10 Replies to “O, Sweet Saint Of San Andreas”

  1. Ki Gross.
    Yes, it certainly is.
    If a temblor opened up the fault and it fell in it’d probably get spit back out.

  2. Not to worry. Coming from this current crop of young students, the next generation of education analysts will adopt more up-to-date parameters for those subjects, creating a reformed version of academic excellence.

  3. 4% proficient in math and 12% in English?

    I’m surprised the percentages are that high given that those subjects apparently aren’t taught at that school.

  4. “Former President Donald Trump revealed Saturday that he plans to shut down the Department of Education if he retakes the White House in 2024.”
    “Axing the Department of Education is part of an education platform Mr. Trump will announce on March 13, he told reporters at the Conservative Political Action Conference.”
    “It’s time,” Mr. Trump said. “Close it up. When you look at the list of countries, we’re always at the bottom [on education]. We spend more money per pupil and we’re always at the bottom of a list of 40 countries. And we should close it up and let local areas, and frankly, states, handle education.”


    as if there wasn’t already enough reasons to vote for for Trump in 9 months…

  5. Certainly keeping our society ignorance really is astonishing.
    Engineering strategies and some of the most innovative people have found strategies that have worked to enlightened themselves to a whole new level that most of us don’t understand but are quite happy to use their innovation.
    Incorporated of incompetence has us using the same wind turbine’s worldwide and not at all looking at its engineering design to efficiency.
    Simple test…
    Draw a circle within a circle within a circle. You have 3 different sizes here.
    Now measure the length of each one and they’re different.
    Put that up again the wind turbine and see different particles trailing at different lengths.
    Rotations right gives the movement of northern hemisphere.
    Rotations left gives the movement of southern hemisphere.

    Our politicians have made a joke and mockery of our education and knowledge base with idiotic experts paid by them.
    None will advise to do a proper inventory of our resources as we’ve got to technology to do that without the current guesstimate currently used.

  6. The sooner the better is the answer to the base level question.
    When should kalifornia slide into the ocean? And by that I mean every last horseturd.

  7. School boards need to be eliminated and provincial/state politicians held directly accountable.

  8. I’ve lived in my safe, peaceful, suburb with a TOP State and Nationally ranked public school district since 1965. It used to be a decidedly conservative community of people who all respected each other and prized our schools.


    The leftists multi-culti experimentation in the East Bay turned the place to shit. See: Oakland, CA. And our little peaceful suburb has been inundated by “good liberals” all fleeing the sewer they created. Sadly … they’re bringing their woke brand of idiocy here to my suburb … including Drag Queen story times for kindergartners at our local public library.
