7 Replies to “Canadian Tax Dollars Hard at Work Brainwashing Children”

  1. Targeting children is what every extreme socialist regime does. National Socialism in Germany in the 1930s made huge efforts to expand child education in the interests of state ideology. Among its was to break down the nuclear family. In socialism, every person’s first loyalty must be to the state, NOT to the family. Hence, propaganda aimed at children.

    1. 100% on target.
      C in C
      1st St Nicolaas Army
      Army Group True North

    2. The Irony today is that if Germans want to Home School their kids in Germany today (to avoid state ideology), they are accused of being Nazis.

  2. “The CBC has a bizarre propaganda channel targeting children.”

    It’s been around for years, Ezra. It’s called The National.

  3. The article now says…
    “This goes against a previous [[report]] from Feb. 17, 2023, that found that Trudeau’s use of the Emergencies Act was “justified.” ” –emphasis mine.

    Note the edit. Changing the word “ruling” to “report.” Obviously in response to Ezra’s take-down video.
    But does the CBC and Cooper advise it’s children who take in this propaganda that the article has been “edited” or even “updated?”

    Well… to their credit, the following appears at the end of the article:

    Clarification: This story has been updated to refer to Justice Rouleau’s findings with more precision and to more precisely describe the use of the Emergencies Act.

    Correction: We incorrectly said that the Canadian Constitution Foundation and the Canadian Civil Liberties Association were representing protesters, when, in fact, they filed their application in court on behalf of public interest. The story was updated Feb. 2.

    A “clarification” AND a “correction” for the same article! Give them an “E” for effort.
