42 Replies to “Emotional Blackmail, Manipulation, Twisted Logic…”

  1. What happened to the 2S? Not talking about it – bad. Talking about it – bad. They make it so easy to hate this country and half the people in it.

    1. Libs also missed the “I” and the “+”. Justin going to be big time mad about these exclusions.

  2. Harm?
    Struggling is harm to a Liberal.
    And I would say if any policies have harmed kids as a group they have come from the left side of the political spectrum.
    Remember when they just handed stickers out in grade 3 for spelling and such.
    They treat gay people like they are handicapped, I guess you can say the same for women, people of color you name it Liberals (progs) latch on to the weak links of any group like blood suckers.
    They actually asked for a donation at the LCBO for the gay community last summer.
    Insane nonsense.

    1. Shortages of brains are the biggest lieberal problem. The ones they have are not serviceable. (Working order).

      I don’t give a tiny pinch of coon shite about a bunch of perverted stupid _ucks.

      A horde of perverts is not a community, plus that alleged gang has 0 value.

    2. Mugs: you probably already know that if you can get a cash stream activated, i.e. “donation to the LGBT”, you can divert a substream into your own pocket.

    3. If “heteronormativity” was so harmful, how come our parents did so well with it?
      …and their parents?
      …and their parents?

  3. The issue isn’t the Lieberals making the false statement. That’s what liars/politicians (BIRM) do. The issue is the untold [spit] Prog hordes who will unquestionably read the statement, pass it on to other Prog idiots & then all vote for the bastards yet again.

    1. So you got infected with a brain eating parasite, at least people weren’t mean to you.

      Because there are just so many kind people nowadays, you have to find out that actions have consequences the hard way.

  4. Blah, blah, blah.

    I don’t care for, or need to understand, the academic explanations and underpinnings of the acronym folks. I don’t care that their movement, or identity, or whatever they want to call it is being highjacked or co-opted by radicals within their midst. Much like all the supposed “peaceful” mohammedans we are told of, but never hear from, if the majority of the gay/whatever community is distressed by damage to their reputation caused by radicals acting in their name, then they need to loudly publicly condemn them and distance themselves. Otherwise I’m just left to think they’re all after my kids and are mental defectives who silently approve of their comrades agenda and tactics.

  5. Remaining silent is a good idea, and it should not be on any political agenda.

    We already have decent legislation that protects Canadians from unequal legal treatment.

    When was the last Canadian or other person accused and convicted of a hate crime – hello, the law is there?

    Too much information about these issues spews from non-Canadian sources. Canadians mostly are not at all interested in what goes on in other people’s bedrooms or clubs. Mostly, it is others from afar and pathetic women who support wierd causes.

    BTY, can we now eliminate tax-free funding for 90% of NGOs?

    1. I think the last guy the human rights tribunal went after was Ezra Levant, and before him Mark Steyn. A little sunlight and the HRTs scurried like roaches.

  6. When Goebbels Network says “40 groups” is that a reference to all 40 degenerate paedophiles where each individual is called a group?

  7. 500 “likes” for the tweet on X for the #Libranos on this issue in 6 hours.

    Maybe X isn’t the platform for them? Maybe their platform is better focused on CBC – TorStar etc…
    I mean they pay for it anyhow.

  8. Libranos, standing-up-for again. Justin has his panties twisted. Hope the muslims are watching.

  9. Well why should the feds say anything about it? It’s a provincial matter. None of their bloody business. But to be clear, the vast, VAST majority of Canadians are in lock step with what Alberta is doing. Only the kids screaming at the supermarket checkout demanding their parents buy them candy are against it.

    And meanwhile, the Conservatives fight for the safety of children in general so they don’t get butchered.

  10. “The Conservatives refused to comment! Those B@$tard$!!!!!”

    My eyes are rolling here.

    1. It’s no coincidence that the Lieberals fortunes NOSEDIVED last year, during Sodom and Gomorrah month, for which the LIEberals have never recovered. It wasn’t housing costs or availability, as pollsters and the media will tell you.
      Shows the Lieberals are THICK between the ears, and want another beating.

  11. Typical LIEberals.
    Like socialists everywhere, THEY think the state owns the children.
    They conveniently ignore that children are the responsibility of Family First, not the Nannystate!
    There’s a special place in hell for Castreau!

  12. I take comfort in the fact that these demons can’t reproduce and the life style kills them early in life …..

    1. They do reproduce by exposing children to their perversion. They don’t necessarily want to molest children, they’d be happy just to make more of themselves. It’s not about more sex it’s about more sterility.

      Really, think, sex is a reproductive function. They’ve stopped reproducing and their goal is to stop others from reproducing.

  13. Hey Pierre? Why the Sssssshhh?

    Did Danielle sound like Christine Anderson or something?

    1. Because he is too smart to take the bait for a “have you stopped beating your wife question”. I’ll give you an answer though, because D Smith knows turning Trudeau into a man, or Rosie Barton into a woman is impossible, even with radical surgery.

        1. Well the CPC did go 100% for criminalizing dissent on loping off little girls boobs, sniping off boys penises, filling them full of hormones or saying abortion is sinful.
          CPC also went 100% on criminalizing conversion therapy (includes trying to have a boy stop pretending to be a girl).

          When people tell you who they are, believe them.

          1. “Well the CPC did go 100% for criminalizing dissent on loping off little girls boobs, sniping off boys penises, filling them full of hormones or saying abortion is sinful.
            CPC also went 100% on criminalizing conversion therapy (includes trying to have a boy stop pretending to be a girl).”

            And accusing all Canadians of perpetrating a ‘genocide’ on our indigenous people.

            “When people tell you who they are, believe them.”

            I do. That’s why I can’t vote for them this time.

      1. Rosie has/is a mad cow.

        Socialists cannot and will never be able to provide a single working example of socialism.

        So they’re without purpose.

      2. Peter, B I N G O.
        For some reason Jamie wants PP to keep throwing bones to the Libranos for no conceivable benefit to the Conservatives but lots of triggers for the Libranos to launch their infamous smears.
        His reponse — s i l e n c e — is precisely the correct one.
        You’re right: PP is too smart to take the bait.

        1. As if sheep need to be reminded that the only thing they can say is baaaaaaaaahhhhhh.

          1. Well, we each have our cross to bear. Liberals have to pretend JT is not a useless, illegal Trust fund faggot, that is harder than bahhhh.

  14. Interesting that the Liberals would go there. Polls seem to show that the majority of Canadians side with Smith’s policies.

  15. Perverts, deviants, insane “trans”, the scum of the earth want to destroy all that is good and moral.
