oh sure, Hell’s Angels would just throw their arms in the air and say “Oh no!!! Well, I guess that’s it for us!!!!”
    Of course California only threw gas on the fire by immediately tacking on a ridiculous sales tax on legit marijuana. Prop 64: Control, Regulate and Tax Adult Use of Marijuana Act. Let me guess…politicians promised new hospitals and better roads from the proceeds. Yeah, does it all the time.
    Reminds me of Ontario’s cigarette disaster of the 90’s. Liberals thinking and promising better health care and hospitals if they taxed the hell out of a carton of smokes. Non smokers of course were totally on board with it. What they didn’t count on were consumers visiting Mr.”Runs with Wolves” for half the price.
    Every time.

  7. someone clarify please. lm not 100% clear on the target of the criticism here.
    is the normal consumption of weed at issue, is that being the target of the moralists, or is it the gross mismanagement, yet again, by gubbamint of the retail sales?

    otoh it all matches up with my adage
    ‘politishuns are famous for solving one problem by creating 1000s more’
    see above
