37 Replies to “He Shoots! He Rapes!”

  1. Being accused and name published along with disclosure agreements should be illegal…
    Not letting the legal process to run it’s course by actual by partisan officials not reliant on politicians for their paychecks and media steering the narrative with their deception in opinionated it’s interview rather than being truthful has decimated our trust in the current truth that is out their to be informed to make rational decisions.

    Corruption is really bad out there with everything endangered, illegal and need government regulations.

    1. Many smart celebrities and politicians refuse to be interviewed by our current media as they’re known quite well to spin the interview into something different from what they agreed to be interviewed for.

      Why after the agreement and payments by these players is now being changed?
      Now into a crime that would be difficult to prove if corruption isn’t pushing for a different narrative?
      I can pretty much guarantee it was the media that went to the police to make this issue into a criminal investigation.

    2. Would it be possible to automatically attach this query after each and every one of JoDog’s posts?

  2. It’s likely that Jewish players will be banned from the NHL in the future. Or at least be forced to wear the Star of David, so the Muslim population in the stands can throw objects at them.

  3. Stopped watching hockey years ago…too many teams. I’m an original 6 kinda guy. Player loyalty no longer exists because of the money, so there’s that.
    I’m a huuuuuuuge fan of the NFL but I see subtleties that makes me think it’ll be flag football before too long not to mention questionable referee calls that gets a guy thinking that maybe there’s an outcome predetermined by people who aren’t connected to the game in any way.

    1. i doubt if the powers that be will push to have Travis Swift or Taylor Kelce win the super bowl. They have already won by having tens of millions of Gen Z teenagers and young adults tune in to watch the luxury boxes for a glimpse of their hero.

      It will be a big blow to the league when they break up. Might as well move along, nothing to see here.

  4. OT: Supreme Court of Canada has decided that communications by authorities concerning mandates are not to be made available for FOI requests.

    1. It also proves they have something to hide. If they didn’t have something to hide. Recall that video out of Australia I saw where a senator protested the government would be violating people’s rights by this action. The other government types just laughed at her and agreed they were indeed violating rights but who cared? It would take people years to get any law suite through the courts even if someone could afford it. I suspect the same kind of total disregard for our rights went on in Turdo land.

  5. Pro sports should be apolitical.
    I watch sports to forget about the shitty world.
    I’d be happy to no longer hear the shitty Canadian anthem – I usually mute it or pause/FF.
    I’ll give him credit, Kiana the Pig will be banned when Gary Bettman finds out.

    1. “I’d be happy to no longer hear the shitty Canadian anthem – I usually mute it or pause/FF.”

      Same here. I haven’t actually seen the beginning of a hockey game for a few years now…ever since Justin Trudeau unilaterally decided to change the words of the Canadian national anthem. 75% of Canadians told Stephen Harper *not* to change the words…he didn’t. The same 75% told Trudeau not to change them…he did it anyway.

      On the plus side, I am also not exposed to the obligatory pandering to natives or gays.

    2. Then you’ll be thrilled to hear the “Black National Anthem” performed at next week’s Super Bowl … speaking of woke Pro Sports Leagues.

      1. If I ponied up the massive cash for Superbowl tickets I’d gladly stand for the Star Spangled Banner. And I’d happily sit down when they started playing this leftwing POS


    3. I watch sports to forget about the shitty world.

      I haven’t watched hockey in decades–lots of decades. Haven’t watched baseball in at least 3 decades, either. Used to watch NFL/CFL/college football until they started taking the knee. Used to watch NBA until they started taking the knee & began promoting all this BLM shite. Switched over to the WNBA for a couple weeks until they, too, got woke. Stopped watching F1 when that prick down in Kaybeck started green preaching. Currently I watch very little sports at all and find no massive holes in my life. Mebbe some NLL every so often.

      Fug ’em. Fug ’em all.

  6. Progressive bigots are as bad now as they were in the 1930’s when they called themselves national socialists.

    Leftist corporate media awarded themselves Pulitzer Prizes even back then for promoting anti-semitism and ignoring left wing atrocities.

    Where the hell are all those fancy big mouth liberals who have said for decades since World War Two that they would have spoken out against the targeting of Jews?

    Out of all the lies and bullshit our “betters” give us this one is particularly egregious.

  7. NHL had been losing me but I stopped after:
    – struggle sessioned Don Cherry Nov 2019
    – sided with the domestic abuser, sexual assaulter Jacob Blake Aug 2020
    NHL, NHLPA: “We understand that the tragedies involving Jacob Blake, George Floyd, Breonna Taylor and others require us to recognize this moment. We pledge to work to use our sport to influence positive change in society.”
    – joined queer agenda (2021-2022 every team did ‘pride’ nights)
    – discriminated against those who didn’t get mRNA injections 2021

    It’s a political psyop.

  8. Those darn kids that didn’t grow up with the television set as the centre of family life. They weren’t educated to understand that Israel is so sacred to the wellbeing of Canada. A lost generation.

  9. They will take every chance to torment you.. As delusional as team vaccine.. It’s not so much the facts as the thumbs up on your selfie..

  10. Kiana —- the Desert sands are calling you—- why don’t you take your Broom and fly away to them!!

    1. Kiana should go back to Africa, where there’s no racism, and everyone is treated with respect.

      I’d specifically suggest northern Nigeria.

  11. // blatant antisemitism appearing on the ice … keffiyeh //

    Jan 23, 2023
    Gideon Zelermyer wears his kippah every day no matter what he’s up to, so naturally enough he has it on his head when he sings the national anthems at Montreal Canadiens games. […] He said wearing the kippah has taken on another meaning since the passing in 2019 of Bill 21, Quebec’s controversial secularism law …

    Battle of symbols metastasizing.

    1. I’ve never heard of a Jew calling for the death of all Muslims or the destruction of all their countries nor has it ever been an Israeli policy. Your comparison is invalid.

      1. The comparison is about symbols.
        And for the rest, get acquainted with some Israeli settlers, or the odd Israeli
        cabinet minister, or the Kahanist misanthrope who visits this august venue.
        After a Decade Inside the Most Radical Circles of Israel’s Far-right, He’s Ready to Tell All

        1. “After a Decade Inside the Most Radical Circles of Israel’s Far-right, He’s Ready to Tell All”

          Funny thing about that tiny minority of extremists in Israel…when they step out of line and commit violent acts against ‘Palestinians’, they are *arrested*, tried and imprisoned. When the ‘Palestinians’ do the same to the Israelis, they get cash payments and a big party or parade thrown for them.

        2. extremists in Israel…
          when they step out of line and commit violent acts against ‘Palestinians’,
          [are *arrested*, tried and imprisoned.] get more land

          When the ‘Palestinians’ do the same to the Israelis, they
          get [cash payments and a big party or parade thrown for them] killed.

  12. l never got the thing about WATCHING sports. WATCHING the player score WATCHING the ball bounce into the cup WATCHING a curious mathematically explicable random path the puck makes.
    is it true it all ends in an anti-BigBang when all possible puck trajectories have happened?

    my team sports was pretty much spent on the bench, esp mr weak ankle national sport.

    all is not lost, lve been cycling for 60 years, well within optimum condition for my age.

    watching watching watching watching seriously??
    watch & learn doesnt include pro sports.

  13. Perhaps, it is time that Canada repatriated our game. It was more interesting when we had just 6 teams and no iced politics.
